Toastmasters International
Presidents Club
District 14, Division D, Area 44, Club 1713
Record of Meeting
Date: October 5, 2011
Location: EastCobbGovernment Center
Theme: “History Repeating”
- Debbie Field
Call to Order:
- Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Sgt of Arms: Sutham Cobkit.
- Sutham shared the value of meeting individually with toastmaster members and the importance of preparing for a speech early and PRACTICING!
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
- Rich Hart shared various quotes on History Repeating.
Business Meeting:
- Officer’s Meeting is next Wednesday.
- Meeting on November 7th still scheduled for Whole Foods. Waiting to hear from Walton High School.
- Please remember to let Rosalyn know if you will be out for a meeting and if there are goals you want to make sure you accomplish.
- Banquet may be moved to January.
- Treasury Report – 30 of 36 members renewed!
- Judi Rogers reminded us that October is Membership month and created a Member Ship so we can track progress.
- Tom Nixon made a motion to propose an alternative for Evaluations for more advanced speakers. Motion was accepted to have Tom provide in depth explanation and make proposal at next meeting.
General Meeting Begins:
Emma HittJoke Master
Eric HoltzclawVideographer
Clemmie ScottAh Counter
Rich HartVote Counter
Lisa GoodmanTimer
Rush NettervilleGrammarian
Judy AndersonTable Topics Master
Word of the Day = Allegory
Table Topics:
Table Topics Master – Judy Anderson
All Table Topic “ History Repeating”
Question 1: Several TV shows have surfaced recently dealing with the ‘60’s. Looking back, what fashion would like to see resurface?
Sutham Cobkit responded that he felt dress has become a little too revealing and might be related to increase crime. He would like to see dress become more conservative.
Question 2: Remembering the movies, Ground Hog Day and Sliding Doors, if you could re-live part of your life or part of the life of someone in your family, what would it be.
Kumar Choudhuri would relive his first date with his wife. She spilled a drink in his face and then another in his face when attempting to clean up the 1st accident. All the restaurant patrons thought Clemmie had upset her. She did agree to a second date but Kumar did not take her to a restaurant!
Question 3: Judy is reading the book Lies Our Teacher’s Told Us. What historical event do you think should be revised?
Eric Holtzclaw saved the Franklin D. Roosevelt was known for doing great things but he served 4 terms. Eric wonders how current presidents would fare if allowed to serve more than 2 terms.
All Table Topic speakers qualified.
“Tomorrow” – Mack Miller
#10 Inspire Your Audience
Speech Title: “Tomorrow”
(Manual: CC Speech #7: Research Your Topic; Time: 5-7 min)
- Collect information on your topic from numerous sources
- Carefully support your points and opinions with specific facts, examples and illustrations gathered through research.
Mack chose procrastination as his topic because he needs help in this area. In fact, he had trouble getting this speech written due to procrastination. He researched and found that many people procrastinate in ways that can affect their futures: late 401k participation, failure to use medications correctly, and decisions by our government regarding the economy.
Mack closed with things to do to help avoid procrastination: setting goals, making lists and making the tasks meaningful.
- 8 minutes 9 seconds Did not qualify
“The 2,2,2 Plan” – Dan Jourdan
(Manual Advanced manual on Entertainment, Speech # 2; Resources for Entertainment; Time: 8-10 min)
Objectives "Resources for Entertainment"
- Draw humorous and/or dramatic material from sources other than your own personal experience.
- Adapt your material to suit your topic, your own personality and the audience.
- Use entertaining material as means of conveying a serious message
Dan shared stories of visiting his Dad in a retirement home and memories of how his Dad could work a room. His Dad taught him to work the crowd you need to remember the 2,2,2 plan: know 2 good jokes, be able to sing 2 good songs (sing alongs preferred) and know 2 magic tricks.
Dan was able to share this with a great joke, juggling and then to top it off, played the guitar and sang “Rocky Mountain High”!!!!
9 minutes 58 seconds
Speech Title: “The Blue Light” – Charlene Anderson
(Manual: Advanced Communication Series - Storytelling - Project #1
Time: 7 - 9 min)
- To tell a folk tale that is entertaining and enjoyable for a specific age group
- To use vivid imagery and voice to enhance the tale
Charlene told a story of a King fired one of his soldiers. Upon leaving the King the soldier came upon a witch who traded him a place to sleep and food for chores. One of the chores was to go down in her well and find a blue light she dropped down there. When the witch pulled him out of the well, the soldier realized it was a trick and let go of the rope. Stuck in the bottom of the well, he lit the blue light to smoke his pipe and a dwarf appeared to grant him a wish! The story shares the various wishes made by the soldier, how his wishes lead him to prison and in the end, back to happiness with the King’s daughter.
9 minutes 38 seconds. Did not qualify
Speech Title: “The Future of Electric Automobiles”
(Manual: ACS Series – Speaking to Inform; Speech #4 – A Fact Finding Report)
Time: 5-7 minutes for the speech and 2-3 minutes for the Q&A period
- Prepare a report on a situation or event or a problem of interest to the audience
- Deliver sufficient factual information in your report to the audience can make valid conclusions or a sound decision
- Answer questions from the audience
Kumar began with a film clip depicting an office environment forced to use gasoline motors for power rather than electricity.
He then taught us about the three types of electric cars: electric, hybrid and plug in hybrid. Kumar told us about the savings in driving electric and the shortcomings such as short battery life. However, battery switch stations are starting to pop up in other countries. The safety is still to be determined.
Kumar took questions from the audience regarding safety and expense.
General Evaluator: Susan McMullen
Evaluator for Mack MillerRosalyn Dodell
Evaluator for Dan JourdanJustin Cobkit
Evaluator for Charlene AndersonJudi Rogers
Evaluator for Kumar ChoudhuriTom Nixon
All Evaluators qualified
Meeting Evaluation:
Susan applauded the creativity of the group but reminded us to try not to make unnecessary comments during the business meeting so that we can keep on track and to adhere to the time line, and to try to return from breaks on time.
No announcements
Most Enthusiastic Helper – Rush Netterville
Best Table Topics –Kumar Choudhuri
Best Evaluator – Tom Nixon
Best Speaker – Dan Jourdan (DeeJay)