Teacher: Mr. BlackwellDate(s): 2/10-2/11Grade: 3rd-5th

Lesson Title/Big Idea: Heart Health/Long Jump Rope


Fitness and Health Academic Content / Intentional Fitness Related Activities / Motor Skill Development / Social, Emotional, Safety
Objective: / Students will demonstrate knowledge of the cardiorespiratory system through pre & post assessment questions / Students will demonstrate long jump rope skills by working as a team to accumulate as many jumps as possible in two minutes


Opener/ Warm-Up:
Before the introduction of todays activity, the teacher will review the information presented from the previous class. When reviewing, the teacher will ask the students questions based of the information previous presented to them (cardiorespiratory health, cardiovascular exercises, BPM, heart rate, & hot to find your heart rate). The students will answer the questions to the best of their ability and the teacher will then introduce long jump rope.
For long jump rope, the teacher will introduce how to spin the rope (have 1 student spin with you), how to hold the rope (for safety purposes), how to time when to jump/get in the rope, and explain that small single bounce jumps are the best way to jump. Once the teacher has presented and demonstrated the information for the students, they will use the team shake application to put the students into groups of three for the main activity.
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES
Content/Focus (include essential questions):
For the main activity, the students will be paired into random groups of three. There will be a “jump rope ladder” and the students’ objective is to move their way up to the top of the ladder after each round. The ladder will be spread out and staggered across the court for safety purposes. The ladder will consist of 8-9 numbered steps (based on number of groups). The way to move up is by having the most amount of jumps in two minutes as a group. Depending on one groups number and everybody else’s, you will either move up the ladder, move down, or stay where you are. For each round, there will be two people starting as spinners and one jumper. The jumper will continue to perform jumps until the mess up. One he/she messes up, they will rotate out to be a spinner and a spinner will rotate to be a jumper. Also, the spinners are to count how many times each person jumps and when the next jumper jumps, they will continue to count from the previous number. After each round, the teacher will take the number given by each group and write it on the board. From there, the teacher will compare the groups number and determine who moves up, who moves down, and who stays where they are at. When moving, the students are to leave the jump ropes and just move to the designated step they are on. The goal is to see how many rounds the students can complete
during the class.
The teacher will reinforce how to hold the rope for safety purposes and make sure the students know that they are competing against themselves to beat the previous round score, not each other. Once all directions have been explained, the teacher will send a group to each step and begin the first round. During the rounds, the teacher will walk around the classroom to observe, give individualized help, positive reinforcement, cue reminders, and make modifications if necessary. Once the activity is over, the teacher will have students lay the ropes down and line up for closure.
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES
Wrap-Up/Cool Down:
For the closure, the teacher will ask students questions about what strategies worked well or didn’t work well for the group, go over the cues for long jump rope, and review heart health again before the teacher comes. The students are to answer all closure questions to the best of their abilities. If there is time remaining, the teacher will play “online/offline” with the students until the teacher arrives.
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES


Academic = Fitness and Health Academic Content
Fitness = Intentional Fitness Related Activities
MS = Motor Skill Development
SES = Social, Emotional, Safety Development


Vocabulary / Heart Health Vocabulary:
cardiorespiratory system, heart rate, cardio, heart beat, oxygen, BPM, target heart rate, circulation, pulse
Long Rope Vocabulary:
rhythm, speed, low & soft, slow rope, rainbow, wrist flick, synchronization
Formative/Summative Assessments / Answering review questions
Number of jumps each group has after each round
Answering questions based off group performance (what worked, what didn’t, & what would you do different)
Progression up the ladder during the lesson
Differentiation / Switching jumpers & spinners
If needed, students can count off to start spinning
Equipment/Resources / 8-9 numbered cones (serve as ladder), 8-9 long jump ropes, whiteboard, and marker
Safety / Ladder will be staggered to avoid students getting hit by rope
Students will be told how to hold rope properly to avoid rope getting stuck
Standards(written out) / PE Standards
3.2 c) Describe the components and function of the cardiorespiratory system, to include heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
3.3 a) Explain the health-related components of fitness (cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition).
3.4 c) Describe the importance of cooperating and work cooperatively with peers to achieve a goal.
4.1 d) Demonstrate the use of pacing, speed, and endurance in a variety of activities.
4.1 e) Demonstrate the ability to self-pace in a cardiovascular endurance activity.
4.2 a) Identify and describe the major components of the cardiorespiratory system to include heart, lungs, and blood vessels.
4.2d) Locate radial and/or carotid pulse.
4.4a) Identify a group goal and the strategies needed for successful completion while working productively and respectfully with others.
5.3 a) Identify methods for evaluating and improving personal fitness such as health-related criterion referenced tests, heart rate, body mass index (BMI), and pedometer data
5.4 e) Describe and demonstrate respectful behavior in physical activity settings.
5.5 f) Explain that physical activity guidelines recommend 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) every day.
Health Standards
3.1 e) Describe the benefits of physical activity and personal fitness.
3.1 i) Identify body systems affected by the use of alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, and other drugs.
3.2 e) Analyze the harmful short- and long-term effects of alcohol, tobacco, common household inhalants, and other drugs on body systems.
5.1 c) Explain the impact of personal health habits and behaviors on cardiorespiratory fitness.
5.3b) Practice personal health habits that promote cardiorespiratory fitness.
5.3 c)Identify physical activities that students can do with friends and family to build positive relationships.
Indicate the verbs used in the SOLsand in the Curriculum Map to identify the type of thinking the content tasks require.
Indicate Verb(s) / Level / Bloom’s Taxonomy
6 / Create
Determine / 5 / Evaluate
Compare / 4 / Analyze
Perform / 3 / Apply
Demonstrate / 2 / Understand
1 / Remember
Teacher Reflection (optional)

Revised June, 2015