PTO Meeting Minutes 102113
Meeting was opened with Prayer by Laurie Schultz
We again went around the table with introductions. We welcome back Lori Covelli. Thank you to Heather Burtman for joining us. Others in attendance were Brenda Rasmussen, Rachel Gruett, Jenny Tellekson, Angie Stolz, Michelle Skic, Laurie Schultz, Jennifer Rajek, Melissa Leon, Lori Covelli, Georgia Gustafson, Sherry Schuelke, Jenny Wendorf, Molly Hoff, Mike Handlin and Heather Burtman.
We wanted to thank everyone for the Luke Stolarczyk Fundraiser which was a huge success. Our Bake Sale raised $1326.75.
Field Trip Requests we for 1st grade to go to Helene’s on October 22nd at the cost of $64.00. Michelle Skic made a motion to pay for that field trip with a second by Angie Stolz. Kindergarten has 2 field trip requests. One trip was to Helene’s for apples on October 1st for $90.00 and the 2nd trip was to Wilke’s pumpkin patch on October 23rd for $72.00. Motion made by Mike Handlin, second Michelle Skic.
Trinity Hawk apparel was handed out today.
Secret Angel shop is on Friday December 6th from 6pm to 8pm and Saturday December 7th from 8am to 1pm. Cafeteria is reserved. The shopping was done at Dollar Tree and online and all items are here in storage. Approximately $1000.00 was spent. Michelle and Mike will still be purchasing bags from Oriental Trading and will be getting a sign up sheet for workers.
Discussion was made to switch banks for the PTO account because they are having some issues with Park City Credit Union. I gave Michelle the bylaws and she is checking into using River Valley State Bank. Mike made the motion to use River Valley with a second by Michelle Skic.
Ms. Yahr had to leave the meeting stated before she left that Trunk to Trunk Treating is looking for workers and more cars. Michelle offered her van for the PTO trunk. Rachel Gruett made a motion to spend up to $100.00 on candy for trunk to trunk with a second from Mike Handlin. Michelle will get the candy.
Fundraisers- In Cards and Napkins we sold $5325.50 with a profit of $2395.56. We talked again about soup and sandwich, flower bulbs vs plants, pasta sale and fundraiser meal at Les and Jims, in which they said they would charge $2.00 per person for pizza and pasta buffet and we could charge whatever we wanted to make a profit. It is suggested to table the soup and sandwich fundraiser (as we are not making a lot of money on this anymore) so we would like to try the Les and Jim’s fundraiser with the possibility of having Tom Pease come to entertain after the buffet. Rachel will check again with Les and Jim’s and Michelle and Mike will ask permission from the boards for this fundraiser.
Other Business- Mike Handlin brought some information to sell Orange T-shirts that say Take Aim on Leukemia in which we will sell for $10.00. We got price quotes from Quali T. A motion was made by Rachel to purchase 144 T-shirts with a second by Michelle.
Next meeting will be held on November 18th, 2013 at 6:00 pm in the Trinity School Cafeteria.
Prayer will be led by Jennifer Tellekson.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Laurie Schultz PTO Secretary