Cathy Tripp- Current LOC Secretary- CATS Opticians Middlewich

I have been on the LOC since 1995 and secretary since 2000. I am a keen dedicated member of the LOC and have been involved with negotiations and in the setting up of the South Cheshire and Vale Royal Ocular Hypertension monitoring service. I have also attended meetings for the ophthalmology commissioning development group involving discussions with the local ophthalmologists and commissioners on how to improve services, involve optometry and free up hospital outpatient appointments.

I will continue to promote our skills as a profession and will endeavour to encourage the CCGs in my area and the other Cheshire CCGs to consider further enhanced services if I remain on the committee.

Nigel Oldbury- Current LOC member-Oldbury and Cruickshank Opticians Macclesfield

Having been a member of the LOC for quite a few years, and having been involved in many negotiations with NHS bodies over the years, I am very keen to see Optical practices make the most of the opportunities that will become available to us in the next few years. Not just taking on anything that is offered, but ensuring that what we do take on brings value to practices, either financial or professionally but preferably both. I am currently involved in on -going discussions for the next set of schemes and hope that by being re- elected to the committee I am able to carry on with those discussions to their conclusion.

Helen Denton- Current LOC CET officer

Currently CET officer which involves obtaining speaker accreditation and sponsorship, inputting delegates onto the GOC website. PECC director, working as secretary. Self-employed DO and Low Vision practitioner with WOPEC accreditation working in Cheshire and clinical supervisor at Manchester University in Low vision and dispensing. Committee member on ABDO area 3(NorthWest) and ABDO (National) Low Vision Committee.

Jane Smellie- current LOC officer- Smellie Opticians Chester

As a business owner with three practices and a great interest in specialist services I hope that I have brought my experience and knowledge to the LOC. I would love to carry on a as member of Primary Eye Care Cheshire in our work in promoting primary eye care services.

Harinder Notay-Current LOC member- Specsavers Northwich

I am an existing member of the LOC. I initially joined in order to represent the optometrist from a multiple organisation. I regularly attend the LOC meetings.

Previously, I was a college examiner and I have supervised many pre-registration optometrists. I am a partner in a busy franchised optometric practice. This background enables me to approach and assess schemes related to patient visual healthcare (enhanced services) from the viewpoint of a hardworking busy professional working under time constraints.

Since having twins I have come to appreciate the importance of balancing work and home life. This has helped me to become a better optometrist and a more constructive member of the LOC.

Chris Houghton–Current LOC member- Houghton Opticians Chester

I have been on Cheshire LOC for 3 years and Wirral LOC. I am current Chair of Wirral LOC Company and have worked hard to support the opticians in my area.

Hugh Churchman- current LOC member- J D Siddall opticians, Chester

I instigated the original GRR & OHTM schemes for Western Cheshire with Webstars Gian, Richard and Stella and worked closely with the PCT on the Optometric Development Group e.g. Ophthalmic Clinical Resource Pack with Dr Maureen Swanson. I was involved with the Ophthalmology/Optometry moving secondary care into the community with the inaugural CCG. I am a founder member of the Local eye Health Group West, originally the LV Group; committee includes representatives from LOC, HES, Social Services, Educational establishments, Service users & voluntary groups.

I look forward to serving another term on the LOC committee using the experience & knowledge gained to help with all the new developments which are imminent in primary care.

Lyndon Taylor- current LOC member

I have been on the LOC for over 20 years and would like to continue to represent local optometrists in our dealings with the local NHS. I have also been an AOP councillor since 1999 and more recently a director then AOP chairman for the last 2 years and I hope that the skills and experience from that work will help with the LOC going forward

Rupesh Bagdai- current LOC member.

I have been on Cheshire LOC for 6 years and I am the current Chair of Primary Eye Care Cheshire Ltd. I have led the discussions with the CCG in Western Cheshire which have led to the Glaucoma repeat readings service and have also agreed a pre and post cataract service and Ocular hypertension monitoring service with the CCG. I am a College accredited peer review facilitator and support the LOC with peer discussion events. I hope to be re-elected so that I can continue working to support the contractors/practitioners throughout Cheshire.

Amy Thompson- Current LOC member- L Thompson Optometrists, Congleton

I have been a member of the LOC for the last 5(ish) years and have listened and learnt from the meetings over the time of PCT/NHS change. I have helped act as a supervisor at Glaucoma accreditation training and helped arrange a peer review meeting with the help of Rupesh and Lyndon. I am currently helping Rupesh to arrange the Glaucoma repeat reading service launch. I am a practicing optometrist in independent practice and partake in the cataract referral and Glaucoma repeat reading service. My other practice is in Staffordshire LOC and I am accredited on the post cataract, paediatric and acute red eye schemes.

JO Mackenzie- Current LOC member- Leighton Hospital optometrist

I qualified in 1987 and have a wide range of experience from multiples, small groups, independent practices and hospital optometry. I specialise in contact lenses, low vision, glaucoma and paediatrics. I gained Independent Prescribing status in 2009 and recently gained a Healthcare Leadership Diploma, from the Open University and NHS Leadership Academy, which has also broadened my knowledge of the wider NHS outside.

Having served on this LOC since 2001, I seek to be re-elected to the LOC Committee as I feel it is important to maintain a close link between the hospital and local practices and am keen to promote the wider use of Optometric services in the community practices, for the benefit of our patients and our practices and the development of optometry in general.

Mark Simpson- J A Allister opticians- Neston

I have worked for four years with Boots Opticians in Northwich under Stephen Halpin and John Blaney in Warrington. I currently work with Jeremy Allister in Neston. All these employers will confirm how hard I work in store and out to ensure the smooth running of their practices. I have been keenly involved with shared care schemes in Cheshire including diabetic grading and IOP refinement.

The idea of more shared care schemes is something that really interests me so I would love to help getting more of these schemes up and running.

Currently I help Rupesh maintaining the Cheshire LOC website.

Fionnuala Stott-I am an enthusiastic Optometrist with over 15 year’s experience. I do locum work for both independent and multiple practices and I also carry out domiciliary work along with doing slit lamp clinics for DRSS Cheshire. I have recently been involved in a hospital research project into the treatment of macular degeneration. I feel I have experience in most sectors of Optometry which will help me should I be successful in joining our LOC.

I am keen to be involved in the local optical committee because I think it’s an exciting time for the profession with the negotiations taking place on enhanced services. I have the time to get involved and take an active role, rather than be a passive committee member.

Theresa Cox

Being an Optometrist/Pre Reg supervisor, I can offer experience and honesty to the LOC on what practitioners need to deliver best patient care and understand the importance of building strong links with the HES. CET is an increasingly important part of the LOC and I feel my experience of teaching/training through working at ‘the Vision care Institute’ (Johnson and Johnson) and being an accredited peer review facilitator would allow me to help and support the development of CET delivery for local practitioners if I were elected. Having qualified around four and a half years ago Iwould love the opportunity to bring a relatively newly qualified perspective to the committee and help to shape the future Cheshire LOC.

Vanessa Taylor- locum

I started as an Optical assistant and then qualified as a DO. I later went on to qualify as an optometrist. I have also owned and ran my own practice. I feel I have a wealth of experience within the optical industry