Board of Directors Meeting
March 11, 2007
Prior to the start of the business at hand Asst. Director Dean Lucas held a brief auction of a cooler which he had been given at a recent event. Carol Simpson won the auction and the $12.00 is to be given to the State Treasury.
The meeting was opened with the pledge and the blessing by Pastor Ron.
Roll call was taken and a Quorum verified.
Director gave everyone several minutes to review the minutes of both the September and December Meetings.
Motion by Mike Hays, seconded by Dean Lucas to accept the minutes of both meetings.
Discussion - NONE
Motion Passed
Director requested that all members please keep in mind the need to direct all questions to the appropriate Board Member regarding all issues.
Asst. Director – Just wanted to let everyone know of upcoming rally for Upper Cumberland- please come out and support
Safety & Ed- Cindy Davidson read a letter to the board advising them of serious problems which had arisen between CMT/ABATE and the Department of Safety. She further advised the Board that she had been put in a position of making a very quick and difficult decision to save the Safety & Ed programs so a new organization, “MAFT” (Motorcycle Awareness Foundation of Tennessee) had been formed and that the Safety & Ed programs would now be handled by MAFT. She further explained that MAFT wanted nothing more than to save the grants and wanted to work with CMT/ABATE on all programs involved.
Much discussion ensued, Director was very upset that this was the first he had heard of “MAFT” and felt he should have been notified of what was happening in advance. Cindy explained that she had only one day to form a solution. Many members had questions and comments.
Motionby Mark Miller, seconded by Maureen Quaranto- for a special BOD meeting to discuss MAFT relationship with CMT/ABATE to include both organizations
Discussion: there was much discussion as to date, time, and place, Steve Lundwall pointed out to Director that he could simply “call a meeting”.
Director then “called a special meeting” to be held March 31st in Shelbyville at the Calsonic Arena at 1:30 pm. (721Whitthorne Street, Shelbyville, TN37160)
Treasurer- Malisa stressed that she NEEDS everyone who has not turned in their information she needs it now for tax purposes. She reminded everyone that she had advised them of this at the last meeting.
Average monthly expenses are $1800.00, we have a current balance of $3484.00, this will only last a couple of months.
Secretary- Secretaryused her time to present the State with a check for $370.80 which represents the States 40% from the Tri Charter (MusicCity, Nashville and SumnerCounty) Swap Meet.
Legislative- Mike Hays handed out a list of the most important bills currently working. He went over each and explained where it stood, if action was needed, or if it was felt the bill would “go away”
Asks everyone to please call your legislators and ask for support on:
HB1283/SB1511- Freedom of Choice for Riders over 21
HB1335/SB794 – Right of Way Violations
Ask that they oppose:
HB1536/SB101- No Kids Under 12
He stated he had a meeting with Kendall Poole of the Governors Highway Safety Council, and would be forming a new committee and looking for volunteers
MRF – John Pierce gave a report on the MRF, he said NC is using Safety & Ed money to hold classes for the highway patrolto learn to recognize an illegal helmet.
He spoke of the “Membership” bike which every new member is eligible to win by joining. Reminded us all that “Meeting of The Minds” will be September 24th in Cedar Rapids, encourages everyone to attend and come away “fired up”
NCOM- Steve Lundwall told everyone the NCOM convention will be May 10th – May 13th in Charlotte, NC. Everyone is a member of NCOM by virtue of being a member of any Motorcycle Rights Organization. He addressed the recent Violations of the Patriot Act by the FBI.
WEBMASTER- Absent- excused no report
Assistant Director- Only one resume had been received- Dean Lucas, vote was taken and Dean was re-elected
State Treasurer- Again only one resume had been received- Diana (from MusicCity)-
Vote was taken and Diana is our new State Treasurer.
Activities- No resume was received- Mark Miller volunteered to take it on temporarily until a full time Activities Chair could be found.
Motion- by John Pierce, second by Mike Hays to make Mark Activities on a temporary basis- Motion Carried.
Membership- Jeanna Bradley – feels she is best suited as she believes Newspaper/PR/ and Membership go hand in hand and information needs to be crossed in these areas.
Jeanna was elected to Membership position.
At Large- No Resume, no volunteers- Position remains open.
OLD Business
Marlin spoke on behalf of Pastor Ron and told everyone about the Free Biker Clinic now being open. He handed out tri-folds which contain further information. Currently open only on Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Cost of services based on ability to pay. Donations from everyone accepted.
Carol Simpson – addressed the fact that she would like to put to rest once and for all the attempted termination of her and Mike Hays’ membership.Terry Hagemeier stepped up and stated it was he who felt there had been no resolution. Discussion was held and Terry stated he had gotten the answer he sought.
Carol also reminded everyone of the Quilt Raffle, the quilt which was made by a member from t-shirts and money will go to State.
Jeanna Bradley spoke of possible alternative event for the State to replace Wakin The Dragon- her charter will be holding an event there and she will give further information to the board then.
New Business
Director presented the suggestion to move the BOD meetings to the American Legion Hall 4 miles down the road. He stressed that the Elks Lodge had been good to us and that this in no way was a reflection on them.
“Batman” gave an overview of what the American Legion Post had to offer.
Motion- by Mike Hays, second by Dean to move the BOD meetings to the American Legion Post- Motion Carried.
Motion- Motion to adjourn by Kim, second by Dean- Motion Carried