Powerful Peace
The past several months I have been reading Powerful Peace not only because I had to as an independent reading book but because the affect it has on people. Before reading this book, I had heard multiple readers say that the book truly moved them and made them see and think differently of many of the obstacles author Rob DuBois had experienced. Now I can honestly see why they said that and say the same. The book moved me and changed my outlook on life totally.
Overall, the book’s subject matter moved me the most. The subject matter to me is the way to enhance peace from our community to worldwide. In the book DuBois proved that to see a change in world peace it starts with you. He obviously wants a change in the world by wanting world peace. He knew that it started with him so he wrote a book. The book has affected many people and touched many souls and changed many people’s perspectives on many different things. Now that he has affected me and many others in my class we can also now share the book with other people. This would have been an outstanding service project. I purchased an autographed book but as a Christmas gift I think I will give my book to someone else to share the way I now feel compared to how I did feel before reading. Peace will most defiantly make society better and it will we just have to start fresh and live to help make the world a better place. It is great to live for something bigger than yourself so why not live to share peace with everyone.
This book changed my way of thinking totally. This book made me decide to start sharing peace with others. Instead of being how I was I want to step it up and start living for something greater than myself, like world peace. Rob DuBois changed me so now I want to change someone else. I will pass on this book to someone I feel like would enjoy and get as much out of it as I did. I really want to help affect people in the best way possible. I will personally start looking for ways to help enhance the glow of community peace and make it more worldwide.
I am so grateful for having a teacher that assigned this book for us to read. I personally am not a big fan of reading but I am so thankful I read this book. It has truly been a lesson. I want to thank Mr. DuBois and Mrs. Poland for the book and the opportunity to improve myself and make me a better human being.