Abawi, G. S., B. K. Gugino, and J. W. Ludwig. 2008. Cropping sequence and root health. Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo Proceedings, Cornell Coop. Extension, pp. 65 – 68.

Abawi, G. S., B. K. Gugino, J. W. Ludwig, and C. Petzoldt. 2008. Vegetable management systems: Soil health assessment and the effect on snap bean yield and soil fungal pathogen community. NYS IPM Publication No. 506: 204 – 208.

Abawi, G. S., J. W. Ludwig, and B. K. Gugino. 2008. Evaluation of fungicide programs for managing pocket rot and leaf spot of table beet in 2007. Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo Proceedings, Cornell Coop. Extension, pp. 131 -133.

Baysal, F., Benitez, M.-S., Kleinhenz, M.D., Miller, S.A., and B.B. McSpadden Gardener. 2008. Effects of farm organic transition on soilborne disease suppression. Phytopathology 98: 562-570.

Becker, J.O., M. Matsui, and R. Fukui 2008. Detection and evidence of biologically-caused Rhizoctonia solani suppression. Journal of Plant Pathology 90:S2.401-02

Bent E, Loffredo A, McKenry MV, Becker JO, and Borneman J. 2008. Fungal rRNA genes associated with biological suppression of Meloidogyne incognita in a California soil. Journal of Nematology (in press).

Bent E, Loffredo A, Yang, JI, McKenry MV, Becker JO, and Borneman J. 2008. Investigations into peach seedling stunting caused by a replant soil (submitted).

Bent, E., A. Loffredo, M.V. McKenry, J.O. Becker and J. Borneman 2008. Detection and investigation of soil biological activity against Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Nematology 40(2):109-118.

Bonsall, R., Thomashow, L.S., Weller, D.M. 2007. Extraction and detection of antibiotics in the rhizosphere metabolome. LC GC North America. 11:14-19

Brazelton, J., Pfeufer, E., Sweat, T., McSpadden Gardener, B., and Coenen, C. 2008. 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol alters plant root development. Molec. Plant Microbe Interact. 21:1349-1358.

Collins, B. R. 2008. The effects of Phytophthora ramorum infection on hydraulic conductivity and tylosis formation in tanoak sapwood. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University. 61 pp.

diacetylphloroglucinol on wheat seedling roots is influenced by host cultivar bacterial strain interaction. Biological Control. 46(2008)322-331.

Fu, Q, Ruegger, P, Bent, E, Chrobak, M, Borneman, J. 2008. PRISE (PRImer SElector): software for designing sequence-selective PCR primers. Journal of Microbiological Methods 72:263-267.

Gao X, Yin B, Borneman J, and Becker JO. 2008. Assessment of parasitic activity of Fusarium strains obtained from a Heterodera schachtii-suppressive soil. Journal of Nematology 40:1-6.

Gao, X., B. Yin, J. Borneman, and J.O. Becker 2008. Assessment of parasitic activity of Fusarium strains obtained from a Heterodera schachtii-suppressive soil. Journal of Nematology 40(1):1-6.

Gil, I. S., Sheldon, W., Schmidt, T., Servilla, M,. Aguilar, R., Gries, C., Gray, T.,n Field, Dl., Cole, J., Pan, J. Y., Palanisamy, G., Henshaw, D., O’Brien, M., Kinkel, L., McMahon, K., Kottmann, R., Amaral-Zettler, L., Hobbie, J., Goldstein, P., Guralnick, R. P., Brunt, J., and Michener, W. K. 2008. Defining linkages between the GSC and NSF’s LTER program: How the Ecological Metadata language (EML) relates to GCDML and other outcomes. Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology 12:151-156.

Gugino, B. K., and G. S. Abawi. 2008. Assessing fungal and nematode root pathogens with visual on-farm soil bioassays. Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo Proceedings, Cornell Coop. Extension, pp. 68 – 71.

Gugino, B. K., J. W. Ludwig, and G. S. Abawi. 2008. Evaluation of selected pea varieties for resistance to root rot diseases in commercial fields. Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo Proceedings, Cornell Coop. Extension, pp. 151 – 153.

Hoitink, H.A.J., McSpadden Gardener, B.B., and Miller, S.A. 2008. Current knowledge on disease suppressive properties of composts. Pages 19-25 in Compost and digestate: sustainability, benefits, impacts of the environment and for plant production. Proceedings of the international congress CODIS 2008 Feb 27-29, 2008. Solothum, Switzerland. Research Institute for Organic Agriculture: Ackerstrasse, Switzerland.

Hulbert, S., Babiker, E., Paulitz, T., and Schroeder, K. 2008. Management of Rhizoctonia damping-off of Brassica oilseed crops in the PNW. pp. 26. In: 2008 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Technical Report 08-1, Washington State University, Pullman.

Kinkel, L., and Kang, J. 2008. Variation in nutrient utilization and sensitivity to antibiotic inhibition within a global collection of Streptomyces scabies. Phytopathology 98:S82.

Kusuya, M., Y. Ota, J.O. Becker, and R. Fukui 2008. Roles of bacteria colonizing crop residues in suppression of damping-off diseases. Journal of Plant Pathology 90:S2.412.

Kwak, Y., Bakker, P. A., Glandorf, D. C. Paulitz, T. And Weller, D. M. 2008. Diversity, virulence and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol sensitivity of Gaemannomyces graminis var. tritici isolates from Washington State. Phytopathology 98: S85.

Lucas, S. L. 2008. Susceptibility of coast redwood seedlings to Phytophthora ramorum. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University. 61 pp.

Maddula VS, Pierson EA, Pierson LS III. 2008. Altering the ratio of phenazines in Pseudomonas chlororaphis (aureofaciens) strain 30-84: effects on biofilm formation and pathogen inhibition. J. Bacteriol. 190:2759-66.

Mavrodi, D., Mavrodi, O., Bonsall, R., Paulitz, T., Okubara, P., Schroeder, K*, Kwak, Y and Weller, D. 2008. Biology, biological control and molecular genetics of root diseases of wheat and barley. Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 90 (2, Supplement) Aug. 2008 S 2.18.

McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2008. Molecular profling of rhizobacterial populations: Two rapid appraoches for the discovery of novel biocontrol agents. Pages 36-38 in New Approaches to Plant Disease Management. Proceedings of the 2008 KSPP Annual meeting and international symposium, October 23-24, 2008, Muju, South Korea.

Okubara, P. A., Schroeder, K. L. and Paulitz, T. C. 2008. Identification and quantification of Rhizoctonia solani and R. oryzae using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathology 98: 837-847.

Okubara, P., Schroeder, K., Paulitz, T., Steber, C., and Kidwell, K. 2008. Controlling soilborne pathogens in wheat production systems. pp. 37. In: 2008 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Technical Report 08-1, Washington State University, Pullman.

Okubara, P., Steber, C., Paulitz, T., and Kidwell, K. 2008. EMS-generated resistance to Rhizoctonia in an adapted wheat. Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 90 (2, Supplement) Aug. 2008/ S 2.350.

Okubara, P.A., Bonsall, R.F. 2008. Accumulation of pseudomonas-derived 2,4-

Pagliaccia, D., D. Merhaut, M.C. Colao, M. Ruzzi, F. Saccardo, and M. E. Stanghellini. 2008. Selective enhancement of the fluorescent pseudomonad population after amending the recirculating nutrient solution of hydroponically-grown plants with a nitrogen stabilizer. Microb Ecol: ( DOI 10.1007/s00248-008-9373-z) February 2008).

Parke, J. L., A. Oguchi, E.J. Fichtner, D.M. Rizzo. 2008. Viability of Phytophthora ramorum after passage through slugs. Phytopathology 98:S121. (Abstr.)

Parke, J. L., and S. Lucas. 2008. Sudden oak death and ramorum blight. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2008-0227-01. Online publication. http://apsnet.org/education/LessonsPlantPath/SuddenOakDeath/default.htm

Parke, J. L., Grünwald, N. J., Lewis, C., and Fieland, V. A systems approach for managing Phytophthora diseases in production nurseries. 16th Ornamental Workshop on Diseases and Pests, Hendersonville, NC, 2008.

Parke, J. L., J. Pscheidt, R. Regan, J. Hedberg, and N. Grunwald. 2008. Phytophthora Online Course: Training for Nursery Growers. Oregon State University Extended Campus http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/workforce/phytophthora/ (in English and Spanish).

Parke, J. L., N. Grünwald, C. Lewis, and V. Fieland. 2008. A systems approach for managing Phytophthora diseases in production nurseries. Phytopathology 98:S121. (Abstr.)

Paulitz, T. C. Back to back wheat rotations: What are the risks of root diseases. DirectSeed Link- the Pacific Northwest Direct Association. Vol. 9, No. 1. pg. 1-2.

Paulitz, T. C., Schroeder, K. L. and Okubara, P. 2008. Integrated control of soilborne plant pathogens. Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 90 (2, Supplement) Aug. 2008 S 2.62.

Paulitz, T., Schroeder, K., Babiker, E., and Hulbert, S. 2008. Optimum timing for spraying out greenbridge with Roundup to control Rhizoctonia in barley. pp. 37-38. In: 2008 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Technical Report 08-1, Washington State University, Pullman.

Paulitz, T.C., Schroeder, K. L. and Schillinger, W. L. 2009. Root diseases of cereals in an irrigated cropping system: Effect of tillage, residue management and crop rotation. Plant Dis: submitted.

Perez, C., Dill-Macky, R., and Kinkel, L. L. 2008. Management of soil microbial communities to enhance populations of Fusarium graminearum antagonists in soil. Plant and Soil 302:53-69.

Pierson, L.S. III. 2008. Microbial Communication: Bacteria/Bacteria and Bacteria/Host. In: Environmental Microbiology, 2nd Ed. Maier, RM, Pepper, IL, and Gerba, CP, eds. Academic Press, San Diego.

Pierson, LS, III, and EA Pierson. 2007. Roles of Diffusible Signals in Communication among Plant-Associated Bacteria. Phytopathology 97:227-232.

Raaijmakers, R. M., Paulitz, T. C., Steinbert, C., Alabouvette, C. and Moënne-Loccoz. 2008. The rhizosphere: a playground and battlefield for soilborne pathogens and beneficial microorganisms. Plant and Soil: in press.

Raudales, R.E. and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. 2008. Microbial biopesticides for control of plant diseases in organic agriculture. OSU Fact Sheet. 5 pp. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/3000/pdf/HYG_3310_08.pdf

Raudales, R.E., Stone, E., and B.B. McSpadden Gardener. 2008. Relief or abiotic stress in corn by DAPG-producing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Wood 1R under acidic soil conditions. Phytopathology 98:S130.

Rosezweig, N., Kang, J., Kinkel, L. L., and Bradeen, J. 2008. Molecular approaches for taxa discovery in plant-associated soil microbial communities. Phytopathology 98:S136.

Sanogo, S. 2008. Seed and soil treatment with biofungicides treatment with biofungicides and plant extracts for control of Phytophthora blight on chile pepper. Pages 27-28, in: 2008 Pepper Proceedings, Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Schillinger, W., Kennedy, A., Paulitz, T., Young, D., and Smith, T. 2008. Winter canola as a rotation crop in the low and intermediate precipitation zones. pp. 23 2008 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Technical Report 08-1, Washington State University, Pullman.

Schlatter, D. C., Fubuh, A., Xiao, K., Hernandez, D., Hobbie, S., and Kinkel, L. L. 2008. Influence of carbon source amendments on population density, resource use, and antibiotic phenotypes of soilborne Streptomyces. 2008. Phytopathology 98:S140-141.

Schlatter, D., Fubuh, A., Xiao, K., Hernandez, D., Hobbie, S., and Kinkel, L. L. 2008. Resources amendments influence density and competitive phenotypes of Streptomyces in soil. Microbial Ecology: Online First.

Schroeder, K. L, Flangan, R. C. and Paulitz, T. C. 2008 .Diversity of Rhizoctonia species in eastern Washington as determined by AFLP analysis. Phytopathology 98:S141-S142.

Schroeder, K. L. and Paulitz, T. C. 2008. Effect of inoculum density and soil tillage on the development and severity of Rhizoctonia root rot. Phytopathology 98: 304-315.

Smith Becker, J., and J.O. Becker 2008. Multi-disease protection with nematicidal seed coating in cotton. Journal of Plant Pathology 90:S2.421.

Extension Talks


UC Riverside's Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day. September 4, 2008, Riverside. "You think you have nematodes?" (invited presentation)

Intern. Congress Plant Pathology, August 24-29, 2008, Turin, Italy. " Plant Disease Research and Outreach: Cooperative Extension in California " (invited talk)

Field day for industry collaborators, July 30, 2008, South Coast Research and Extension Center, Irvine, CA. "Efficacy of seed-delivered nematicides in carrot and melon" (talk/ walk-through)

Expanding Horizons, UCR Extension, July 23, 2008. "Plants Get Sick." (invited talk)

Northern Regional Training for Master Gardeners, UC Davis July 17/18, 2008. "Introduction to Plant Parasitic Nematodes" (invited talk and hands-on demonstrations)

Field day for industry collaborators, July 15, 2008, South Coast Research and Extension Center, Irvine, CA. "Efficacy of seed- and soil applied nematicides in cantaloupe and cauliflower". (talk/walk-through)

UCCE/Port of San Diego: IPM for Landscapers training, San Diego, June 4, 2008. "What's new in nematodes" (invited talk)

Department of Nematology, UC Riverside Seminar. April 9, 2008. "Disease Suppressive Soils."

Soil Fungus Conference, St. Paula, March 26-28, 2008. "Dactylella oviparasitica: responsible for nematode population suppression" (talk)

Soil Fungus Conference, St. Paula, March 26-28, 2008. "Mitigation of fungal diseases by a biorational seed coatings." (talk)

39th CA Nematology Workshop, UC Davis, March 25, 2008. ”Hyperparasite Dactylella oviparasitica” (poster presentation)

Nematology Workgroup, UC Davis, March 24, 2008. ”Research on disease- and growth-suppressive organisms” (talk).

Floriculture Workgroup, UC Riverside, March 20, 2008. "Of Worms and Trees" (talk)

Turfgrass Workgroup, UC Riverside, March 20, 2008. "Bacteria vs. Nematodes" (talk)

Carrot Meeting, Bakersfield, March 11, 2008. Nematode Panel Discussion Member: "Fumigation, Alternative Materials and Resistance"

Carrot Meeting, Bakersfield, March 11, 2008. "Nematicidal Seed Treatments?" (talk)

Subtropical Workgroup, UC Riverside, March 10, 2008. " Replant suppression" (talk)

Sugar beet Workgroup meeting, UC Desert Research and Extension Center, Holtville, CA, January 16, 2008. "Sugar beet cyst nematode research, new developments" (invited talk)

Round-table discussion with agroindustry representatives; Marriot, Riverside, December 14, 2007. "Seed coating: a tool for mitigating nematode diseases" (invited talk)

Entomological Society of America, Seed Treatment Symposium, San Diego, Dec 9, 2007 “The role of nematicidal seed treatments in disease interactions” (invited talk)


The appeals and pitfalls of an all-wheat rotation. Clearwater Direct Association meeting, Jan. 15, 2008.

The appeals and pitfalls of an all-wheat rotation. Walla Walla Growers, Feb. 5, 2008.

The appeals and pitfalls of an all-wheat rotation. Spokane Farm Forum, Feb.6, 2008.

Rhizoctonia research: Fitting the pieces of the puzzle. Spokane County Growers, Spangle, WA. Feb. 19, 2008.

Cultural management of Rhizoctonia in Cereals. Soil Fungus Conference, Santa Paula, CA. March 27, 2008

Canola Disease Control Methods. Bio-Energy Workshop, Nespelam, WA. April 10, 2008.

Plant Pathology 101: Cereal Diseases. Presented to the Seed Academy, a 3-day workshop for seed workers, Pullman, WA, June 4, 2008.

Fusarium Diseases of Cereals. Lind Field Day, June 19, 2008.

Greenbridge Management of Rhizoctonia. ARS Palouse Conservation Farm Field Day, June 26, 2008.

Diversity of Rhizoctonia in direct-seed cropping systems of the Pacific Northwest USA: Management and solutions. Rhizoctonia Workshop, Berlin, Germany Aug. 19, 2008.

Integrated control of soilborne wheat pathogens. 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Torino, Italy, Aug. 28, 2008.

Soils- The Source of Plant Nutrition and How They Were Formed. A series of presentations and lab exercises presented to Grades 5,6,7 at Nespelam Grade School, Oct. 2008.

Camp Skwant. A summer science camp organized by our Unit for Native students. A series of demonstrations and talks presented by our unit in Pullman, WA and the Colville Indian Reservation, June, 2008.

Plants- Earth’s Producers. A talk on ethnobotany presented to Skwant Summer Science Camp, Paschal Sherman Indian School, Omak, WA. June 24, 2008.