Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Bay Indies Home Owners Association
Friday, March 14, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by President Anthony Pinzone.
Roll Call: Glenn Eastman, Anthony Tremonto, Joseph Floyd, Joan Sass, Anthony Pinzone, Sharon Michel, Merle Landau, William Butts, and Hank Curran. Absent: Richard Welch.
The minutes of the February 13th meeting and the Executive session were approved. Motion made by Hank Curran, seconded by Merle Landau – Motion passed.
Treasurers Report: Joseph Floyd gave his report as follows: Money Market Acct. balance of $ 84,142.57 plus the Checking Acct. balance of $ 4,702.91 less the Disbursements of
$2,549.02 leaving a checking acct. balance of 2,153.89 and a total combined balance as of Feb. 29, 2008 of $ 86,296.46. A motion to accept the report was made by William Butts and seconded by Hank Curran. Motion passed. Mr. Floyd continued to say that the current rate of interest was 3.59 and that as of March 7th we had 804 total memberships paid.
Correspondence: The following correspondence was sent to the Board:
1- Note from Joyce Logan thanking the Board for the flowers.
2- Letter from Paul Lidrbauch- Posadas West, copies were sent to Roger Maynard, Danny Ellis, Judy Lounsbury, Charlie Crist, Doug Holder, Charles Bronson-regarding rents in Bay Indies The letter addressed the new rental based on market values and stated that the increase is not called for when compared to other parks they receive more in services than Bay Indies homeowners do and pay higher lot rentals. Mr. Lidrbauch’s letter stated that there is not equivalent bench standards in rents.
3- An application was made to Tallahassee Community College- to register Bay Indies for the Manufactured Housing and Mobile Home migration and enhancement program
4- Letter from Cynthia Shepard- open letter to residents regarding joining the association.
Discussion followed regarding using the letter. Letter will be revised and resubmitted
to the Communications Committee for insert in the Newsletter
5-Anthony Pinzone complied with ELS by submitting an updated listing of Board members, names and addresses.
6- Community Associations Institute Trade Show: Hank and Anthony attended the show. It was interesting but geared more to Business rather than Associations.
7- Received 2008 Community Association Leadership Conference notice of March 22nd supported by Becker & Poliakoff.
8- Jan. 31st –Joint mtg. of Venice Mobile Home Parks – besides the fire assessment discussion there were other issues discussed. Anthony said he would be willing to run the next meeting but then each park should take a turn. Consensus was to continue to hold joint meetings.
9- A letter from resident, Jerry Tubbs regarding ELS not having decals on their unoccupied homes. His research established that if the homes are not occupied decals are not needed. According to Mr. Tubbs there are several that appear to be occupied with no decals. The Board agreed to investigate this matter.
10. Letter from the Mayor thanking us for tickets to show. The letter stated that he could not attend because his wife had open heart surgery.
11- Letter from David Mueller regarding information which seemed to more relevant to condos etc. The letter will be filed with Board legal material.
12- A letter from Becker & Poliakoff- acknowledgement of hiring them.
13- Meeting with Bay Lakes board- Joan King wants to meet again. Their new Board will be elected April lst. They are very much interested in a joint endeavor to purchase both parks.
14- 2008 not for profit papers filed.
15- Filed ll20 H Income tax form was filed on Feb. 29th, 2008
16- APR dues revised to 1245.00 concern about the1309.00 charge due to fewer residents in the Park. It was tabled for action at Board Executive session today.
17- Anthony distributed new directory of Board members. Asked Board members to review for possible corrections.
18- Anthony also distributed a revised committee assignments listing. Anthony stated that if there are any objections to Board assignments- now is the time to state so.
19. Distributed annual report. with amended Board names and addresses etc. to ELS so they know who we are.
20. Letter to Mayor – regarding Fire Dept. assessment thanking him for his support and understanding of Bay Indies’ position on fire tax assessment. Fire Departments should be funded through City budget and not through the individual homeowners.
21.-Letter to Shannon Staub, County Commissioner: regarding meeting 2/13/08 advising her that we would like to discuss 6 items: Comprehensive Planning Commission relative to affordable housing; County, City Joint Plan; Neighborhood grant program; Moratorium on mobile home park conversions; Community Development Block Grants and Candidates Night-which we agreed to invite Shannon to be a part of since she is running for reelection. Suggested working on advisory committee. Sarasota County Neighborhood Grant program was given to the Secretary to call regarding eligibility and information on grants.--Suggested a change in the verbiage of the County Comprehensive Plan- regarding Mobile Homes. Place a moratorium on conversion of Mobile Home parks to such things as condos, private homes. Commission establish a working advisory committee regarding rezoning of Mobile Home Parks. We stated that that we would be pleased to serve on such a committee.
A copy was sent to Ed Martin-and we received a response from him stating that he asked his staff to review.
22- Anthony asked each board member to read article from Becker & Poliakoff regarding removal or eviction of tenants by community associations.
23-Anthony stated that Bill Butts and he have been meeting with Judy Lounsbury regarding rental disputes.
Judy said one of the four will be revised – the other 3 three she is challenging Anthony then requested that she review again and Judy again refused.
24- Last summers we received a proposed rental agreement from BI management which we are not signing because pages missing, and some paragraphs did not make any sense.
25- Anthony reported that a Negotiations Committee meeting was held yesterday and reserves comments on it for Executive Session.
26- Met new park manager – Angela Price, who seems anxious to work with us and get the Park in good condition
Judy Lounsberry, the Regional Manager, told Angela, the new manager, that she is only required by ELS to meet once a month with a representative group of the Board and that the Service Committee seems to be the body which she will meet with once a month.
Anthony informed her that the Service Committee does not represent all the members of the Board and that she should attend our Board meetings.
Committee Reports:
Bill Butts spoke at Coordinating Council meeting. Recent Information Coffee Hour was one of the best we have had.
Bill Butts suggested that the new manager attend the coffee hours.
Legislative Committee Report: FMO and the FMHA-went to Representative Grant’s office, who has agreed to consider to put our proposal in for the right of first refusal. The FMHA objected to his consideration of transfer of title because of its common practice within large corporations to have transfers of title for tax purposes within subsidiary corporations. Their objection was that if the right of first refusal was placed into statute these internal transfers would be challenged by the parks. Anthony submitted an alternative viewpoint that if it were an internal transfer we as residents would not consider the sale to an outside agency conversely any sale other than an internal transfer would consummate the grounds of a sale and would reserve the right of first refusal. Travis Moore said he spoke to Rep. Grant and if it was an appropriate exclusion for internal transfers, it could appear in a bill that has been presented-and could be tacked on as a compatible amendment. Anthony met with Rep. Reagan who said he would be supportive and he chairs this committee. Anthony noted that there seems to be more progress this year. Travis said he would be happy to try to get right of first refusal- and asked if we would drop all the other things we have on the agenda with him if we could get the right of first refusal this session. The answer was yes. Hank.Curran asked why the FMO and the FMHA were seen together. Anthony said they seemed to be joined at the hip. Travis said they have vowed to fight us again this year.
Service Committee: Mr. Butts said the committee met this past Wednesday. at 11:00 a.m. Reviewed some carry over problems. The Committee discussed some social issues of people not able to take care of themselves in the Park. Park should be notified and should contact the caretaker. Sewer drains (house to sewer) requires a call to the City of Venice and they will determine whether it is their responsibility or yours. It is being defined by the Park manager and should be answered by April. The Park is moving ahead with signs to define the location of common buildings, making it easier for ambulance service to know which building to come to. Judy agreed to complete the sound and lighting in Indies Hall and to procure security signs for the park. There are some illegal residents in the Park- a woman with a baby and there was discussion on that. Complaints on new home warranties was discussed. The kayak parking lot has been completed. A report was that the well drilling-on one has been completed and second is to be finished shortly. Capital Budget has not been approved yet but should be forthcoming from ELS to know about other improvements to be made in the Park.
Karl Kristensen questioned the repair of the tire pump at Bay House. Bill said the Committee was not aware of the problem but will be added to the Service Committee list.
Election and Nominating Committee: Merle Landau will pass along all his information on the elections to the new Chair, Tony Tremonto Anthony Pinzone said there will be a major push in the early Fall to recruit members for the Board since many are up for election and two will be finished after the Negotiations are complete.
Communications Committee- Joan Sass: Stated that the Committee met and discussed the information for the forthcoming newsletter. They brainstormed on something to catch the attention – different colored paper.
All information is in and typing and editing is being done and hopefully all will be produced by the end of next week. There will be a survey as to how people might prefer to read the Newsletter: on the Bay Indies Homeowners website, for those who have a computer, as well as to determine how many people have access to a computer. It would save money and probably be a more efficient way to produce the newsletter via the website.
Membership: Hank Curran said 62 letters had been sent to people absent from the park including 9 which went to the United Kingdom.
Comprehensive Plan Review Committee: Mr. Eastman: nothing further to report
Fund Raising Show: Mr. Welch: was not present
Holiday Tree Decorations: Joe Floyd: Nothing to report
Executive Committee: Anthony Pinzone: Nothing to report.
Old Business: Park Manager did not come so there was no comment
Eastern Regional Manager did not come- thus no report.
Alliance of Park Residents: Hank Curran reported annual meeting was held- expanded the Board from nine to ten members- representation on both coasts – goal is to have membership in every county and in the interior sections.
BIHOA Fund Raiser – 2008 Show Charge 6180.00 Cost 3075.00 Profit 3104.50
2007 Show Charge 5520.00 Cost 3345.00 Profit 2175.00
Mr. Welch had a meeting with Pat Weis who has suggested another group and rehiring ReCreation back. The group changes their show every year. The decision on a show may be finalized at April Coffee Hour.
Monthly Rental Agreement as reported earlier, amounts in question- three still in question. Joan Lounsbury has said they are correct- Anthony Pinzone disagrees.
Proposed ELS Rental Agreement, as reported earlier, is still in a state of disarray. Nothing will be signed until the missing pages are provided and the language is reviewed.
New Business: Karl Kristensen talked about his concern regarding the scheduled painting and improvements to Indies Hall. There is a conflict regarding the huge hanging lamp in the hall interfering with the sound and amplifiers. He is recommending that it be removed since they will be doing repainting and a question of removal of asbestos should it exist. Dave Higgins rewired four empty 20 amps. outlets. He is a licensed electrician. His bill was 450.00.
Some of the Clubs will help to pay for this charge.
Edwin Gopfert of 894 Exuma Ave. asked about the Backflow device. The charge on our water bills is being passed on to all residences in Venice who use the water. It is a fee levied on everyone living in Venice.
There was no other business from the public – a reminder of the next meetings: April llth and May 2nd .
Adjournment was at 2:55 P.M. with a motion made by Bill. Butts and seconded by Merle. Landau.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Shepard
Recording Secretary
Joan Sass,