Forest Hill United Church

'open doors, open hearts, open minds'

Tenth Sunday of Pentecost

July 31, 2016 at 10 am

“We are in a position, as musicians, to touch the souls

of those who listen."

Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985)Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball

WELCOMEto worship! It is good that you are here. We say goodbye to our Music Director Deborah Park and, as we celebrate her ministry with us, it gives us opportunity to reflect on the theme of transitions. We hope that you hear some words of hope and blessing for your own life today. After worship, please join us for lemonade and fellowship.

Forest Hill United Church is a safe place for all people to gather regardless of race, creed, age, cultural background, sexual orientation, or gender identity. You are welcome here!

Our greeters this morning are Mary-Anne Blakney,

our teller is Diane Robinson,

and our music is led by Deborah Park and the FHUC Choir.



At the **, you are asked to rise in body or in spirit.

Prelude:Prelude and Fugue No. 6 inD minor, BWV 851

by J. S. Bach

Welcoming the Light

**Introit:(Sung Together) #224 VU, verse 1

Sing a happy hallelujah,

sing it out with heart and style,

we’re the echo of God’s laughter,

we’re the image of God’s smile.

Hallelujah, all creation, hallelujah, everyone! (x 2)

Welcome & Church News

Call to Worship:

One:The door is open.

All:The door is open for all who want to come in.

One:It’s open for those who slip in quietly, tentatively,

hanging back a little...unsure.

All:It is open for those who swing it wide,

as they shout, “I’m here!”

One:The youngest, the oldest,

the wanderers, the dutiful, the sinful, the just:

All:All are offered a welcome

that can make everything new.

One:The door is open...

All:...and all are welcome here.

By Juanita Austin in Gathering P1, 2016

Gathering Prayer:(Spoken Together)

We thank you, God, for our friends here.

We are grateful for their caring and their wisdom,

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their humour, and the talents they generously share with us.

We thank you for new friends in our midst;

excited for the opportunity to get to know them better.

May our service today make us ever closer companions

on the Christian journey. Amen.

By Karen Boivin in Gathering P1, 2016

**Opening Hymns:#145 MV Draw the Circle Wide

#23 MV Come, O Holy Spirit


Words from Our Bible:William Hughes

Exodus 13:17-22The Departure of the Israelites

Proverbs 3:1-10God Smooths our Paths

One:This is the Word of God, hope for the journey.

All:Thanks be to God!

Special Music:Panis Angelicus by Cesar Frank

Message:“Words for Going”

Words from Our World:“Crossing Over” by Joyce Rupp

**Hymn of Reflection:#12 MV Come Touch Our Hearts

The Act of Saying Goodbye

Special Music:


Presentation of Our Gifts


**Offering Verse: (Sung Together) #468 VU, verse 2

Christ is able to make us one,

at the table he sets the tone,

teaching people to live to bless,

love in word and in deed express.

Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,

pass the Word around: loaves abound!

Prayers of the People

The Prayer that Jesus Taught

Our Father-Mother, who is in the heavens,

may your name be made holy,

may your dominion come,

may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today the bread we need;

and forgive us our debts,

as we have forgiven our debtors;

and do not put us to the test, but rescue us from evil.

For yours is the dominion, and the power,

and the glory forever. Amen. #916 VU

**Closing Hymns:#121 MV Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah!

#209 MV Go, Make a Diff’rence


May you go out in peace and may you walk toward joy.

On the road in between, may you find what you need

to fill your heart, feed your mind,

and inspire your imagination. Amen.

“Blessing for the Journey” by Lynn Ungar

**Sharing the Light


**Choral Response:(Sung Together) #424 VU, verse 1

May the God of hope go with us everyday,

filling all our lives with love and joy and pece.

May the God of justice speed us on our way,

bringing light and hope to every land and race.

Praying, let us work for peace,

singing, share our joy with all,

working for a world that’s new,

faithful when we hear Christ’s call.

Postlude:Arietta by Reinhold Gliere


(506) 455-0988 |

Administrative Assistant - Kris Yarych

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm

Minister - Rev. Ali Smith

Mondays to Thusdays from 9 am - Noon

(506) 292-2369

Church News

Vacation Bible School will once again be combined with St Paul's, Wilmot and Forest Hillbeing held the week of August 22-26 from 9 – 11:30at St Paul's United Church. The program, “SURF SHACK”, is based on Nehemiah4:14b - "Remember that the Lord is great and awesome." It looks exciting filledwith stories, music, games and a few surprises. If you have any questions, phoneEllen Beairstoat 206-1943.

We are currently seeking donations of household basics like kleenex, toilet paper, paper towel, laundry soap, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dish cloths, face cloths, towels, etc. Please place them in the basket.


Good news, friends! The refugee family being sponsored by the Inter-Church Refugee Committee in Fredericton has arrived. The family consists of a husband and wife, and two sons, aged 15 and 3 years old. The committee is very appreciative of all the donations made so far - both financial and material.

There will be a short Congregational Board meeting at 11:30 am this morning in the Upper Room on the topic of music ministry. All Board members are asked to please attend.

Minute for Mission

We Become Family at Camp!

What would you say to the whole United Church of Canada about Camp Lorrain? The question brings smiles to the faces of campers and counsellors sitting in Murphy’s Lodge.

“When I was younger, I didn’t fit in at school. I was bullied a lot,” says Liz. “When my church sent me to Camp Lorrain, I found a family— people who accepted me and cared about me. Here I was a person, not a problem. Now I get to be a counsellor with girls who are like me. We become family.”

Chris shares his story: “I have been coming here since I was only seven, even though it means travelling hundreds of miles. I’ve changed here at camp. I am now a counsellor-in-training, helping other kids to have the same experience that I had.”

Connor chimes in: “I’ve grown spiritually since coming here. I’ve met new people and become open to them. I’m growing into a better leader because now I am able to work with and learn from kids who are different from me. My favourite memory is sleeping out under the stars, listening to the waves crashing on the rocks. I’d never had a chance to do that in the city I’m from.”

Torrin says: “I wouldn’t be the same person without Camp Lorrain.”

Camp Lorrain, on the shores of Lake Temiskaming in northeastern Ontario, has been supported by Mission & Service for many years. Our gifts change the lives of young people for the better. For this most valuable gift, the gift of lives changed—thank you!
