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Section 19-6.03B. Use if subsidence of ground surface is anticipated. Use with either SSP 19-6.04 or SSP 19-7.04.

Replace section 19-6.03B with:

19-6.03B Subsidence


You may compact the ground surface on which an embankment is to be constructed before placing embankment material.


If the compaction results in an average subsidence exceeding 0.25 foot, the Engineer measures the ground surface after compaction. Allow time for the Engineer to measure the area before placing embankment material.

3. Use if the project includes a bid item for embankment. Enter quantity.

A quantity of ______cubic yards of embankment will be added to the computed embankment quantity for the anticipated effect of subsidence.

4. Use if imported borrow is measured by theoretical basis. Enter quantity.

A quantity of ______cubic yards of embankment will be added to the computed imported borrow quantity for the anticipated effect of subsidence.


If you do not agree with this specified quantity, you may submit a plan for measuring subsidence. The plan must include complete details of the measuring devices and their installation.


If the your plan for measuring subsidence is authorized, install and maintain the subsidence-measuring devices.


The Engineer takes readings as needed to determine the progress of subsidence. Provide assistance as needed.


If the Engineer finds that a device has been damaged, that device will not be used for determining subsidence in the area the device represents. The subsidence for that area is considered as zero regardless of the subsidence measured at other areas.


Subsidence is considered as zero at:

1.Intersection of the side slope and end slope at structures with the ground line as established by the original cross-sections

2.Points on the cross-sections 50 feet beyond the start and end of the area with subsidence-measuring devices, unless the Engineer agrees otherwise


The additional quantity of material for embankment work due to subsidence is determined by the average-end-area method from the original measurements and the final measurements, including zero subsidence at specified areas.


After final measurements are made, remove detachable elements of the subsidence-measuring devices.