REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: RFP 895 for Online Branded Marketplace

This request for proposal consists of 9 pages beginning with this one.

Milwaukee Public Schools (“MPS”) is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified professional firms to provide a cost-effective, efficient, and centralized online store from which its 157 schools, families, and alumni can select branded items within pre-established templates, complying with all terms and conditions described in this document.

Proposals will be accepted no later than 2:00 p.m. central time, Thursday June 25, 2015. Proposals received after this time will not be accepted. See Section 3.3 Submission of the Response.

Mark all documents RFP 895. Mail or deliver all proposals and accessory documents to:





Proposals must be manually signed on this MPS form in the space provided below.

Please submit 12 sets of your proposal. Clearly mark the original copy as “ORIGINAL” on the cover.

I have read the terms and conditions of this RFP and submit for consideration the attached proposal and exhibits, if any.

The fees and costs in this proposal have been arrived at independently, and have not been divulged, discussed, or compared with the proposals of other respondents. No attempt has been made nor will be made to induce any other person or firm to submit or not submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

I acknowledge I have read and understand the CCS Requirements, and that any proposed HUB and or Student Engagement participation is binding, real, and substantial as defined in Section 1.3.

I acknowledge that there is no conflict of interest as defined in the Terms and Conditions for Request for Proposal found at (then click on “District”, “Vendors & Contractors”, “Vendors”, and “Terms & Conditions”) unless otherwise expressly disclosed by attachment to this page.

By signing below, Proposer agrees to the Terms and Conditions for Request for Proposal found at which are herein expressly incorporated by reference.

Company Name / Company Telephone Number
Company Address / Company Fax Number
City, State, Zip Code / Email Address
Authorized Signer’s Full Name and Title / Authorized Signature Date
Federal Tax ID Number


Project Name: Online Branded Marketplace

RFP Number: 895

RFP Release Date: Thursday June 4, 2015

RFP Due Date: Thursday June 25, 2015

1.1  Definitions

Contractor means each successful respondent awarded a contract.

CCS means Contract Compliance Services

District means the Milwaukee Public Schools.

HUB (“Historically Underutilized Business”) means a for-profit business that is 51% or more owned, controlled, and managed by CERTIFIED minority, women, disadvantaged, emerging, SBA-8A or other MPS-targeted business owners who have been certified as such by an MPS-recognized agency.

MPS means the Milwaukee Public Schools.

Proposer/vendor/respondent means a firm submitting a response to this RFP.

RFP means Request for Proposal.

Student Engagement means a method of further educating MPS students through required MPS contractor involvement in career education and employment opportunities for students.

1.2  Scope of Services Sought

Milwaukee Public Schools (“MPS”) is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified professional firms to provide an Online Branded Marketplace. A successful firm will demonstrate that it can design, build, and host a cost-effective, efficient, and centralized online store from which the Districts’ 157 schools and departments, school families, and alumni can select co-branded (MPS and school logo) items for production and shipment within pre-established templates. The anticipated launch of the storefront is the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, on or around September 18, 2015.

The awarded contract will be for one year with the option to extend for up to two additional one-year periods upon mutual consent and is anticipated to commence on or around August 1, 2015. Quantity estimates are included in the Cost Proposal Worksheet (Appendix C – Market Basket). These are estimates only and there is no guarantee of estimated volumes.

MPS will develop templates for each item available through the storefront to direct where the MPS and school logos will be displayed. The MPS and school logos must be consistently placed on each item. MPS would provide a database of all brand-related assets.

Excess Liability Coverage
(Umbrella) / $5,000,000 Each Occurrence
$5,000,000 Annual Aggregate
Cyber Liability Coverage
(including Data Breach) / $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
$2,000,000 Annual Aggregate

Vendor will agree to the following insurance requirements in addition to those outlined in MPS’ Professional Services Contract (Section 5.0 of this RFP):

Requirements for Online Branded Marketplace

Provide an online storefront with a user interface that allows schools, families, and alumni to select logo branded items for purchase from a menu of approved items. The interface would generate a template image of the branded item with the MPS and school logo in place.

Storefront must allow MPS users to enter school approved budget codes when purchasing with MPS District funds. Budget codes are 14 digits in length, and formatted in this manner (XXX-X-X-XXX-XX-XXXX).

Storefront must generate invoices with associated budget codes for payment by MPS schools or departments.

Storefront must accept credit cards for orders placed by students’ families, alumni, or other orders outside of MPS. Storefront must be “secure” providing industry standard data security.

Vendor shall deliver MPS orders directly to the school or department. Items must be delivered within 10 business days of receipt of order, and ship via ground carrier.

Vendor shall deliver non-MPS based orders (those placed by parents, alumni, e.g.) as indicated by the ordering customer, via a menu of shipping methods (ground, 2 day, expedited, or like options). The shipping addresses will vary for these orders, and free form address entry will be required.

The items specified in this RFP will be used for RFP evaluation and award purposes only. MPS reserves the right to purchase like-items from the RFP awardee (Contractor). Orders will be placed by users for quantities as needed. There is no guarantee as to the specific quantity to be ordered on any particular purchase or during the life of the contract.

Apparel purchases are subject to MPS Administrative Policy 3.09 Section 19 Apparel From Responsible Manufacturers-an excerpt is included as Exhibit A1. Affidavits of Compliance(Exhibit A2) must be properly filled out and submitted as indicated in the ***4.1 Response Organization*** section. Exhibit A3 lists non-poverty wage rates outside the United States.

No contract for the purchase of items of apparel covered under MPS Administrative Policy 3.09 Section 19 shall be entered into unless the contract contains a stipulation stating that the contractor agrees to provide only items of apparel manufactured by responsible manufacturers, and the contractor agrees to include an equivalent stipulation in all subcontracts.

Supplier’s production facility must be located within 4 days ground shipping of Milwaukee, WI, USA, as indicated by USPS or other equivalent carrier.

Storefront will offer survey questions, and provide resulting data to MPS, as well as product usage reporting, to gain feedback on client satisfaction in regards to the site, as well as interest in other items. Responses and reporting will be delivered to MPS via email.

Potential inventory to be included in the online store may include, but are not limited to:




Name badges




Water Bottles

Coffee Cups

Wrist bands

Baseball caps

Skull/stocking caps

Stadium cushions

Key chains

Stress balls

Duffel bags


Post it notes

Scratch pads

Vinyl banners

Table skirts

Flag pole banners



Contractor must attain a minimum score of 90 points as reviewed by MPS to be eligible for annual contract renewal; however attainment is not a guarantee of contract renewal. The following performance metrics will be incorporated into the resulting contract of the successful vendor:

Criteria for Renewal / Points
Provision of items within the specified timeframe / 25
Quality of items furnished / 25
Ability to meet the demand of requests / 20
Client satisfaction per survey data / 10
Accuracy of invoicing for MPS District orders / 10
Reporting of product usage and inventory recommendations / 10
Total / 100

1.3  Contract Compliance Services (CCS) Requirements

In educating the children and youth of Milwaukee, MPS is also a primary purchaser of goods and services in the Milwaukee marketplace. MPS believes it is obligated to display in its own operations the values of excellence, diversity, and economic responsibility that it strives to teach its students.

To that end, many MPS contracts require the use of Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) firms and the engagement of the MPS contract awardee in Student Employment and/or Student Career Education activities.

The HUB participation requirement for this RFP is 0% per 12-month contract.

The Student Engagement Requirement for this RFP is:

0 hours of Student Employment per 12-month contract

0 hours of Career Education per 12-month contract

The following are definitions of major terms as described within Policy 3.10. Failing to meet the assigned CCS Requirements can result in financial sanction.

This will become a binding part of the contract. Failure to return the required forms will result in your proposal being deemed non-responsive and ineligible for consideration. MPS reserves the right to award a contract to the vendor who submits a meaningful utilization plan that provides a real opportunity for HUB involvement.

All information relating to the HUB participation requirement and the Student Engagement Requirement, including all forms that must be filled out, can be found at (then click on Forms and Schedules, then click on Vendors), which is herein expressly incorporated by reference.

ALL HUB PARTICIPATION MUST BE COMMERCIALLY USEFUL TO THIS PROJECT. “Commercially Useful” means the goods and/or services to be provided by the HUB firm are a direct function of the scope of services described in the RFP. The HUB requirement may be met in several ways: (1) by identifying yourself as a certified HUB vendor who intends to perform a minimum of the required HUB participation for this RFP; (2) by engaging in a joint venture with a certified HUB firm; (3) by subcontracting with a certified HUB firm(s); or (4) by making second-tier purchases from a certified HUB firm(s). Respondents are free to meet HUB participation requirements with any certified HUB vendor as long as proof of certification is provided. You may also contact CCS for a list of MPS-registered HUB firms.

HUB firms are defined as for-profit businesses 51% or more owned, controlled, and managed by minority, women, disadvantaged, small or other MPS-targeted business owners who have been certified as such by an MPS-recognized agency. If a HUB participation requirement has been assigned, vendors must submit Appendix A- HUB Utilization Plan. If a Student Engagement requirement is assigned, the following forms are required to be filled out at bid submission Schedule H1-A Student Employment Commitment Form and Schedule H1-B Student Career Education Plan Commitment and Schedule H1-C Alternative Placement Request Student Employment. If both HUB and Student Engagement requirements are assigned, all forms related to both requirements must be addressed in the response.

Student Engagement Program seeks to maximize contractor involvement in career education and employment opportunities for students. This program component consists of specific requirements for contractors to engage in. They are: (1) career education activities that directly involve MPS students and/or (2) fulfilling paid student employment hours that provide students with an actual work experience. If a project is required to have student employment, MPS shall designate prior to bid, the total MPS student hours of employment required. The students must be MPS students registered through CCS who have completed the required job readiness training and once hired, students shall receive at minimum the Livable Wage Rate as identified by the City of Milwaukee. The successful bidder will be required to commit to providing a meaningful employment experience for one or more MPS students. Under no circumstances shall students work under conditions that would be considered a hazardous work environment.

Note: Even if there are no HUB or Student Engagement requirements, you must still fill out the Appendix B- Prime Vendor Information Sheet, found at (then click on Forms and Schedules, then click on Vendors), this information will not be used in making any award and is kept solely for statistical reporting purposes to the Board of School Directors).

Please note that Proposers’ status as a 501(c)(3) does not exempt it from these requirements.

For the following form(s) whose box is checked below, respondents must complete and return the forms with submission or your RFP will be rejected as non-responsive. The required forms are attached to this RFP. Fillable versions of these same forms can also be found at (then click on Forms and Schedules, then click on Vendors). If you use the fillable version of the forms, you must still print, sign, and attach to your RFP submission.

o Appendix A- HUB Utilization Plan (If box is checked, current certification document, with NAICS code, must be submitted with RFP response.)

þ Appendix B- Prime Vendor Information Sheet (Mandatory for every RFP response.)

o Schedule H1-A Student Employment Commitment

o Schedule H1-B Student Career Awareness/Education Plan/Commitment

o Schedule H1-C Alternative Placement Request Student Employment

MPS’ CCS Manager will be the sole judge of the suitability and completeness of the returned forms and assign a “Pass”/ “Fail” determination accordingly. Responses determined to have “Failed” will be rejected as non-responsive. For information on MPS’ HUB program, contact the Office of Contract Compliance Services at .

Note: In the event that this RFP does not contain specific mandatory requirements, MPS reserves the right to assign to proposers who utilize a MPS certified HUB vendor and or commit to Student Engagement up to 10 additional points. To be eligible to receive these points, proposers must detail in their proposal what role the HUB subcontractor will be responsible for in the project and/or specify engagement of MPS students within a 12-month contract period. Forms can be found at and must be completed and returned with your proposal for credit consideration. MPS’ CCS Manager will be the sole judge of the suitability of the proposed participation and assign points accordingly. For information on MPS’ CCS program, contact the Office of Contract Compliance Services at .