Lucy C. Laney High School
Teacher: Mrs. Kimberly Harris
Room Number: 603
Email: [email protected]
Semester: Fall 2016/Spring 2017
Course Description:
The study of current social, economic, and political topics and their impact on technology, energy, health, education, immigration, human rights, nuclear and biological weapons, world international trade, agricultural production, and the world debt crisis.
Connected to Common Core Literacy and Writing Standards:
Each week students and teacher will review and analyze current events taking place in the city, state, country, and world. Every Friday, students will turn in a current event pertaining to a social, economic, or political event. Teacher will provide framework for current events. Beginning week 14, students will complete a Biological/Social. Issues project. Teacher will provide framework, topics, and expectations. Students will begin class presentations of projects during week 15.
Instructional Philosophy: 3+3=6, 1+5=6, 0+6=6, 2+4=6. Any student can learn. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to find out how each of my students learn and address their individual needs. Parents and students also play essential roles in the education/learning process. When students are surrounded by a healthy village success is imminent. Parents are responsible for the at home reinforcement of learning. Students are responsible for their class participation, classwork, and respectful attitudes towards others and themselves.
Required Materials:
- Blue or black ink pens only and no. 2 pencils.
- Spiral notebook and 3 ring notebook for notes.
- 1 – USB Drive
Grading Scale
Project: 40%
Current Events/Quizzes: 25%
Classwork: 20%
Homework: 15%
Class Rules & Expectations:
- Be prepared and on time.
- Be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Follow directions the first time.
- Respect others and their space.
- Turn in all assignments on time.
- Participate in all classroom activities.
- Cell phone usage is absolutely prohibited unless BYOT is in effect.
Required Outside Reading Assignments:
Week 1 /- Unit 1 Pretest
- Identify sources of Information, sources of information.
- Unit 3 Performance Task.
- Unit 3 Post Test.
Week 2 /
- Facts and opinions, good story making, and central ideas, media Source Validity.
- Unit 4 Pretest.
- Prewriting Strategies.
Week 3 /
- Unit 1 Performance Task.
- Unit 1 Post Test
- Final Product.
- Revision Strategies.
Week 4 /
- Unit 2 Pretest
- Qualitative/Quantitative Data
- Clear and logical writing.
Week 5 /
- Primary and Secondary Sources.
- Unit 4 Performance Task.
- Unit 4 Post Test.
Week 6 /
- Unit 2 Performance Task.
- Unit 2 Post Test.
Week 7 /
- Unit 3 Post Test.
- Organization Skills
Week 8 /
- Writing Language
• Designated by teacher and varies.
SPECIAL NOTE: All students are required to turn in assignments on time. Exceptions will only be made with a doctor’s excuse or written notice from parent detailing extenuating circumstances. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior permission is given.
Parent Signature______
Student Signature______