MINUTES of the Meeting of 1 April 2009

Present: John Evans, Bud Grant, John Jones.

Excused: Chairman Stuart Carlisle, Rick Freeman, Alternate Jack Schneider

Also Present: CEO Robert Trabona, Selectman Charles Collins

Public Attending: Jason Riggs, Nancy Riggs, Richard Wolske, Sandra Wolske, Debby Labrecque, John Labrecque, Stanley Burns, Kate McKay, Jack Swift, Dave Fluharty

Bud Brown, Tim Forrester

The Board elected John Evans Acting Chairman in the absence of Chairman Carlisle. Acting Chairman Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members then approved the minutes of their meeting of 18 March Meeting (Unanimous).


1. John and Debbie Labrecque attended the meeting to submit an application for an improved principal structure (refinished second floor, 16’ X 19’ second story deck addition) on a 1.8 acre parcel in the Shoreland Zone at 31 Oak Road (Map U-11 Lot 15).

The Board noted a 4 bedroom septic system design, checked all setbacks, then found the application complete (Unanimous), found that it met the requirements of the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Section 13 B 6 (Unanimous), approved the application (Unanimous), and issued Permit # 0901.

2. Jason Riggs attended the meeting to submit an application for an improved principal structure (30’ X 32’ two story addition with two total bedrooms) on a 2.23 acre parcel not in the Shoreland Zone at 85 Webber Road (Map R-2 Lot 44S). The Board noted a two bedroom septic design. The Board checked all setbacks, found the application complete (Unanimous), approved the application (Unanimous), and issued Permit # 0902.

3. Richard and Sandra Wolske attended the meeting to submit an application for an improved principal structure (9’ X 10’ second floor deck addition) on a .38 acre parcel not in the Shoreland Zone at 804 Five Islands Road (Map U-3 Lot 11). The Board checked all setbacks, found the application complete (Unanimous), approved the application (Unanimous), and issued Permit # 0903.

4. Chris Enemark submitted an application for an improved principal structure (12’ X 24’ screen porch) on a 6.6 acre parcel not in the Shoreland Zone at 89 Webber Road (Map R-2 Lot 44G). The Board checked all setbacks, found the application complete (Unanimous), approved the application (Unanimous), and issued Permit # 0904.

Old Business

1. Tim Forrester representing the Brown Family Camps Trust attended the meeting to resubmit an application for a new principal structure (relocated non-conforming camp) in the Shoreland Zone at 20 Brown’s Lane Kennebec Point Map R-7 Lot 37B).

The Board checked all setbacks, found that the project would reduce non-conformity and that the structure would be relocated back from the resource to the greatest practical extent. Note: The Board conducted a Site Visit on Fri 20 March 2009 to inspect the project area. The Board then found the application complete (Unanimous), found that it met the requirements of the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance Section 13 B 6 (Unanimous), approved the application (Unanimous), and issued Permit # 0905.

2. John Evans reported on his conversation with Mike Morse of the Maine DEP, who is in the early stages of reviewing the Georgetown Draft SZO and Maps.

New Business

1. Kate McKay of the Georgetown Board of Appeals (BOA) attended the meeting to address the Planning Board to discuss the recently (Town) approved Shoreland Zoning Ordinance (SZO). Ms McKay and members of the BOA submitted a suggested revision to the SZO to require that abutters of land abutting that of any applicant be notified at least 14 days prior to Planning Board consideration of any building permit application. Note: The Draft SZO requires notification of abutters only for applications in the Resource Protection Zone or for non-conforming structures The Planning Board opined that the process recommended by the BOA might impose undue delay to the approval of routine projects, thereby negatively affecting members of the public. The Board recommended that the BOA discuss the matter with the Selectmen to see whether such delay would be acceptable to them; the BOA is on the Selectmen’s schedule at their next meeting. Meanwhile, the Planning Board agreed to fully consider the BOA recommendation when the full Planning Board reconvenes, this in light of the absence of the Chairman and other key members at tonight’s meeting.

Public Comment

1. Stanley Burns came to discuss an application. He was informed that the application should be handled by the CEO vice the Planning Board, and the CEO agreed to meet with Mr. Burns after the meeting.

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

The Planning Board meets at the Town Office on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM. Members of the public are welcome. The Board’s next regular meetings will be on 15 April, then on 6 and 20 May.

Respectfully submitted,

John Evans, Secretary