Multicultural Day at

El Sobrante Christian Elementary School

We are planning for a fabulous day on Wednesday, October 28th!!!

We are celebrating the wonderful diversity of our ESCS community.

We have activities planned for students to both celebrate their own

cultural backgrounds and celebrate the cultural backgrounds of others.

You are invited to be a part of it! Here’s how you can help:

  1. Cultural clothing – Children may come to school in special clothing from their particular cultures. Children will be given time in their own classes to share where their clothing is from. They may also talk about any special food, housing, celebrations, etc. from their particular cultures. If children do not wear cultural specific clothing, they need to wear their uniforms.
  2. Flags – Each child needs to bring a flag from the country(ies) and/or state(s) of their culture(s). Your flag can represent as many as you would like. You can create them from construction paper, print them from the internet, or purchase them from the store. We will end our day with a parade of flags, so it is imperative that each child have a flag to fully participate and be proud of their culture(s). This will be a specific homework assignment from your child’s teacher in the coming weeks.
  3. Teachers of languages – We need parent volunteers that speak a language other than English! We would like you to teach our kids some simple words in your native tongue. Some examples are counting to 10 or greeting words such as “hello” and “goodbye”.
  4. Food Donations – We need parents to prepare foods that they would like to share with our school community from their country(ies) or culture(s) of origin. We need the food prepared and served in bite size servings. We will also need a list of ingredients with each food item so we can make sure there are no allergic reactions. The food will be sampled by our students, but it is not intended to be their lunch.
  5. Food Servers – We need parent volunteers to help set-up, serve, and clean-up the food samples. Without you, we will not be able to pull this off.

As you can tell, parents, this will be a wonderful day—as long as we have your help. Your support will be so appreciated as we support and share in each child’s culture(s). We look forward to your timely response, hopefully by Wednesday, October 14. Thanks so much!

Multicultural Day at

El Sobrante Christian Elementary School

Wednesday, October 28th

Please fill out information below and return by Wednesday, October 14

Parent Name: ______

Phone# ______Email______

Child’s Name: ______


Culture(s) my child will celebrate______

____ Yes, I speak a language other than English and would love to share it with the students!

_____Yes, I will help on Wednesday, October 28th with:

_____Food Set-Up (10:30-11:30)

_____Food Servers (11:30-12:30)

_____Food Clean-Up (12:30-1:30)

____ Yes, I will send in food honoring a particular culture.

The food is ______from ______.

(We need about 100 individual bite size servings.)

*Thank you for completing this survey. If you signed up to volunteer, you will be contacted by a staff member soon.

*Parent service hours will be allotted for both donations and service!