Meeting Note from Public and Stakeholder Engagement Sub-Gp

23rd February 2010

Document No:60

Status:Adopted 5th March 2010

Author:Rhuari Bennett, for PSE Sub-Group

Title:Meeting Note of PSE Sub-Group held on 23rd February 2010


Present: Ian Curwen (CBC), Marie McCourt (ABC), Kieran Barr (CCC), Rhuari Bennett (3KQ), Helen Ashley (3KQ), Jane Dalton (3KQ), Paul Gardner (Osprey Comms), Michael Heaslip (WSP), Fred Barker (NuLeAF).

Observing Members: Elizabeth Atherton (NDA), Jay Redgrove (NDA)

ApologiesChris Shaw (CALC)


  • Whitehaven News doing an article as a result of 23 Feb Partnership meeting
  • Contractor for leaflet has not yet got back to Ian about which postcode areas may have been missed. Where there are reported problems that can't be backed up with evidence, Ian will send out a stack of leaflets to the post offices, parish council etc to have available and on display etc. This is a backstop but tries to address the inevitable uncertainty over delivery problems. Ian to compile an options table for leaflet delivery for PSE2 (pros/cons/costs).

BGS attendance at PSE2 events

PSE sub-group believe that they need the option for the BGS to be present at all public events. However, they recognise the resource impact this has on the small BGS team, and acknowledge that they probably won't ultimately have to come to every event as there will be some areas that are screened out so are less contentious. The group noted the dangers of it appearing as if the Partnership 'owns' the BGS work if Steering Group members presenting on the study findings in BGS' absence. Rhuari to update Steering Group.

PSE Meeting on 6 April

The agenda for this meeting is to review PSE1 and design PSE2. Rhuari will gather people's views on PSE1 remotely in advance of the meeting to accelerate discussions. This will focus on reviewing the overall PSE objectives, which will then lead on to what key objectives and content might be needed for PSE2. Rhuari to prompt feedback by email on PSE1.

PSE1 Report

The draft report was considered and extensively commented on by the group. This was the main agenda item. A set of changes was tracked live on a projected screen, as well as additional notes by the report authors. An updated version will be circulated to the PSE sub-group for rapid review before going to the Steering Group on 3 March. Helen/3KQ update PSE1 Report and circulate.

PSE2: possible coverage/considerations

During discussions the following points were noted as things to consider and possibly cover during PSE2:

  • Order of PSE2 strands: putting qualitative events first to inform later work
  • Timing of awareness surveys with Place Survey to compare NI4 levels
  • How to build trust
  • Asking about what community benefits should be considered
  • Engagement of Northern Ireland
  • Requirement of graphics and models of facility in PSE2

Next Meetings
PSE Sub-Group will meet again on:
  • 6 April 1230-1630, Lonsdale Room (lunch at start)
/ Put dates in diaries
Check room bookings and refreshments / All

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