Lesson plan

Year :3 / Semester :2 / Week : 4-6
Name : Tarek Sabry / Email : tareksa4 @ hotmail.com / School : Fujairah .T. Sch,.
Course Name : Management
Topics : Decision – Making Skills ( p178- 199 )
*At the completion of level B , the student will able to :
·  Understand the difference between the intuitive and rational decision making.
·  List various factors, conditions, risks and values affecting decision making.
·  List the advantage and disadvantages of group decision making.
·  Name the difference ways managers go about making decisions.
·  Understand how to make creative and effective decisions.
* Level B Procedures -15 Stages
/ o  List the section objectives to discuss with the students.
o  Have students skim the chapter in the marketing book, reading the terms and noting the heads .
/ o  Explain the importance of decision making and the different types of it.( Rational decision making –Intuitive decision making )
/ o  Discuss with students the difference between intuitive & rational decision making.
/ o  Identifying the importance & role of decision making & factors influencing it.
/ o  List & review the vocabulary terms with students .Acknowledge students correct answers by writing a brief definition next to the terms they know.
o  Explain unfamiliar terms & apply them on real life examples.
/ o  Have students record the terms & definitions in their notebooks or create flash cards.
/ o  Ask students about their opinion of decision making risk & importance of timing.
o  Explain kinds of value system dose a manager who makes decisions on the basis of customer complaints have?.
/ o  Explain the difference between management decision making styles.
-Autocratic-Semi autocratic-Leading-Collaborative- Accommodating.
/ o  *Assign Fact & Idea review Assessment 8-1 page 190 question 1-4
/ o  Explain the meaning of "creative and effective decisions". its steps.
o  Let students work in group of 3-4 to generate a list of factors help to make decision making.
/ o  Let students distinguish between several processes encourage creative decision making. ( Brainstorming & Brain writing ).
/ o  Ask Students to elicit examples of ( Brainstorming & Brain writing.)
o  Have each group of students apply a role play of Brainstorming applying its basic rules.
13 / o  Describe a the Meyers Model for creative decision making stages . & Barriers to effective decision making.
14 / o  " The most successful companies have creative managers"
o  Write the above sentence on white board & let students discuss it & let them try to have a report & try to apply on a real life examples.
15 / o  *Assign Fact & review Assessment 8-2 page 102 recalling key concepts question 1&2&3.
Optional Additional Activities
Level A Procedures- 3 Stages
16 / o  Ask a student to write a dialogue between two managers using the common terms in this chapter..
17 / o  * Design a poster display to depict the common contents of chapter 8.
18 / o  *Have the students complete Chapter Summary & Reviewing vocabulary
o  *Assign Fact & review Assessment chapter 8-page 198 recalling key concepts question 1&2&3&4.
·  Assessment Test : Total Marks [ 20 Marks ]
·  "Recalling key concepts"…(Page 198 Question No1-2-3-4.)
Q1- Name the two basic ways to make decisions & explain the difference ?
( 6 Marks )
·  Intuitive decision making : based on intuition &feeling rather than the facts.
·  Rational decision making ;based on factual information and logical reasoning.
Q2 – How do values affect the decision-making process? ( 4 Marks )
  1. *Economic values involve placing emphasis on making money for accompany.
  2. *Social Values involve making the lives of consumer, workers, or the community better

3.  Q3-What are the five management decision styles? ( 3 Marks )

  1. Autocratic-
  2. Semi autocratic
  3. Leading-
  4. Collaborative-
  5. Accommodating

Q4- What are the three basic rules of brainstorming? ( 5 Marks )

& why are they important ?

*Member of group can not :1- Criticize,2- Praise, 3- Question, or discuss ideas [ 3 Marks ]..to let the leader able to leave only the best ideas on the board for group discussion & select the best solution to the problem . [ 2 Marks ]

************Good LUCK***********Tarek Sabry