Plumsted Township Public Schools


“New Jersey hosts a growing economy that is oriented toward agriculture, industry, finance, education, and research—an economy that demands contact and interaction with the global marketplace. For New Jersey students, the need to function competently in more than one language has therefore become increasingly important in order to participate fully in the economic, political, and social life of a state with over 100 ethnic groups, and where more than 150 different languages are spoken. In the twenty-first century, students must be able to participate in culturally appropriate ways in face-to-face interaction with members of other cultures in order to be productive members of the diverse communities in which we all live.”[1]

The foreign language department is committed to meeting the communication and language demands of our local, state, and national community through the acquisition of a second language. Our program, aligned to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards as well as national standards, promotes communication based language instruction in a practical learning environment. Curriculum designs encourage a hands-on approach and stress critical thinking skills while concentrating on fluency and cultural awareness inside and outside of our immediate community.


The learner will be able to:

  1. Integrate foreign language with other content areas
  2. Improve communication and language skills through acquisition and practice of a foreign language
  3. Promote cultural awareness inside and outside of our local community
  4. Use technology as a medium for learning within the foreign language curriculum
  5. Identify and generate an understanding of foreign language with regards to social, behavioral, environmental, and human systems

Plumsted Township Public Schools

Plumsted Township Public Schools

Mission Statement

The educational program of the New Egypt Schools shall foster high expectations, in academics and behavior, giving attention to all students’ individual needs. Children will be provided a variety of activities and experiences that allow them to mature into lifelong learners, who are critical thinkers, and who cooperate with others as they grow and learn in our democratic society.

PlumstedTownship Board of Education

Mrs. Joanna Barlow, President

Mr. Lawrence Downs, Vice President

Mr. Harry Miller

Mr. Anthony O’Donnell

Mrs. Sandra Soles

District Administration

Dr. Robert Smith, Superintendent

Plumsted Township Public Schools


Frank Gripp, Business Administrator

Elizabeth Panella, Principal New EgyptHigh School

John Blair, Assistant Principal New EgyptHigh School

Andrea Raniero, Principal New EgyptMiddle School

Tom Farrell, Assistant Principal New EgyptMiddle School

Bob Burkhardt, Principal New EgyptElementary School

Toni Ferry, Principal New EgyptPrimary School

Colleen Davidson, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

Richard Carroll, Supervisor of Athletics

Scope and Sequence

- French 2 Review
- Passé Composé using avoir and être- Verb Tense L’imparfait (the imperfect tense)
- conjugations - conjugations
- irregular verb stems/ending- irregular verb stems/endings

- Irregular Past Participles (avoir, être, faire, mettre, prendre, voir)- Time expressions in the Imparfait
- Présent Tense Irregular Verbs (sortir, partir, voir, mettre, prendre) (habitual/progressive actions)
- Présent Tense Regular Verbs (-er,-ir,-re)- Passé Composé versus Imparfait (usage)
- Adjectives describing self and othersCulture

-Vocabulaire: Les Spectacles/ Au cinema-French actors/actresses & films

- Invitations: Extended vocabulary- French musicians (modern music)

- Object Pronouns (me/m’, te/t’, nous, vous)- French newspapers & current events project

- present and future, used as commands, and with the infinitive- Short excerpts from various French writers
-Favors and Services ( présenter, apporter, donner, montrer, prêter, rendre)- Extreme sports in France
-Connaître vs. Savoir (knowing people versus information)- French athletes

- Direct Object Pronouns (le/l’, la/l’, and les)- Health/ Workweek issues in France

- Vocabulaire: Les Journaux- “Small Change” (film in French & subtitles)
- Irregular Verbs: Dire, Lire, Ecrire- Belgium: BrusselsBruges ( history, monuments,

- Indirect Object Pronouns (lui, leur) in the present, future, and past tenses museums, cuisine)

- Verbs followed by indirect objects- South of France (Cannes, Nice, St. Tropez)

- ( écrire, parler, render visite, répondre, téléphoner, acheter, demander, dire,

donner, emprunter, montrer, prêter)
- L’ordre des Pronoms ( Direct Object Pronouns followed by Indirect Object Pronouns)
-Vocabulaire: Les Sports Individuels
-Irregular Verb:Courir
- Review of Parts of the Body
-Vocabulaire: La Santé (Health and Physical Fitness)
-Pronoun y (prepositions of places)
-Pronoun en ( replacing de, de la, du, des)
-Vocabulaire: Expressions of time and opinion

-Irregular Verb: Croire (expressing beliefs)
- Reflexive Verbs & Personal Hygiene Vocabulary
-Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé
-Vocabulaire: La residence/ La maison / Le Mobilier (Household furniture and other items)
- Irregular Verbs Ouvrir & Eteindre

-(Review other verbs such as mettre, fermer, allumer used around the house)



Plumsted Township Public Schools


Unit Topic: French 2 Review
* Present Tense of regular verbs ending in –er, - ir, and –re
* Present Tense of irregular verbs
* Past Tense of regular and irregular verbs
Topic/Essential Question
What are the most important concepts to be learned during this unit? / Objectives
What will students know and be able to do? / Core Activities
What Activities Will help them learn or know? / Assessment
How will you know they have learned it? / Technology Literacy
What technology skills are being introduced, developed, mastered? / NJCCCS (CPI’s)
1. Present Tense Review
Essential Questions:
  • How are verbs conjugated in the present tense?
  • What is an infinitive and when can it be used in a sentence?
  • What are the irregular verbs that we learned in French 1 and 2?
  • Which irregular verbs follow the same pattern?
/ The learner will:
  • Recall the subject pronouns and –er/ -ir/- re verb endings.
  • Practice conjugating several different regular verbs.
  • Recall and use such verbs as vouloir, devoir, and pouvoir with infinitives in the same sentence.
  • Recall irregular verbs such as faire, avoir, and être in the present tense.
  • Use various expressions in the present tense with faire, avoir, and être.
  • Recall irregularverbs such as voir, mettre, prendre, sortir, partir, and dormir and identify any stem patterns.
  • Verb Conjugation game: Students will break down into several groups and race to conjugate the verb correctly. The group that conjugates the verb correctly first earns a point for their team.
  • Question & Answer: Students will write a series of questions on a notecard and will interview several students. Each student will have to respond to a question using a conjugated verb.
  • Students will create a dialogue using present tense regular and irregularverbs. This dialogue will be interviewing a classmate that he or she does not know upon entering this new course.
/ -Various homework assignments
- Daily Faites Maintenant using the present tense verbs
- Written copy of the dialogue
- Quiz on present tense verbs. /
Students will complete three practice quizzes from Unité 3. Students will submit their quizzes online for grading and print out their scores.

Students will use this website to help recall and review present tense basic verb conjugations. / NHLR
7.1 A.4
7.1 B. 3
7.1 B. 4
7.1 C.1
2. Past Tense Review
Essential Questions:
  • How are verbs conjugated in the past tense?
  • Which verbs are conjugated with avoir in the passé compose and which verbs are conjugated with être?
  • What are the verbs that are included in Mrs. Van der Tramp?
  • When is agreement made with the subject in the passé composé?
/ The learner will:
  • Review and recall the verbs avoir and être in the present tense.
  • Review how to form the passé compose of –er, -ir, and –re verbs
  • Create a list of all verbs ending in –er, -ir, and –re.
  • Differentiate between verbs that are conjugated with avoir and verbs conjugated with être in the passé compose.
  • Recognize when agreement is made in gender and number.
  • Students will create a short power-point presentation illustrating what he or she did during their summer vacation last year. Each presentation must include all of the Mrs Van der Tramp verbs and several verbs conjugated with avoir.
  • Various written and spoken guided activities from their textbooks.
/ -Various homework assignments
- Daily Faites Maintenant activities
- Power Point Presentation will assess their written comprehension of the past tense as well as their pronunciation / PowerPoint via

Students will complete all activities in Leçon 6 from the online workbook and will submit their activities for grading and print out their score sheet.

Students will use this webpage to help review and recall the passé compose by completing online activities. / ILLR
7.1 A.4
7.1 A.7
7.1 B.4
7.1 C.1
Review of Adjectives
Essential Questions:
  1. What verb is most commonly used when making a description of someone or yourself?
  2. What are the different endings of a feminine adjective versus a masculine adjective?
  3. How do you make an adjective plural?
/ The learner will:
  • Recall adjectives used to describe various people in French 2.
  • Describe various friends and family members.
  • Describe different teachers, administrators, celebrities, artists, politicians, and musicians.
  • Students will pick a student in class and write a paragraph describing that student physically as well as his or her personality traits. Each student will read their description for the class and other students will have to guess the name of the student.
  • Students will google a person of their choice and project this picture on the television. We will then have a conversation describing each person in French.
  • Students will be in groups of three with two students wearing blindfolds. The student not wearing the blindfold must describe the blindfolded students to other groups until they guess their identity. The group with the most correct answers wins.
/ - Written descriptions of other people.
- “Google” activity will engage each student with a different description.
-Examen (Test) / Internet via Television / NHLR
7.1 A.1
7.1 A.3
7.1 A.4
7.1 C.1
7.1 C.2
7.2 A.3
Unit Topic: Les Spectacles/Au Cinéma
* Describing and identifying the genre of a film
* Discussing different cultural events and experiences
* Forming invitations and accepting or rejecting
Topic/Essential Question
What are the most important concepts to be learned during this unit? / Objectives
What will students know and be able to do? / Core Activities
What Activities Will help them learn or? / Assessment
How will you know they have learned it? / Technology Literacy
What technology skills are being introduced, developed, mastered? / NJCCCS (CPI’s)
Les Spectacles/Au Cinéma
Essential Questions:
  1. What do American students do during their free time on the weekends?
  2. What are some activities that are popular in France amongst teenagers?
  3. Can you identify the genre of different films in French?
  4. How do you order tickets for various events?
/ The learner will:
  • Discuss and identify various films.
  • Describe what they like to do and/or see during their spare time.
  • Tell how often he or she does various activities.
  • Order movie tickets and interact with a ticket agent.
  • Students will pick a film to describe and review. Each student will use the vocabulary regarding “genre du film” and will also use the adjectives previously reviewed. Students will write their movie review and include pictures from the movie. These reviews will be presented to the class.
  • Students will write and perform a short dialogue where they interact with a ticket agent and order tickets over the phone for several different activities, such as the opera, a museum exhibition, a soccer game, and a concert.
  • Students will discuss the different activities that they prefer to do in their free time. We will discuss concerts, museums, theatre, and films that are of particular interest to each student.
/ - Movie review: students will be assessed on their use of “genre du film” vocabulary and also the adjectives previously reviewed.
- Dialogue: Students will be graded on their grammar, spelling, and use of “genre du film” vocabulary. Students will also be graded on pronunciation. / Television & DVD player will be used to view clips of films. / ILLR
7.1 A.3
7.1 A.6
7.1 B.5
7.1 B.6
7.1 C. 1
7.1 C.2
7.2 A.3
7.2 C.1
Essential Questions:
  1. What three irregular verbs are generally used when inviting someone to go to an event?
  2. What are some simple and short phrases used in France to accept an invitation?
  3. How do you explain why you are unable to accept an invitation?
  4. How do you apologize to a person when you are turning down the invitation?
/ The Learner Will:
  • Recall the irregular verbs vouloir, devoir, and pouvoir to extend an invitation.
  • Learn a variety of phrases to accept or reject an invitation.
/ * Students will practice inviting others to concerts, museums, the theatre, and sporting events using short phrases.
* Students will write, practice, and perform a short dialogue inviting another student to do several activities. His or her peer will reject several activities using a variety of vocabulary. Finally, his or her peer will extend an invitation and he or she will accept. / -Students will be assessed on their dialogue interaction.
-Daily “Faites Maintenant” activities using invitations, accepting, and rejecting.
-Petit Examen
(Quiz) /
Students will use the online flashcards to review vocabulary. / NHLR
7.1 B.3
7.1 C.1
Unit Topic: Un Petit Service
* Providing favors or a service for another person using object pronouns me, te, nous, and vous
* Using me, te, nous, and vous in the impératif (forming commands)
* Direct Object Pronouns (le, la, l’, les)
* Connaître et Savoir
Topic/Essential Question
What are the most important concepts to be learned during this unit? / Objectives
What will students know and be able to do? / Core Activities
What Activities Will help them learn or know? / Assessment
How will you know they have learned it? / Technology Literacy
What technology skills are being introduced, developed, mastered? / NJCCCS (CPI’s)
Object Pronouns
Essential Questions:
  1. What are the object pronouns that correspond with je, tu, nous, and vous?
  2. How do the object pronouns me and te change before a vowel sound?
  3. What is the position of an object pronoun in a sentence or question?
  4. What verbs are commonly associated with object pronouns?
  5. How are object pronouns used in the impératif to form a command?
Direct object pronouns
Essential Questions:
  1. What are the masculine and feminine singular direct object pronouns?
  2. What is the plural direct object pronoun?
  3. What do direct object pronouns refer to?
  4. Where are direct object pronouns located in a sentence?
/ The learner will:
  • Use the verbs présenter, apporter, donner, montrer, prêter, and rendre to discuss favors and services.
  • Create sentences using object pronouns and recognize their position is immediately before the verb.
  • Distinguish between “me” and “m’ ” before a vowel sound and “te” and “t’ ” before a vowel sound.
  • Give commands to students and demand favors.
The learner will:
  • Recognize that direct object pronouns can refer to people as well as objects.
  • Differentiate between the masculine and feminine direct object pronouns.
  • Determine when to use the singular or plural direct object pronoun.
  • Students will ask others to do a favor for them and he or she will have to respond.
  • Students will write, practice, and perform a skit based on Cinderella. Students in each group will have a wicked step-mother that is constantly giving her children commands. Students will have to act out all of the favors for the services rendered.
  • Students will create a short conversation discussing their plans for vacation. Their partner will ask if he or she is bringing certain items. The partner will respond using direct object pronouns only.
/ - Students will be assessed on several written homework assignments using the object pronouns and appropriate verbs.
- Students will be graded on their dialogue performance.
- Examen (Test)
- Various homework assignments
- Skit performance and written dialogue / Overhead Projector used to show examples of object pronouns and position in a sentence.

Students will complete the online quiz for Unité4: Leçon 14 and submit for grading and print out their personal score sheet.

Students will complete the online quiz for Unité 4: Leçon 15 and submit their quiz for grading. Students will print out their personal score sheet. / ILLR
7.1. A.1
7.1. A.5
7.1. A.7
7.1 B.1
7.1 C. 1
7.1. A.1
7.1. A.5
7.1. A.7
7.1 B.1
7.1 C. 1
Connaître vs. Savoir
Essential Questions:
  1. What are the verb conjugations of connaître and savoir?
  2. When is connaître used versus savoir?
  3. What generally follows the verb connaître?
  4. What generally follows savoir?
/ The learner will:
  • Know the different verb conjugations of connaître and savoir.
  • Determine when to use connaître versus savoir.
  • Recognize that savoir is generally followed by que, si, an infinitive, or an interrogative expression.
  • Identify that a location or person generally follows connaître.
  • Students will read a short story and fill in the blanks with the forms of connaître or savoir.
  • Students will ask others if they know various people, places, or events related to the French culture.
/ - Students will be assessed on their short story, the use of verbs and their conjugations.
- Students will be graded on various homework assignments.
- Petit Examen / N/A / ILLR
7.1 A.1
7.1 A.3
7.1 B.2
7.1 B.3
7.1 C. 2
Unit Topic: Les Journaux
* lire, dire, écrire
* Vocabulaire: les journaux et ce que vous lisez et écrivez
* Indirect Object Pronouns (lui, leur)
Topic/Essential Question
What are the most important concepts to be learned during thisunit? / Objectives
What will students know and be able to do? / Core Activities
What Activities Will help them learn or know? / Assessment
How will you know they have learned it? / Technology Literacy
What technology skills are being introduced, developed, mastered? / NJCCCS (CPI’s)
Lire, dire, écrire/ Les Journaux
Essential Questions:
  1. What are the conjugations of lire, dire, and écrire?
  2. What is generally used after dire to introduce a clause?
  3. Can you name some of the different things that you read?
  4. What topics do you enjoy writing about in school?
Indirect Object Pronouns