From the Rector
Whenever we pick up a newspaper we are bombarded with advertising, especially these days from the large supermarkets – Morrison’s is cheaper than Tesco is cheaper than Asda is cheaper than Sainsbury’s is cheaper than Morrison’s… and so it goes on, round and round in circles. ‘Buy one get one free’ offers are everywhere, and yet for all the millions spent on advertising to convince us otherwise, the truth is that there is nothing free in a shop or supermarket – the best we can say is that some things are cheaper than others sometimes. There is, as the old adage goes, no such thing as a free lunch. However, there are three things that I would draw our attention to which are indeed free and which can actually make our lives better – and you never see them advertised in any supermarket.
The first of these is simply good manners. I think we are relatively fortunate in this parish because from what I can see, and this includes young people as well, most people are well-mannered most of the time. If you let a car through the driver will acknowledge it. If someone asks for a pint of Lee’s best bitter in the Smithy it is very rare that the request is not accompanied by please and thank you. Likewise in John Leak’s shop. We are lucky when we consider some of the complaints that are regularly aired (and not only about the youth of today – apparently there are some areas where pensioners are terribly ill-mannered) in the media in respect to foul-mouthed and ill-mannered behaviour. Good manners are totally free and they sure do make life more pleasant for all concerned.
The second of these ‘freebies’ is God’s gift to us of prayer. I regularly comment at both weddings and baptisms that a small fortune has usually been spent on the day (especially weddings) and that considerable sums of money have also been spent on presents for bride and groom and, in the case of a baptism, for the baby. And yet people constantly need reminding that there is one gift that they can give to the happy couple, or screaming baby, that costs nothing at all and which, in fact, might just turn out to be the most valuable of all the gifts that are given – the gift of prayers for the life together of the newly married couple or else for the future of the newly baptised child – that each respectively might enjoy God’s blessings and favour and grow under His protection. Prayer is a great gift of God and it is totally free – God doesn’t need to make offers such as ‘buy one prayer from me now and you can have 50% off your next two prayers!’ - as many as you want as often as you want and wherever you want and whenever you want – that is God’s prayer offer to us.
Finally, the third of these freebies is God’s love to us – given unconditionally on the cross for each one of us. Remember those words from John 3:16 ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…’ Please note that God did not make a special offer, nor did He sell His love in a cut-price deal. No, He gave it, voluntarily, painfully and freely. It is just sad that so many people deny themselves access to this love. God never promises that He will make life smooth or easy but He does promise that He will help us through the difficult times as well as guiding us through the good ones. It is over forty years since John Lennon sang ‘The best things in life are free…’ How true that is and how foolish we are if we do not continue to make our own lives, and those of others, better by rejoicing in those things that we can enjoy which are free – good manners, good prayer and God’s love. When did you last see those advertised in a supermarket?
Church Officers
The Rector:
Revd Steven Hughes, MBE – Tel: 612267.
The Churchwardens:
Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952
Mr John Clarkson – Tel: 612855. Email:
Licensed Lay Reader:
Mr Stan Pickles – Tel: 615708. Email:
PCC Secretary: Mrs Margaret Clark – Tel: 616990. Email:
PCC Treasurer:
Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679. Email:
Deanery Synod Representatives:
Mr Bill Prescott and Mrs Avril Wright.
Stewardship Recorder/Covenant Secretary:
Mrs Pearl Read.
Magazine Secretary:Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.
Flower Secretaries:
Mrs Althea Slater – Tel: 614966, and Mrs Marion Clarkson – Tel: 612855.
Electoral Roll Secretary: Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: .
Verger: Mrs Val Simpson – Tel: 614458.
Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact one of the Churchwardens.
Sunday School – meets 10.30am in School
Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612146.
YouthClub for 9-13 year olds – meets 6.30-8.30pm on Wednesdays in School
Leader: Mrs Mandy Hughes, MBE – Tel: 612267.
Hoole Church Ladies’ Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.
Leader: Mrs Joan Wilson – Tel 613063. Email:
St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday, in School.
Secretary: Mr Ted Hopkins – Tel: 617002.
Hoole St. Michael C E Primary School
Head Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Melling – Tel: 613219.
1st St Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups
Group Scout Leader: Mrs Jacqui Sherrington – Tel: 619579.
Sporting & Boxing Club
Secretary/Treasurer: Mr William Carr – Tel: 615321.
Email –
Website: and
Calendar and Events
Our next Service of United Worship with members from both Methodist Churches will take place at St Michael’s at 10.45am on June 22nd.
We are also currently midway through a short series of Bible studies where, over a period of five weeks, we are looking at five different psalms. This is a united churches initiative, and whilst they are all to be held in HooleMethodistChurch on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm, they will be led by different people each week.
Each week will be self contained – we all have various commitments, so don’t worry if you cannot get to them all – come down when you can, you will be most welcome. Please see the weekly sheet for fuller details.
Magazine material to Stan Pickles/Honey Penrose by 18th May, please
Thursday May 1stAscension Day
7.00pmHoly CommunionRector
Sunday4thEaster 7
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)Rector
10.45amHoly Communion(CW)Rector & S Pickles
3.00pmEvensong (Said)S Pickles
Sunday11thPentecost/Whit Sunday
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)Rector
10.45amMorning PraiseRector & S Pickles
3.00pmEvensong (Said)S Pickles
Sunday18thTrinity Sunday
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)Rector
10.45amHoly Communion(CW)Rector & S Pickles
3.00pmEvensong (Said)S Pickles
Sunday25thTrinity 1
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)Revd Kathleen Wood
10.45amFamily Worship & ParadeS Pickles
3.00pmEvensong (Said)S Pickles
Sunday June1stTrinity 2
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)S Pickles(Communion)
10.45amHoly Communion(CW)S Pickles(by Extension)
3.00pmEvensong (Said)S Pickles
Sunday 8thTrinity 3
9.00amHoly Communion(BCP)Rector
10.45amMorning PraiseRector & S Pickles
3.00pmEvensong S Pickles
From the Parish Registers
Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”
6th AprilKATE LOUISE HOUGH daughter
LUCY JANE HOUGH daughter and
Mark Hough and Emma Louise Baxendale of Longton
Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”
The Departed “Rest Eternal grant unto them”
11th AprilDOREEN MURRAY of Much Hoole.
Cremation followed at Preston.
From the Register of Services
Attendance Communicants Collections
23rd Mar(Easter Day)325198£1041.45
30th Mar(Easter 2)9840£506.95
6th Apr(Easter 3)9679£547.55
13th Apr(Easter 4)10360£475.30
The figures for Easter Day include details from Holy week and Good Friday; in addition the cash collection on Good Friday of £65.00 was donated to Christian Aid.
Church Stewards
The Church will be open for visitorson Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 2.00pm till 4.00pm from May to September inclusive. Whilst we assume that our regular “church-sitters” will go on the rota, we are in need of a few new volunteers; if anyone would consider going on to the rota of stewards for two or three Wednesdays or Saturdays, please contact David Turner on 614192.
During April we had a visit to the church by Sir Arnold Wolfendale FRS, 14th Astronomer Royal, who was in the area, and interested in seeing the church because of our “Horrocks” connection.
Diary Dates
Sat 3rd MayMen’s Fellowship Race Night in Hoole Village Hall
Wed 7th MayPCC meeting in school at 7.30pm
Sat 10th MayWalmerBridgeMethodistChurchGarden Party
Mon 12th MayLadies’ Group committee meeting at Low Barn at 7.15pm
Tues 13th MayMen’s Fellowship AGM in school at 7.30pm
Sat 17th MayCoffee Morning at Banks Farm, Station Road in aid of funds for the Flower Festival
Tues 20th MayVisit to Roukes Forge, near Burnley organised by the Ladies’ Group
We’re hoping to get the flower festival funding off to a great start, so please come along on 17th May. Any contributions to the Bring & Buy, Cake stall or maybe a raffle prize would be much appreciated. Many thanks. John and Honey Penrose (613816)
Ladies’ Group
At our last meeting Gordon Medlicott came along to give us a talk entitled “The Last Lighthouse Keeper” – he had been the lighthouse keeper – in 20 different ones over 32 years – and had many a tale to tell, some of which were amazing, some amusing and all interesting.
On the 20th of this month we are running a visit to Roukes Forge, near Burnley. Please contact Sylvia Birtles on 613396 for more information.
Committee members: please see Diary Dates for details of our next meeting.
Men’s Fellowship
This month we hold our annual fund raising event – the Race Night, which is to be held in Hoole Village Hall on Saturday May 3rd at 7.30pm. It will follow the now usual pattern, including Hot Pot Supper and raffle. Funds raised at this event, which is open to all, go towards churchyard maintenance: please give it your full support.
Then on Tuesday May 13th at 7.30pm in school, we hold our Annual General Meeting, when we plan our programme of events and speakers for next year. We are open to suggestions and if anyone has any information at all about speakers who may be suitable, please pass the information on to Ted on 617002.
St Michael’s Garden Party –21st June
Your support for our church is requested at this event – to be held at the school from 2.00pm on 21st June. The attractions will be: Plant stall, Cake stall, Raffle, Dancers, Accordionist, Young Farmers’ Vegetable stall, Youth Club Hot Dogs stall, etc.
Gifts of cakes and bedding plants etc for the plant stall would be much appreciated, as would help with setting up the stalls at 12.15pm and putting away again at 4.00pm.
As in previous years we shall be putting abox in the font area of the church during May and June for those unwanted gifts you’ve received which could be used as raffle and tombola prizes. Thank you in advance.
Churchyard Maintenance
Once more the mowing season is upon us and the task begins again of maintaining the churchyard to the high standard we have grown to expect.Maintenance is not easy, and it is greatly handicapped by the addition of extra ornaments, vases and other items placed in front of the head stones. The diocesan instructions are quite clear, permitting only grave stones of a certain size with an incorporated flower container. These additional items not only make the job more difficult, but when broken, as sometimes happens, can be a danger to others visiting the churchyard.
Over recent years, several repairs have had to be carried out to our large mower which has been damaged by unforeseen objects hidden in the grass, so much so that we now at the start of this season need to purchase a new mower. We have received a generous donation towards this, but would welcome any further contributions in order that we may buy a good mower, capable of keeping the churchyard up to its high standard.
Sidespersons’ Rota
4th May9.00amRob McMurray
10.45amEric Barker, John Aughton & Janet Tugman
3.00pmSylvia Douglas
11th9.00amVal Van Holsbeke
10.45amScott Eckersley, Ted Hopkins & Wesley Clough
3.00pmClifford Orritt
18th9.00amBrian Taylor
10.45amGill Slinger, Norman Skellorn & Tom Wignall
3.00pmPeter Smallwood
25th9.00amHenry Redshaw
10.45amBill Prescott, Elizabeth Hedley & Philip Wilson
1st June9.00amJeremy Leigh
10.45amEric Barker, John Aughton & Janet Tugman
3.00pmSylvia Douglas
8th June9.00amRob McMurray
10.45amBill Carr, David Turner & Olivia Graham
3.00pmClifford Orritt
Readers’ Rota
4th MayW CloughActsCh 1 vv 6-14
J Elphick1 PeterCh 4 vv 12-14 & Ch 5 vv 6-11
11thG Slinger ActsCh 2 vv 1-21
18thJ DewhurstIsaiahCh 40 vv 12-17 & 27-end
E Gilkes2 CorinthiansCh 13 vv 11-end
25thUniformed Group Members
1st JuneE HopkinsGenesisCh 6 vv 9-22. Ch 7 v 24. Ch 8 vv 14-19
B WoodRomansCh 1 vv 16-17. Ch 3 vv 22b-28
8thD TurnerGenesisCh 12 vv 1-9
Church Flowers
4th MayJ Martland & J WilsonRector & Family
11thA Slater & E KirkhamMrs H Evans
18thM Clarkson & J SmallwoodLadies’ Group
25thJ Aughton & S WestellMrs E Hedley
1st JuneM Taylor & K OrrittVacant
8thB Wignall & A DaltonMrs K Ball