March 21, 2016

CALL TO ORDER: The monthly meeting of the Spring Garden Township Zoning Hearing Board was held on Monday,March 21, 2016 in the Township Municipal Building, 340 Tri Hill Rd., York, PA. Present:

James McMillion

Mike BartonDevon Myers, Esq., Zoning Solicitor

Michelle PooleLinda Keller, Director of Community Dev. & Planning

Anthony FosterKaren Meister, Key Reporters

Earl Quance3 people in the audience


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of theFebruary 22, 2016 meetingwere approved on a motion by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mrs. Poole. There were no public comments. Motion passed Yes-5, No-0.


Application #125-02-16:York College of Pennsylvania has applied for a Variance to Section 310-13.D(3) of the Spring Garden Township Zoning Ordinance to erect two free-standing school identification signs along Indian Rock Dam Road for the York Country Day School, exceeding the maximum size permitted. The property is located at 1071 Regents Glen Boulevard, York PA and is zoned AO (Apartment-Office).

Atty. Jeff Lobach, counsel for York College, Dr. Ken Martin, Dean of Campus Operations, and Neal Metzger, project engineer from LSC Design were all present and sworn in. Atty. Lobach explained that York Country Day School currently fronts on Regents Glen Boulevard. With the current expansion underway, they want to change their main entrance to Indian Rock Dam Road, and as a result will need adequate signage to direct traffic to this new entrance. He stated the signage would be lettering on a fence/wall structure on both sides of the entrance. They are requesting each sign to be 51 sq.ft. in size or a total of 102 sq.ft. The maximum size permitted for school identification in the AO zone is 20 sq.ft.

Atty. Lobach further noted the property is 15 acres in size and the building is set back approximately 560’ from Indian Rock Dam Road. They are requesting the minimum variance needed due to the unique circumstances of the property and the huge setback for the building.

Mrs. Poole asked how they calculated the size. Mr. Metzger stated the letters are 18” high x 34’ long, counting the spacing between the letters. He also noted the fence would be 6’ high.

Mr. McMillion noted that York College previously was granted a Variance for a similar signage at the West Campus entrance on Richland Avenue. Atty. Lobach stated this would be just about the same style and size.

Mr. Foster indicated that there could be no construction or building along Indian Rock Dam Road because of the current location of the detention basins.

There were no further questions or comments. Motion Mr. McMillion second Mrs. Poole to approve the Variance as requested. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-5, No-0.


Application #125-01-16: John Ogden, 1501 Fourth Avenue was discussed. Motion was made by Mr. McMillion, seconded by Mrs. Poole to deny the Variance request to Section 310-12.F. There were no public comments. Motion carried. Yes-4, No-0 (Foster abstained).

The Decision for Application #125-01-16, John Ogden, was reviewed and approved. The Decision will be mailed to the applicant.

There was no further business to address.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Submitted by,

Linda S. Keller, Director of

Community Development & Planning