ALEPH Circulation – V.20
Adding Local Privileges to Existing Patrons
Occasionally there are instances where a patron is already in the Aleph system, and they wish to check out items at a different library than where they’re registered (such as a student transfer). In those circumstances, a library can ‘take over’ a patron record, and add their local privileges to the record in order for the patron to check out materials.
1. When adding a patron, and the system indicates a record already exists, locate the existing record in the system. Click the elipse button next to the patron field.
2. When the patron list comes up, FIRST UNCHECK THE DISPLAY LOCAL PATRONS ONLY box. If this box remains checked, only those patrons locally registered will display in the list. After unchecking the box, locate the patron as per usual by scrolling to find the patron name in the list. Alternatively, type a portion of their last name in the ‘Enter Starting Point’ box and press enter. If you locate the patron, double click on their name in the list.
3. After selecting the patron, be certain you are in the Patron tab in the left pane, and select Global Patron Information.
4. Verify that this is indeed the same patron you are attempting to enter. You may need to also look at the Patron Address Information to make an identification. If you cannot verify this patron record belongs to the same person you are working with, do not take it over. Instead, add a new patron record into the system using a unique identifier (such as including a middle initial or middle name). Before making any changes to the Global Record, make note of the current patron barcode (you will add it as an Additional ID later).
5. After the barcode is noted, replace it with the barcode you are assigning the patron. Enter the patron’s last name in the Barcode Verification field. Change the ILL Unit and ILL Limits to reflect your library. Change the Home Library to your library. Change the Profile to your library’s profile. Click Update to save the information.
6. Add local privileges to the record. In the left pane, click Local Patron Information.
7. Add local privileges as per usual. With the XXX50 line highlighted, select the patron status from the dropdown menu in the lower pane. Click ‘Get Defaults’ to update the privileges to match the status. Check the expiration date of the record and update it if necessary. When finished, click ‘Update’ to save the changes.
8. Next, update the patron’s address information. In the left pane, select ‘Address Information.’
9. Make any necessary changes to their address, and click ‘Update’ to save.
10. Lastly, update the patron’s Additional ID’s with their old barcode (this will provide continuity, especially if the patron ever goes back to their old library). In the left pane, select ‘Additional IDs.’
11. On the Additional ID screen, click Add ID.
12. In the lower pane, enter the patron’s previous barcode information.
a. Key Type: Select Subsequent Barcode
b. Key Data: Enter the barcode number previously copied early from the patron’s pre-existing record
c. Verification Type: Select 00 Normal
d. Verification: Enter patron’s last name
e. Status: Select Active
Click Add to add the old barcode back to the record. At this point, the record has successfully been ‘taken over’ and the patron is able to borrow items from your library.