To integrate teaching, research and technical knowledge using management skills via biotechnological approach by conserving environment and saving the society with emphasis on local and global analytical perspectives.
8th October 1955
M.Sc., Ph.D., F.S.E.Sc.
M.Sc. Environmental Science (Ecology)
Research- Fresh water Biology (Limnology), Aquatic macrophytes
Present Interest -Allelopathy, Environmental biotechnology, Air pollution
Assistant Professor 1985-continued till date
Department of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302004.
Teaching - 24 years
Post Doctoral Research - 4½ Years (UGC & CSIR)
Research Experience-31 years
Charles Darwin Gold Medal-2009
(International Society for Ecological Communications, Hazaribagh)
Prof. E. P. Odum Gold Medal - 2007
(International Society for Ecological Communications, Dumka)
Award in Project Preparation and Presentation with Excellence - 2007
(University Maharani’s college, Jaipur)
Vishist Pratibha Samman-2007
(Rajasthan Kulshreshtha Sabha Jaipur)
ugc, dst, wwf, csir, unesco, Rajasthan University
8. participation in conferences
Total 45
Abroad/International 15
National 30
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 1991
Columbus (USA) 1992
Perth (Australia) 1996
Ph.D. degree obtained in 1981 on “Production, Decomposition of Aquatic Macrophytes in and around Jaipur” under supervision of Professor Brij Gopal.
Junior Research Fellowship (UGC), April 78-March 80
Senior Research Fellowship (UGC), April 80-March 81
Post Doctoral Fellowship (UGC), April 81-Feb. 82
Post Doctoral Fellowship (CSIR), 19th Feb 82-Feb. 83
Research Associateship (UGC), March 83- 5th September 85
Honorary Fellowship (Society of Environmental Science, Dumka), 2000
Awarded Ph.D. (2)
Submitted (1)
Registered (6)
DST SERC Project
Rs. 6,30,000/- SP/SO/A-37/91 dated 14.2.94-97 (Three years)
‘Screening of terrestrial and aquatic macrophytes for their allelopathic potential’
WWF for Nature
Rs. 50,000/- August 1992-1993 (Six months)
Biocontrol of water hyacinth using L.camara
DST Young Scientist Project
Rs. 1,20,000/- SP/Ys/L-17dted 14 Sept. 1989-92 (Two and half years)
‘Allelopathy as a Means of Biocontrol of Aquatic Weeds
Coordinator-Add-on-courses, University Maharani’s College, Jaipur
Co-coordinator- Comp. Application, Univ. Maharani’s College, Jaipur
Coeditor (2002), J.of Current Science, Dumka-India
Editor, (2005) Indian Journal of Ecology, Ludhiana, India
Secretary, Staff Council, Deptt. of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
Secretary, (2000-2009) Botanical Alumini, Deptt of Botany
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Vice President, (2009) Botanical Alumini, Deptt of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
17. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 87 (33 +48+ 6)
Research Papers 33
International Journals 07
International Proceedings 05
National Journals 19
National Proceedings 02
Abstracts 48
International Conferences 35
National Conferences 13
Chapters in Edited Books 06
Books Authored and Edited 29
Number of citations 27
H Factor 01
International Association for Ecology (INTECOL), 1981-84
American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, 1982
International Society of Allelopathy, 2004-2007
National Institute of Ecology (NIE)
Society of Environmental Sciences
Indian Botanical Society
Academy of Agriculture Allied Sciences & Technologies
Indian Society for Limnology and Oceanography (one year only)
National Society of Allelopathy 1992, 1996
The Indian Ecological Society, India 2005
Academy of Plant Sciences, Haridwar, India
A certificate Course in Microbiology 981 (UGC), M.S. University, Baroda
Refresher Course: Need based refresher college in Botany, 1981
Refresher course: Botany (Plant Pathology) 1993, Univ. of Raj. Jaipur
19th Orientation Course (28 days), UGC, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
A certificate course in Computer Application (six months), 2000
Studies on Allelopathic Potential of some terrestrial and aquatic weeds- awarded
Studies on Allelopathy in Agro ecosystem: Crop Weed Allelopathic
Interactions- awarded
Allelopathic studies of Phragmites karka and Arundo donax- submitted
Ecophysiological and phytochemical studies of Cassia siamea Lam.- submitted
Screening of some plants for allelopathic Potential - working
Allelopathic studies of Lantana camara L. on microbes- working
Studies on Impact of Air pollution on Plants- working
Monitoring of Air Pollutants and its Impact on plants- working
Studies on Biocontrol Potential of Lantana camara L.- working
The Ecology and Management of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecotones by Robert J. Naiman and Henri Decamps (Eds.). 1990
Wetlands and Ecotones: Studies in Land –Water Interactions by Gopal, B., A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska and R.G. Wetzel (Eds) 1993
Wetland Ecology and Management (Vol I and II) by Gopal, B., R.E. Turner, R.G. Wetzel and D.F. Whigham (Editors) 1982.
Principles and Practices of Plant Ecology:Allelochemical Interactions by Inderjeet, Dakshini and Foy 1999
SER_WET: A Wetland Simulation Model to Optimize NPS Pollution Control by ERIK RYANE LEE 1999.Thesis submitted to Polytechnic College, VIRGINIA.
Ecology and Management of Aquatic Vegetation in the Indian subcontinent1990 by B. Gopal Kluwer academic Publisher
Limnology in Developing Countries by B. Gopal and Wetzel, R.G., 1995
Recent Studies on Ecology and Management of Wetland by
van der Valk, R.E. Turner, W.J. Mitsch and B. Gopal (Eds) 1994 95
24. List of Publication
Foreign /International Journals
1. Saxena M.K. 2000. Aqueous leachate of Lantana camara kills water hyacinth. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 26: 2435-2447. Impact factor
2. Saxena, M.K. 1985. Dry matter production in fresh water in marsh plants around Jaipur, Limnologica, 17(1): 127-138.
3. Saxena, M.K. 1990. Decomposition of Utricularia flexuosa and Lemna aequinoctailis under different laboratory conditions. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 16: 187-192.
4. Kulshreshtha, M. and B. Gopal, 1983. Allelopathic influence of Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) royle on the distribution of Ceratophyllum species. Aquatic Botany, 16: 207-209.
5. Kulshreshtha, M. and B., Gopal, 1982. Observation on nutrient removal by various aquatic macrophytes under different habitat conditions Int. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. 67: 4543-553.
6. Gopal, B. and Kulshreshtha, M. 1981. Role of macrophytes as nutrients reservoir and in biogeochemical cycling. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 6: 145-152.
International proceedings (full papers)
7. Chauhan, B. R.C.Meena, B.L. Darji and M.K. Saxena 2006. Allelopathic influence of Eichhornia crassipes exudates on the growth of Ceratophyllum muricatum Cham. Proceedings of International Conference & Expo on Botanical Production 258-259, 2006.
8. Sharma, R.A., R.C. Meena, S. C. Jain and M.K.Saxena 2006 Physico –chemical analysis of two species of Cassia siamea: C. obtusifolia Linn and C. siamea Lam. Proceedings of International Conference & Expo on Botanical Production, 274-276, 2006.
9. Kulshreshtha, M. and Gopal, B. 1982. Decomposition of fresh water macrophytes, II, aboveground organs of emergent macrophytes. p. 280-292. In Wetlands Ecology and Management, B. Gopal, R.E. Turner, R.G. Wetzel and D.F. Whigham (eds.) National Institute of Ecology, Jaipur.
10. Kulshreshtha, M. and Gopal, B. 1982. Decomposition of fresh water macrophytes, I, above ground organs of submerged and free floating macrophytes. P. 259-278. In wetlands – Ecology and Management, B. Gopal, R.F. Turner, R.G. Wetzel and D.F. Whigham (eds.) National Institute of Ecology, Jaipur.
11. Kulshreshtha, M. 1982. Comparative ecological studies of the species of Ceratophyllum. p. 29-36. In: International Symposium on Aquatic Weeds (EWRS series). Yugoslavia.
12. Sukhvinder Singh, Manjula K. Saxena, R.C. Meena and Karan Singh. (2006). Role of crop residue in wheat Rice Cropping system. Ann. Exptl. Agri. Al. Sci. 2 (1-2):80-84
National Journals
13. Saxena, M.K., J. Gupta and R.C.Meena 2007. Allelopathic effect of Phragmites karka on free floating and submerged fresh water weeds. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan. 14(1-2): 41-50.
14. Meena, R.C., Karan Singh, B. L.Kakalya B. L. Darji and M. K. Saxena. 2007. Influence of osmoconditioning on physiological and metabolic aspects in cluster bean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taubs]. Seed Research. 35(1): 114-116.
15. Gupta, J. and Manjula K Saxena 2006. Allelopathic effect of dried leaves of Lantana camara L., p. 95-102, In: Plant Response to Environmental Stress, R.D. Tripathi, Kamla Kulshreshtha Madhulika Agrawal, K.J. Ahmad, C.K.Varshney, Sagar V. Krupa and P. Pushpangadan (eds), International Book Distributing Co. Lucknow
16. Meena, R.C., Karan Singh and Manjula K. Saxena. 2006. Evaluation of seed production potential and quality of cluster bean germplasm under semi- arid agroecosystems. Indian J. Ecology 33(2): 100-102.
17. Saxena Manjula K., Sukhvinder Singh, R.C. Meena and Karan Singh. (2006). Use of allelochemicals of Phalaris minor for sustainable management of wheat crop. Ann. Exptl. Agri. Al. Sci. 1(1):70-74
18. Meena, R.C., S. Singh, Manjula K. Saxena, and B.L. Darji. (2006). Effect of different methods of treatment with PBRS on seed storability and quality in cluster bean. Ann. Exptl. Agri. Al. Sci. 1(2): 83-88.
19. Singh, S., M. K. Saxena, R.C. Meena, and K. Singh, (2006). Use of allelochemicals of exotic weeds for sustainable agriculture of wheat. Ann. Exptl. Agri. Al. Sci. 1(2): 168-170.
20. Darji, B.L. and M.K.Saxena 2006. Plants as indicators of air pollution- A review. Our Earth 3(4): 16-17.
21. Gupta, Jyoti and M.K. Saxena, 2004. Allelopathic interactions of terrestrial plants on germination and seedling growth of mustard. Ad. Plant Sci., 17(1): 199-201.
22. Gupta, Jyoti and M.K. Saxena, 2003. Allelopathic potential of three aquatic macrophytes on the growth of water hyacinth. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan. 7(2): 323-326.
23. Saxena, M.K. 2003. Effect of light intensity of the growth of Utricularia flexuosa. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 72(3): 265-267.
24. Gupta, Jyoti and M.K. Saxena. 2002. Allelopathic potential of Polygonum glabrum on the growth of free floating plants. Indian J. Ecol. 29(1): 96-98.
25. Gupta, Jyoti and M.K. Saxena, 2002. Allelopathic potential of Nymphaea stellata Wild. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology. 1(4): 435-437.
26. Saxena, M.K. and Gupta, J. 2000. Effect of light intensity on the growth of Pistia stratiotes L. Journal of Environment and Pollution, 7(3): 167-169.
27. Gupta, J. and Saxena, M.K. 2000. Allelopathic potential of Cycas circinalis Linn. and Pinus roxburghii Sarg. Journal of Environmental and Pollution, 7(3): 171-174.
28. Saxena, M.K. 1992. Pollution issues of current concern. Academic Staff College bulletin, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, 6 (71): 83-85.
29. Saxena, M.K. 1985. The role of aquatic weeds in endangering the lakes and other fresh water bodies. P. 295-306. In: Current Pollution Researches in India. R.K. Trivedy and P.K. Goel (eds.) Environmental Pollution, Karad (Maharashtra).
30. Kulshreshtha, M. 1981. Allelochemic influences of aquatic macrophytes. Acta Limnological Indica. 1: 19-24.
31. Kulshreshtha, M. and Gopal, B. 1981. Effect of sewage pollution on the growth of two aquatic macrophytes. Acta Limnologica Indica. 1: 35-38.
National proceedings (full papers)
32. Singh, S. and M. Saxena, 2005. Promises of Lantana camara (Lantana) as Natural Fertilizer Proceedings on Botanical Products Seminar and Expo. 248-250.
33. Saxena, M. K.., S. Singh and J. Gupta, 2005. Introduction of new botanical pesticide: Lantana camara. Proceedings on Botanical Products Seminar and Expo. 251-253.
Papers (Abstracts) in International Conferences
34. Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Applications of Allelopathy. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
35. Rajendra Kumar * Pankaj Verma, M.Chauhan and Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Role of allelochemicals of Phragmites karka. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
36. Pankaj Verma, Surat Meena, Rajendra Kumar * and Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Fungicidal potential of Lantana camara L. against species of Candida. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
37. Pankaj Verma, Surat Meena, and Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Phytoncides from Lantana camara L. inhibited microbes. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
38. Surat meena, Pankaj Verma, Sukhvinder Singh * and Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Management of Wheat field using allelochemicals of Lantana camara L. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
39. Manbhawana Chauhan * ,Rajendra Kumar and Manjula K. Saxena 2009 Screening of three species of Genus Verbenaceae for allelopathic potential. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
40. M.K. Sharma, Garima Saraswat and M. K. Saxena 2009 effect of automobile pollution on some trees growing along the road sides in jaipur. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
41. Garima Saraswat, M.K. Sharma and Manjula K.Saxena 2009 Measurements of Ambient Air Quality of Jaipur City. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and HumanWelfare”
42. Rajendra Kumar, Manjula K. Saxenaa and Pankaj Verma 2009 Allelopathic Interaction of Arundo donax L. Recent Trends in Life Science Researches vis-à-vis Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development and Human Welfare”
43. Manoj K. Sharma and M. K. Saxena 2007. Restoration of old sustainable management of the drainage system to save the flood situations in and around Jaipur. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Contemporary Biology, Environmental Issues & Sustainable Development, Dumka. 29th -30 September 2007, 29-30.
44. Meena, R. C., R.C.Sharma and M.K.Saxena, 2007. The Role of Plantation in Depleting Natural Plant diversity in Rajasthan, International Symposium on Recent Advances in Contemporary Biology, Environmental Issues & Sustaniable Development, Dumka. 29th -30 September 2007, 98-99. (R.C.Meena received young scientist award for presentation ).
45. Rajendra Kumar and M. K. Saxena 2007. Sustainable management of rice crop using allelopathy. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Contemporary Biology, Environmental Issues & Sustaniable Development, Dumka. 29th -30 September 2007, 99-100.
46. Saxena, M.K. 2007. Role of Lantana camara in sustainable management. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Contemporary Biology, Environmental Issues & Sustaniable Development, Dumka. 29th -30 September 2007, 98-99.
47. M.K.Saxena and Manoj. K. Sharma 2007. Consequences of loss of catchment basin and around the walled city of Jaipur. Taal 2007: 12th World Lake Conference, Jaipur. 28th – 2 Nov 2007, P 424, 351.
48. Sharma, M. K. and M. K. Saxena 2007. Restoration of Talkatora Lake by adaptive management of runoff water flow in its catchment area. Taal 2007: 12th World Lake Conference, Jaipur. 28th – 2 Nov 2007, P 426, 352.