V Team Committee Meeting Minutes – 2nd December 2013

Present: Matt (Chair), Lauren (Events Officer), Alistair (Secretary), Hamish (Treasurer)




Angus (publicity)

1)Shoe box Appeal

Deadline for boxes is Wednesday (4th) as collection is on Friday

Time is needed to go through them

12 received on the first stall

13 received on the second stall

more being collected through the volunteer office

2)Children’s Xmas party

Sara is back and available

£103 was raised at the bake sale and another is planned for Wednesday

cheerleaders are coming to the party, only society interested

It was decided not to use the bake society for the planned bake sale, they take 10% of profits

Debbie has written a letter of spnsorship for the procurement of presents/gifts for the party

The remainder will be brought using the fundraising money

Lauren is to sort out transport for the event

3)Big Build Tanzania

Jenny has emailed Lauren, decided not to meet for now and postponed until later date

4)Applications forms

Debbie is to be more involved in the application/recruitment process

Lauren is to set up a meeting with the project leaders where Lauren and Debbie can attend to go through the applications

Matt is to let Ali know the deadline for applications forms for inclusion in the weekly email

5)Age UK Sunday lunch

Matt is to chase up Fred over information and details

6)Time Bank

Matt has emailed the post grads after the members meeting

There needs to be more organising and communication with the project leader


Excluded from meeting due to Angus’ absence


Hamish met with David and the accounts are in order

They are to have another meeting before Xmas break

Age UK monies need to be looked over

Childrens Xmas party money has not gone through the accounts yet

£750 is received from the SU each year

Hamish is to check what this can be spent on and specifically how much on each area


Pub quiz was a success with 15 in attendance

Tomorrow is the Xmas dinner

25 in attendance

ISB pub trip is planned for January next year

Matt is to organise as Ali is unavailable during that week


Matt had meeting last Wednesday (25th/11) with the management students

They have planned a wellness week event

Matt has talked about VTeam with them and hope to establish an event for SVW

11)Bath Cats and Dogs

Matt is to be emailed back from the centre

They aren’t taking on dog walkers until February next year

Event to be set up for SVW


More info to follow soon

Matt to discuss with Debbie/Anna about sertting up VTeam as a non-profit company for entry into the scheme


Schools have been contacted for events for the week

Lauren to ask school where Xmas party being held for participation


Smarty Pant abseil

Advertising is happening on parade

Event is being advertised as a RAG event

Matt to change to a joint VTeam/RAG event

Age UK bag pack is next Thursday (12th December)

Need more signups

Ali to include in the weekly email

Promote signups

Ali also to email the interest list

Matt to talk to Fred about planning meeting proposed for the 11th (day before)

Next V Team Committee Meeting: Monday 9th December 2013 1:15pm – 2:05pm(Room TBC)

Action Points:

Person / Action