Produce a newspaper covering the decade of the 1920s. Students will use previous knowledge gained from videos, textbooks and other resources to complete the assignment. To receive full credit, the items must be factually and grammatically correct and discuss the impact their event had on the entire decade of the 1920s. Stories produced with few facts and grammar errors will be scored a half credit and as the errors increase and the facts decrease the points will be subtracted as well.

Select 3 topics that you want to learn about. Do your research and produce a great report!

Prompt: It is December 31, 1929, you are given one last assignment before going home to party like its 1999. You must produce 3 error free reports on the subject so you don’t have to rewrite and edit it into the night. Come up with a catchy title and be sure to use key terms from the era. LIST THEM IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE AS YOU SEE IT.

Topics are:

1. The Lost Generation: WWWWW

2. Art Deco: WWWWW

3. Teapot Dome Scandal: Who;What;When;Where;Why/Significance. News

4. National Origins Act: WWWWW News

5. Sacco and Vanzetti Trial: WWWWW News

6. Scopes Monkey Trial: WWWWW News

7. Lindbergh TransAtlantic Flight:WWWWW; News

8. Harlem Renaissance: WWWWW; Social Page

9. Jazz, An American Original:WWWWW; Social Page

10. Speakeasies: WWWWW; Social Page

11. Flappers: WWWWW; Social Page

12. Gangsters: good guys or bad guys?

13. Henry Ford: impact of the car on society;

14. Coolidge: rate him as a President;

15. Political Cartoonist: top story of decade;scandals/trials/

16. Margin buying: How does it work? Discuss examples both good/bad sides

17. Credit- A Good thing? WWWWW; Economy

18. Prohibition-Is it working? WWWWW; Economy

19. World News: Russia/Germany/Italy

20. KKK Revival- WWWWW Special News Exclusive

21. Black Tuesday: A Look Back- WWWWW News

22. The Great Depression: What Caused It?- News

23. Herbert Hoover: Was the Depression his Fault? News

24. What’s on at the Movies?- WWWWW; Entertainment

25. Radio Days: WWWWW Entertainment

26. Overproduction:A New Wrinkle in Economics-Business & Farmers;

28. Dow Jones: Just What Is It?- Economy

29. Advertisements: It’s a New Day- slogans and brands; Economy/Social

30. Mitchell Palmer and the Red Scare- WWWWW; News

31. Labor Unrest: A Real Threat to America? WWWWW; News

The first thing is the topic/job, the second is the headline story suggestion. You make the title and write the article. It must include who is doing what, when and where did it happen and why is it significant to the last ten years of the 1920s. For each story draw or select a picture (do at home and bring in) that bests represents that article. It may be a political cartoon or photograph. Remember newspapers would still be all black and white when deciding what photo to use.