Culture Corner
Culture Program
The Wabano Centre’s culture program offers services to individuals, families and groups incorporating Aboriginal beliefs, values and traditions that promote holistic healing. Our services focus on strengthening and healing our community mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Services offered:
- Talking circles
- Access to Wabano’s Cedar Lodge with appointment
- Craft workshops
- Elder consultations: one-on-one and group sessions
- Protocol workshops and teachings on traditional medicines
- Seasonal ceremonies
For more information, contact:
Lynn Fletcher
Culture Coordinator
Phone: (613) 748-0657 ext. 222
Fax: (613) 748-9364
Traditional Medicines
This information was collected from the Anishnawbe Health Centre in Toronto. Teachings vary from region to region.
Cedar has many restorative medicinal uses. A bath in cedar water can be healing. Cedar is used to purify the home and in fasting and sweat lodge ceremonies as a form of protection. For example, cedar branches cover the floor of the sweat lodge. Cedar sits in the Northern door.
Tobacco is used as an offering, in ceremony and prayer. Tobacco is always offered first to Elders and Healers when seeking help or guidance. Tobacco is put down before picking medicines. Tobacco sits in the eastern door.
Sage is used to prepare people for ceremonies and teachings. Sage is used for releasing what is troubling the mind and for removing negative energy. Sage is commonly used for smudging. It is also used for cleansing homes and sacred items. Sage sits in the western door.
Sweetgrass is the sacred hair of Mother Earth. Its sweet aroma reminds people of the gentleness, love and kindness she has for the people. Sweetgrass has a calming effect. It is used for smudging and purification. Sweetgrass sits in the southern door.
Local Aboriginal Organizations
Odawa Native Friendship Centre
12 Stirling Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 1P8
Tel: (613) 722-3811
Fax: (614=3) 722. 4667
Minwaashin Lodge
424 Catherine Street, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1R 5T8
Tel: (613) 741-5590
Fax: (613) 748-8311
Métis Nation of Ontario
500 Old St. Patrick. St., Unit 3
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9G4
Tel: (613) 798-1488
Toll Free: (800) 263-4889
Fax: (613) 722-4225
Métis Nation Council
350 Sparks St., Suite 201
Ottawa, ON, K1R 7S8
Tel: (613) 232-3216
Fax: (613) 232-4262
Toll Free: (800) 928-6330
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
75 Albert Street
Suite 1101
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1P 5E7
Phone: 1 (613) 238-8181
toll-free (Canada) 1 (866) 262-8181
Fax: 1 (613) 234-1991
Seasonal Teachings/ Events
- Culture Night Program- A program for Aboriginal families to take part in a variety of cultural activities. (Family drum circle, traditional teachings, Aboriginal crafts and more).
- Drum Circle- Aboriginal women’s drum circle (drums provided)
- Tea & Bannock with our Elders- Elders visit from Iskotew & Kumik Lodge. Book an individual visit or group teachings.
- Seasonal Celebrations- Inuit and Metis Day Celebrations, Spring Celebration, Fall Harvest, Strawberry Tea, Winter Solstice etc.
- Craft Workshops- Aboriginal crafts ie. Drum making, moccasins, cradleborard, Inukshuks, etc.
- Cermonies- Sweatlodge, Medicine Walks, Drum Awakening ceremonies
- Cultural Supplies and Resources- Medicines, drums , videos, booklets, fact sheets, digital images.
- Outreach- Supplies and material for school presentations and information booths.
- Lunch and Learn- Monthly information sessions including staff time with Elders
Bookings (speak to an elder, cultural sensitivity training, drumming, cultural performances)
For more information, contact:
Bruce Ransom
Culture Department Lead
Phone: (613) 748-0657 ext. 205
Fax: (613) 748-9364
Lynn Fletcher
Culture Department Coordinator
Phone: (613) 748-0657 ext. 222
Fax: (613) 748-9364