HTML AND CSS Styles Final Project

You will be designing a two page Web site for your final assessment for HTML formatting and CSS Styles work in Khan Academy and All pages must link together (using a href link and name of files) and be about a topic of your choice. You must email the topic to me before you start working and submit a storyboard (rough draft sketch). The topic CAN NOT the topic you used for Assignment 1.

Your Web site should be free from coding errors, professional looking, and proofread – be careful of picking backgrounds that are too busy or fonts that are hard to read. Also, be aware of “white space” on your Web site. You will create your final project on Instant HTML. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE ALL WORK IN NOTEPAD/GOOGLE DOC when you are using INSTANT HTML. Any lost work will have to be recreated for a grade.

Your Web site should consist of the following attributes:

·  Four main HTML tags – on both pages.

·  Color or Image background – using html code or css styles

·  Use of at least five CSS styles in style section

·  Three or more images

·  Two heading sizes (H1 – H6)

·  Different font attributes – bold, italics, underlines or font face, font size if not used in CSS

·  Paragraph text

·  Horizontal Rules to break up sections

·  One working hyperlink

·  Unordered list or ordered list

·  Line Breaks (if needed for spacing)

·  One table with headings

·  Any other additional tags that help enhance the style and layout of your Web site – videos, cursor codes, logo creation, scrolling marquee, CSS buttons, etc.

Pick a topic that has enough information to be broken down into two pages – a homepage and then one addition page. You can use your other demos and assignments to help you create the final project – you just cannot use the same topics.

Please use Khan Academy videos, Codecademy demos, notes, old assignments, help links and the cheat sheet packet to help with coding.