CHEM 270
Assignment #1
January 24, 2005
1. Locate the Reference section of the library. On the counter of the reference desk will be a bound list entitled “Periodical Location Guide.” The journals in the library can be browsed and located using this guide. Find and report the location and call numbers for the following journals:
a. Journal of Organic Chemistry
b. Journal of the American Chemical Society
c. Chemical Abstracts
Locate the journal Chemical Abstracts in the library. Chemical Abstracts is a service which publishes the abstracts of articles published in certain year and organizes these abstracts by subject.
To speed research time (before computers were so prevalent) it became necessary to have an index of the article abstracts available. These indices provide a quicker search method by organizing several years worth of abstracts by author, subject, or chemical formula.
Among the volumes of Chem Abstracts you will see these indexes (they are bound exactly like the regular volumes, so you will need to pay attention to the bindings). Find the Eleventh Collective index, which covers the years 1982 – 86. You should see that there are several different kinds of indices included in the Eleventh Collection (formula index, general subject index, author index). Use the Eleventh Collective Indices to answer the following questions:
a. Using the formula index, find the name of the only compound reported in the years 1982-86 that had the formula C6H7F3N2O2S.
b. For the formula C6H3BrCl2, what is the name of the first compound listed?
c. The journal author Inatani, Reiko wrote a paper with Nakatani, N., Fuwa, H., and Seto, H. What was the title of that paper?
d. Hotier, Gerard wrote the paper “High Temperature Regeration of an Iron Containing Desulfurization Mass.” Did anyone write this paper with him? If so, give their name.