Lake Braddock Secondary

High School Student Services Program

11th Grade Parent Evening Program

February 12, 2015

DESIGN / Question: Did this program better prepare you to assist your student with their current and future academic planning?
Purpose: The purpose of the 11thGrade Parent Evening Program is to provide families with pertinent information regarding post-secondary options. The program was facilitated via a panel discussion with admissions representatives from six colleges and universities ranging from the local community college, Northern Virginia Community College to Louisiana State University. The program was also filmed for posting on YouTube to provide access to material for families that could not attend the evening program. To date, the filmed version of the program has nearly 70 views
ASK / Data collection strategies: Counselors created a brief survey on Google Forms to assist with data collection and data disaggregation. A half-page handout was created for parents to pick up at the beginning of the meeting- the handout had a QR code for families to scan with smart phones or tablets as well as a paper version they could submit at the conclusion of the program. Signs with QR codes were also hung on the doors of the auditorium. There was not a hard end to the program with families being dismissed in the middle of the question/answer session, limiting the ability for two individuals to collect surveys or remind families to complete the online version. One-hundred percent of survey respondents reported they would recommend this program to others in the future.
TRACK / Summarization of results:

ANNOUNCE / Recommendations: Overall, the program was received very well. Anecdotally, several respondents reported appreciating what they perceived to be “real talk” from several of the representatives in terms of high school based honors and AP courses. The following recommendations can be employed to continue the success of this program:
1)There should be a definitive end to the program and a verbal reminder to complete surveys, either paper or internet-based
2)Evening programs should continue to be filmed, posted to YouTube and sent to families after evening programs. One parent responded to an email with the following: “Love that you are posting them. With four kids, evening presentations are tough. Watching them on YouTube at my convenience is great. It also allows me to take notes and replay things that I didn't fully understand the first time. Thank you.“