Paul Ouderkirk Memorial Award:

Outstanding Training Professional

Or Program

The purpose of this award is to recognize an exemplary training professional or program in the publicand specialized transportation community that embodies the spirit, dedication and enthusiasm demonstrated by RTAP (Rural Transportation Assistance Program) Program Manager, Paul Ouderkirk, who unexpectedly passed away in December 2006. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) and the State’s public and specialized transportation providers lost a great friend and colleague.

Paul did an outstanding job leading NYSDOT’s RTAP program and the Rural & Specialized Transportation Conferencefor the previous 10 years. Paul truly loved the RTAP program and helping operators with training and technical assistance programs. A couple of Paul’s major accomplishments worth noting include procurement of the Mobile Driver Training Simulator and development of the Passenger Relations for Outstanding Service (PROS) training program. He also served as a distinguished member of the National RTAP Board and was instrumental in forming the Mid-Atlantic RTAP group which shares resources, expertise and training opportunities among states located between North Carolina and Ohio.

Nomination Procedures:

Please submit nominations by Friday, February 8, 2008.

Provide the information requested on the Nomination Form below and on a separate page, please describe how the individual training professional or program meets the following applicable criteria:

Individual Training Professional:

  1. Briefly describe the individual’s current position and the impact he/she has on the organization and its employees.
  2. Describe how the individual serves as a leader and/or innovator regarding workplace learning issues and initiatives in his/her organization.
  3. Explain how the individual shares his/her experience, knowledge and skills with colleagues within and outside the organization.

Training Program:

  1. Briefly describe the program and identify the problem or need driving development and implementation of it.
  2. List the program aspects that are innovative or different for the agency compared to traditional training approaches.
  3. Describe how the program has benefitted the agency.

Submit Nominations to:


Public Transportation Bureau

POD 5-4

50 Wolf Road

Albany, NY 12232

Attn: Bill Telovsky




Fax: 518-485-7563

The award will be presented at the 12th Annual Rural & Specialized Transportation Conference in Syracuse, NY, March 12, 2008.

Nomination Form

Paul Ouderkirk Memorial Award for

Outstanding Training Professional or Program

Nominee Information:

Training ProfessionalName orTraining ProgramName:


Organization Name:




Phone: ______

Fax: ______

Email: ______

On a separate page, please describe how the individual trainer or program meets the criteria for the award described in the nomination procedures above. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nominator Information(not required for self-nominations):



Organization Name:




Phone: ______

Fax: ______

Email: ______