Table 1: Plant species common in the Indian Himalayas and the Slovenian Alps and their use for curing diseases by the local inhabitants
Sl no. / Species / English name / Family / Vernacular name / Plant part used / UsesSlovenian Alps / Indian Himalayas / Slovenian Alps / Indian Himalayas / Slovenian Alps / Indian Himalayas
1 / Achillea millefolium / Common Yarrow / Asteraceae / navadni rman / gandrain / whole plant / whole plant / spasmolytic, choleretic, astringens, antiseptic, anti-inflammator / tonic, toothache, cough, cold
2 / Aconitum napellus / Aconite Monkshood, Friar's Cap, Helmet Flower, / Ranunculaceae / repičasta preobjeda / shringi Bish / tuber / tuber / for neuralgia, rheumatism and sciatica / rheumatism, hunting wild animal by rubbing at the tip of arrow, it is poisonous
3 / Acorus calamus / Calamus, Flagroot, Sweet Cane, Sweetflag / Acoraceae /Araceae / pravi kolmež / bach / rhizome / rhizome / increasing concentration; remedy for stomach, intestinal troubles and digestive problems; emmenagogue / gastric complaints, jaundice, bronchitis
4 / Arabis alpina / Alpine rockcress / Brassicaceae / alpski repnjak
5 / Arctium lappa / Burdock / Asteraceae / navadni repinec, gozdni repinec / kangli kut / root / root / to treat skin infections, acne, cuts and wounds; diuretic / gastric complaints
6 / Artemisia absinthium / Wormwood / Asteraceae / pravi pelin / bhurse / leaves; flowering tops / leaf / cholagagoue; stomachic; antiseptic, antispaspomodic, carminative, insect repellent, anthelmintic / wounds, skin ailments
7 / Atropa belladonna / Deadly Nightshade / Solanaceae / volčja češnja / jharka, shafoo / fruit / psychological disorder
8 / Caltha palustris / Cow's-lip, Marsh Marigold, Marshmarigold / Ranunculaceae / navadna kalužnica / leaf, seed / eye disorder, epilepsy
9 / Campanula latifolia / Giant Bellflower, Great Bellflower / Campanulaceae / širokolistna zvončica / root, leaf / uro-genital ailments
10 / Campanula rotundifolia / Harebell / Campanulaceae / okroglolistna zvončica / flower
11 / Cannabis sativa / Hemp / Cannabaceae / navadna konoplja / bhang / seeds (leaves) / flower / antispasmodic, antirheumatic, to treat pneumonia and skin diseases / psychological disorder
12 / Capsella bursa-pastoris / Shepherd's-purse / Brassicaceae / navadni plešec / botlya / above-ground parts / whole plant / stopping haemorrhages of all kinds (internal, external); remedy for jaundice and gout / cut and wounds
13 / Chaerophyllum hirsutum / Hairy Chervil / Apiaceae / dlakavo trebelje / bathua / seed, leaf / skin diseases, urinary trouble
14 / Convolvulus arvensis / Creeping Jenny, Field Bindweed, Field Morningglory, Small Bindweed / Convolvulaceae / njivski slak / heyranpatu / flowering above-ground parts; rhizome / whole plant / diuretic, cholagogue / Burns
15 / Cynodon dactylon / Bermudagrass, Dog's-tooth-grass, Indian Doab / Poaceae / prstasti pesjak / doob / root, Leaf / snake bite, fever, blood purification
16 / Dactylis glomerata / Cock's-foot, Hardgrass, Orchardgrass, Rough Cock's-foot-grass / Poaceae / navadna pasja trava / aerial parts / Fodder
17 / Fagopyrum tataricum / Tartary Buckwheat / Polygonaceae / nora ajda, tatarska ajda / phapher / seed / Tonic
18 / Gagea lutea / Yellow Star of Bethlehem / Liliaceae / rumena pasja čebulica
19 / Galium odoratum / Sweet Woodruff / Rubiaceae / dišeča lakota / flowering above-ground parts / anthelmintic, diuretic, antispasmodic, cardiac
20 / Geranium pratense / Meadow Cranesbill, Meadow Geranium / Geraniaceae / travniška krvomočnica / leaf, flower / diarrhoea, headache
21 / Hippophae rhamnoides / Common Sea-buckthorn / Elaeagnaceae / navadni rakitovec / amesh / seed, fruit / aphrodisiac, lung disorder
22 / Humulus lupulus / Hop / Canabinaceae / navadni hmelj / strobiles / flower / sedative, spazmolitic, diuretic / Tonic
23 / Hyoscyamus niger / Black Henbane / Solanaceae / črni zobnik / fruit / toothache
24 / Hypericum perforatum / St.Johnswort / Hypericaceae / šentjanževka; krčnica / flowering above-ground parts / leaf / sedative, anti-inflammatory, for wounds and burns, spasmolytic, astringent / cut, wounds, bleeding
25 / Hyssopus officinalis / Hyssop / Lamiaceae / navadni ožepek / flowers, leaves / shoot / expectorant, diaphoretic, carminative, anti-inflammatory (ears, eyes) / digestion, respiratory disorders
26 / Juglans regia / Common Walnut Tree / Juglandaceae / navadni oreh / akhrot / leaves; flowering tops / bark, leaf, fruit / remedy for diabetes and jaundice; anti-inflammatory, astringent, treatment of constipation, diarrhoea; insect bites, prevent hair loss / toothache, frost bite
27 / Juniperus communis / Common Juniper / Cupressaceae / navadni brin / bedaru / fruit / leaf / diuretic; antiseptic, stomachic, carminative, tonic, expectorans, antirheumatic / kidney disorder
28 / Leontopodium alpinum / Alpine Edelweiss / Asteraceae / planika, očnica
29 / Mentha longifolia / Horse Mint / Lamiaceae / dolgolistna meta / pudeena / whole plant / indigestion, vomiting
30 / Morus alba / White Mulberry / Moraceae / bela murva / shahtoot / fruit / fruit, bark / edible / sore throat, dyspepsia
31 / Origanum vulgare / Oregano / Lamiaceae / navadna dobra misel / ban tulsi / flowering tops / whole plant / anti-inflammatory, to treat various respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis, carminative; mild sedative; edible / diarrhoea, bronchitis, sacred species
32 / Orobanche purpurea / Yarrow Broomrape / Orobanchaceae / škrlatni pojalnik
33 / Oxyria digyna / Mountain Sorrel / Polygonaceae / alpski kislec / whole plant / fever, indigestion
34 / Pedicularis palustris / Marsh Lousewort / Scrophulariaceae / močvirski ušivec
35 / Phleum alpinum / Alpine Timothy / Poaceae / alpski mačji rep / shoot / Fodder
36 / Pinus sylvestris / Scotch Pine / Pinaceae / rdeči bor / shoots, leaves (needles) / irritant (oil), to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis; blood cleanser, spazmolitic, wound healing
37 / Plantago major / Broadleaf Plantain, Greater Plantain / Plantaginaceae / veliki trpotec / isabgol / leaves, herb / shoot / antitussive, adstringens, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, useful for insects bite / indigestion
38 / Poa alpina / Alpine Bluegrass / Poaceae / alpska latovka
39 / Poa annua / Annual Bluegrass / Poaceae / enoletna latovka
40 / Polygonatum multiflorum / Salomon's-seal / Convallariaceae / mnogocvetni salomonov pečat / khaul / root / urinary and genital disorders
41 / Polygonatum verticillatum / Whorled Solomon's-seal / Convallariaceae / vretenčasti salomonov pečat / salam mishri / root / aphrodisiac, nervine tonic, wound
42 / Polygonum aviculare / Knotgrass, Prostrate Knotweed, Wireweed / Polygonaceae / ptičja dresen / above-ground parts / astringent, to treat lung disorders, bronchitis, jaundice, gall and kidney stones; anthelmintic (tincture)
43 / Polygonum viviparum / Alpine Bistort, Serpent-grass / Polygonaceae / živorodna dresen / whole plant / dysentery, ulcer
44 / Prunella vulgaris / Healall, Selfheal / Lamiaceae / navadna črnoglavka / flowering plant / whole plant / astringent, to stop bleeding in gastro intestinal tract, and lungs; remedy for diarrhea and diabetes; / gastric disorder
45 / Rhodiola rosea / Rose-root / Crassulaceae / rožni koren, navadni rožni koren
46 / Sagina saginoides / Arctic Pearlwort / Caryophyllaceae / alpski pitomec / whole plant / headache
47 / Salix alba / White Willow / Salicaceae / bela vrba / bark, leaves / bark / used for fevers and inflammations, antiseptic and astringent; diuretic, for treating dandruff, mildly antiseptic, used as a mouthwash for sore gums, a gargle for tonsillitis / Fever
48 / Silene alpestris / Alps Campion / Caryophyllaceae / planinski slanozor
49 / Solanum nigrum / Black (berry) Nightshade, Common Nightshade / Solanaceae / pasje zelišče, črni razhudnik / makoi / fruit, leaf / (used externally to ease pain and abate inflammation) / fever, diarrhoea, eye diseases
50 / Solidago virgaurea / Common Goldenrod / Asteraceae / navadna zlata rozga / pinja phool / flowering plant / whole plant / diuretic, spasmolitic, antiflogistic, remedy for eczema, rheuma and problems with prostate / asthma, kidney disorder, wounds
51 / Sonchus arvensis / Field Milk Thistle / Asteraceae / njivska škrbinka / choplya / shoot / wounds, blood purification, hepatitis
52 / Stellaria media / Common Chickweed / Caryophyllaceae / navadna zvezdica / badyalu / whole plant / wounds, boils, burns
53 / Taraxacum officinale / Common Dandelion / Asteraceae / navadni regrat / karatu / leaves, root / whole plant / edible, remedy for Pertussis, to stimulate digestive functions, diuretic, blood cleanser / migraine, headache
54 / Taxus baccata / Yew / Taxaceae / tisa / thuner / leaf, fruit, bark / cancer, tea
55 / Thalictrum minus / Lesser Meadow-rue / Ranunculaceae / mali talin / root / eye disorder, fever
56 / Thymus serpyllum / Wild Thyme / Lamiaceae / materina dušica / ban ajwain / flowering plant / whole plant / broncho-spasmolytic, astringent, antiseptic, carminative, sedative / eye disorder, stomach-ache
57 / Trifolium repense / White Clover / Fabaceae / plazeča detelja / shoot / nutritious fodder
58 / Urtica dioica / Stinging Nettle / Urticaceae / velika kopriva / kandali / flowering or nonflowering plant / whole plant / diuretic, antiflogistic, improve hair growth, remedy for digestive, renal and skin disorders / jaundice, sprain, sciatica
59 / Viola biflora / Arctic yellow violet / Violaceae / dvocvetna vijolica / vanafsa / flower, leaf / Bronchitis