Person Specification

Job Title: Apprentice Skilled Highways Operative

Job Ref: OP769

Attributes / Competency / Essential or Desirable / Selection method
EXPERIENCE / Must have general interest in construction work / Essential / A,1.
Must be willing to undertake training for Health & Safety / Essential / A,1.
Must be able to demonstrate good team working skills / Essential / A,1.
Must be able to demonstrate good attendance levels i.e. School, College or other bodies / Essential / A,1.
TECHNICAL SKIILLS / Must be willing to attend further education as required N.V.Q,S / Essential / A,1.
Must have good communication skills / Essential / A,1.
Must be willing to take part in training for construction skills and use of small plant / Essential / A,1.
QUALIFICATIONS / Pass in GSCE Maths & English / Essential / A,1.
(Please see further guidelines below) / Communicate Effectively / Desirable / A,1.
Being customer focussed / Essential / A,1.
Effective Team Working / Essential / A,1.
Personal Organisation and Effectiveness / Desirable / A,1.
Commitment to Personal Development / Desirable / A,1.
ADDITIONAL FACTORS / Understand and actively supports Solutions SK’S diversity and equality policy. / Essential / A,1.
A willingness to be flexible in changing environment / Essential / A,1.
Drive, enthusiasm and commitment / Desirable / A,1.
Effective team player / Essential / A,1.
Commitment to high standards of customer care / Essential / A,1.
Ability and willingness to work outside normal office hours as demands necessitate / Essential / A&I
Respect colleagues and customers attitudes, beliefs and traditions / Essential / A&I
Is prepared to raise and concerns regarding discrimination against other people on the grounds of their age, sexuality, religion or belief, race, gender or disabilities / Essential / A&I
To meet Solutions SK’S standard of attendance / Essential / A&I


The main purpose of the above competencies is to define the standards of behaviour required by the Company. All employees are expected to perform satisfactorily to the generic employee competencies which are reviewed as part of Solution SK Performance and Development Review scheme for all employees.

Competency / Definition
Communicating Effectively / ·  Communicate effectively face to face, by telephone or written word with a diverse range of people
·  Make effective use of new technology in communications contribution
Being customer focussed / ·  Provides excellent customer service
·  Develops and maintains positive working relationships with customers
·  Contributes to the continual improvement of services
Effective Team Working / ·  Develops and maintains positive working relationships with other team members
·  Develops positive working relationships with other teams both within and outside the Company (e.g. “colleagues” in the voluntary sector or health service)
·  Contributes to the achievement of team goals
Personal Organisation and Effectiveness / ·  Achieves personal objectives on time and to the agreed standard whilst having consideration for the effect on others
Personal Development / ·  Take responsibility for the development and learning of self and others
Making the most of Information and Communications Technology / ·  Can operate all technology necessary for the job role

An assessment is carried out by the employee and their manager. The results are discussed as part of the Personal Development Review meeting.