Hearing and Learning Disabilities Special Interest Group

Meeting in Phonak – Warrington18th November 2009


Siobhan Brennan, Tricia Simon, Jacqui Hughes-Cairns, Jen Gilham, Serena Jones, Clare Punshon, Denny Fransman, Anna Briggs, Frances Tweedy, Andrea Jones, Esther Gibson, Carl Davies, Andrew Forbes, Annie Abson, Pete Roberts, Kara Kerr, Jackie Jones, Ann-Marie Hamilton, Trudy Reading, Andrea Curran, Carol, Elgy, Gabrielle Mason, Rachel Robinson, Dev Joshi, Karan Rai, Jayne Dunbar, Susan Hayes, Helen Connaughton, Jo Brooks, Kim Seabrooke, Michelle Heslop, Pete Sainty, Christina Black, Gail Longman, Rosiat Hamilton, Helen Brough, Samantha Robbins, Katie Legg, Fiona Egerton, Clair Crank, Jeanette Brammer, Mary Bickford-Smith, Rochelle Bakey, Mohammed Suleman, Sarah Bent, Zoe Hamilton


Maureen Richardson

Introduction and Welcome by Siobhan Brennan

The meeting this time had a focus on Dementia and communication issues in addition to any pre-existing conditions. It was highlighted by a number of speakers that the onset of dementia can often be overlooked or attributed to other things, so may often go un-noticed as an additional need to be catered for.

The speakers are listed below and copies of their talks and presentation may be found on the HaLD website (

Sensory Integration

Tricia Simon, Principal Speech & Language Therapist

This talk raised a lot of discussion, mostly around by whom, when and where these assessments would be carried out. Also, whether it would be realistic for a questionnaire to be developed to help to differentiate between sensory integration problems, CAPD and/or hearing problems. Some information may be available at the time we see the person for their appointment, but may be held elsewhere.

Do we need a working party to devise a differential diagnostic questionnaire/assessment, or could we look at expanding the Auditory section?

Is there a brief version of this assessment, as the full blown one is quite lengthy?

Dementia and Communication

Esther Gibson, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

I think we all related to this talk very well – we all have to communicate and have undoubtedly hit difficulties.

Esther showed some very clear slides in helping us to be able to visualise and get a handle on communication levels. Also putting a focus on sustainability of communication, as once deterioration starts to happen, it is very difficult to teach new skills. Although we want to make the most of peoples’ potential, it is often better to have more simple communication strategies in place – almost total communication (carers often can get hung up on this – ie: he can do better than that) as these will be more useful for longer.

The talk will be on the website, but Esther has said that people can contact her directly for any additional information,

Liverpool Dementia Project

Serena Jones, Down's Syndrome Nurse specialising in DementiaCare

Clare Punshon, Clinical psychologist

Serena and Clare gave a very passionate talk about their Downs Syndrome screening for health programme, which incorporates regular hearing screening. They have also established an easy access referral route with their local Audiology department.

Down’s Syndrome and Dementia

Andrea Jones, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

Andrea highlighted a lot of the difficulties and frustrations we all face, especially that a lot of problems are left or put down by GP’s as ‘the Down’s Syndrome’. As mentioned in the previous talk, a lot more could be done with increased professional awareness and regular screening programmes.Andrea also sent a useful link for learning disabilities and dementia

Dementia and Auditory Processing Disorders

Frances Tweedy, Clinical Scientist (Audiology)

Frances gave a valuable talk, reminding us about the right ear advantage, how we process information, Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) and the fact that we move back to having that Right ear advantage once APD sets in.

APD starts earlier than we might expect and anyone with even quite a mild presbyacusis, will have an element of APD. Older Audiologists amongst us will remember in days gone by – monaural fitting as standard. For those people accessing our services quite late in life or with know dementia already – maybe we should be considering fitting monaurally again – try and make the most of the natural right ear advantage and not confuse things with a binaural input.

Changing Lives & Valuing People

Anna Briggs, Development Manager, MENCAP

Anna gave an enlightening history of how learning disability has been seen and perceived over the years. Some things we could all relate to were at times quite sad, and at time infuriating. But there is hope, as we move forward together with meetings like this, groups like we have, raising awareness and all the good work that is being done.

Business Meeting

Carl Davies was very please to announce the launch of our new look website

It is very user friendly and we hope you find it helpful. All of the talks will be uploaded onto the site.

We would like to thank Maureen Richardson for her long service as group secretary, but unfortunately it is now time for her to step down from this role.

There were no objections to myself, Jacqui Hughes-Cairns taking over the role.

I can be contacted via the website or by .

Name change – with the launch of the new website we have officially renamed the group – HaLD – The Hearing and Learning Disability Special Interest Group (HaLD SIG, HaLD to be commonly used)

Jacqui Hughes-Cairns made it known about the Learning Disability Coalition, this is a lobbying group for awareness and also carries some political weight in areas of funding and service provision. Their director Anthea Cox will attend our next meeting to let us know what they are really about.

Find out more on their website or get more info from

I was hoping to have handouts at the meeting but they didn’t arrive in time, I have some now, so if you would like me to send you one, please let me have you postal address. You can email me at

The Scottish guidelines weren’t out at the time of the meeting, but they are out now, and can be found on the website (or I can email them to you)

Next MeetingWednesday 7th April 2010

Topic:Possibly –(1)Case studies focussing on desensitisation and acclimatisation (any aspects of, eg testing or amplification)

(2) Communication techniques, easy read leaflets, websites, signalong, makaton etc

Location: Provisionally – MoselyHallHospital(to be confirmed)

Date:7th April 2010

More specific information regarding the next meeting will be forwarded to members closer to the date