Induction Checklist – Casual Staff
New starter name:
Job title:
Start date:
Induction facilitators should use this checklist to support the new starter over the first two weeks of employment. You can add any other departmental information or policies.The induction pages of the staff intranet contain further information and links to help you complete each point on the checklist.
Activity / Date completeWelcome
1 / Make sure arrangements are made to meet the new starter on their first day
2 / Make arrangements for the new starter’s ID card
3 / Prepare the office space so that it is clean, tidy and welcoming
4 / Inform the new starter of how to obtain a parking permit
5 / Give them contact details for the department
6 / Request IT access in preparation for the staff member’s first day.
7 / Arrange training for any specialised IT systems
8 / Request a telephone and extension number (if not already available)
9 / Order uniform if required
10 / Arrange for your Health and Safety Co-ordinator or other designated member of departmental staff to complete the health and safety induction checklist on day one
Day one
Activity / Date completeWelcome
1 / Introduce your new colleague to their immediate team
2 / Provide a copy of the department’s structure chart
3 / Orientation
Give a tour of the building including toilets and rest area
4 / Explain the conditions of service including
- Hours of work/breaks
- Sickness reporting
- Holidays/special leave
- Probationary period
- Dress code/uniform
5 / Explain the car parking rules and visitor parking
6 / Give a demo of the website/intranet and where to find information
7 / Discuss use of the telephone (including voicemail), computers (including Y: and other drives), fax and email
8 / Begin explaining the major components of the job
9 / Send P45 to Payroll
10 / Provide any necessary information about building security such as entrance code or keys
11 / Discuss assistance with access or other special needs (provide a copy of the Access Guide if needed)
Week one
Activity / Date completeWelcome
1 / Introduce your new colleague to the Head of Department
2 / Give a tour of campus
3 / Provide a copy of the College bus timetables
4 / Provide information about cycling to work
5 / Discuss use of MyView
6 / Explain the College Smoking Policy
7 / Inform staff about the IT Service Desk
8 / Show them the printer and photocopier
9 / Discuss useful contacts for the job and how to find contact information on the staff intranet
10 / Explain the mail arrangements
11 / Discuss the administrative arrangements for the department
12 / Identify any job-specific health and safety training needed
13 / Explain the Equality and Diversity Statement
14 / Provide a copy of the Information Security Policy
15 / Complete the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act training on Moodle
16 / Complete the Cyber Security Moodle course (if role involves use of a computer)
Week two
Activity / Date completeWelcome
1 / Provide information about attending sports clubs, staff groups and events
2 / Provide information about the catering outlets on campus
3 / Provide a link to UPayChilli to put credit onto their ID card for use in outlets on campus
4 / Tell them about the employee assistance program
5 / Give information about recycling and waste disposal
6 / Show them where to find general HR policies
7 / Explain the student complaints procedure if relevant
8 / Provide a link to policies on fraud, bribery, donations and gifts
9 / Complete the equality and diversity training on Moodle
Thank you for completing the induction checklist.
For further information about staff induction, please contact Joy Willshire at or extension 4620.
Last updated: 27/02/2018