NFS 321 Human Nutrition Online
3 credits
South Dakota State University
Nutrition, Food Science and Hospitality Department
Instructor: Susan Baumberger, MS, RD, LN
Office: Main Nutrition Office NFA 425
Office Hours: I do not have regular scheduled online office hours. However,I check my email regularly (daily). If you have any questions, I should be able to answer them promptly. Please note—I do not check my email as often on weekends.
Phone: Main Nutrition Office: 605-688-5161
Email: We will be using our D2L email for our correspondence this semester. In case D2L would not be working, here is my SDSU email: Always use D2L email, and only use my SDSU email if absolutely necessary.
Course Description:The science of food, the nutrients and other substances therein, their action, interaction, and balance in relation to health and disease and the processes by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilizes and excretes food substances.
Course Objectives:Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
* determine your energy and nutrient requirements;
* identify the digestion, absorption, transportation, utilization, and excretion ofnutrients in the body;
* identify the functions and dietary adequacy of nutrients for healthy adult individuals;
* calculate and determine some simple nutritional assessments for healthy adults and will be able make some generalized statements regardingnutritional status;
* identify socioeconomic, cultural and psychological factors whichinfluence food and nutrition behavior.
I will be administering assignments and tests that will help you determine how successful you are at achieving the course objectives. If you find that you are not mastering the material and objectives, you are encouraged to reflect on how you study and how you prepare for each chapter/assignment/test and take appropriate action.
Prerequisite: CHEM 108 or CHEM 120 or higher Chem
Required Text:Perspectives in Nutrition: 8th Edition. Byrd-Bredbenner, et al. You can purchase your text from the SDSU Campus Bookstore: 1-800-985-8771 or order online at SDSU Bookstore (SDSU Bookstore:
Additional Supplies:A basic calculator will be required while viewing the lectures and during tests.
Desire 2 Learn: This class will be administered by D2L (Desire 2 Learn). Take some time becoming familiar with the D2L site. There are student tutorials available on the D2L site.
Browser: Use Mozilla Firefox when using D2L. It will allow for a faster response time. This will become important during the timed tests.
Technical Support:Help Desk 605-688-6776 or email
or contact them through the SDSU website at
If at any time during the semester you have technical problems, contact the Help Desk.
There will be videos available for each chapter which will give you an opportunity to listen to me explain and discuss the topics of importance from each chapter. You will need to have a working flash player on your computer. The following link is to download Adobe Flash Player: If at any time during the semester you are having difficulty viewing the videos, try uninstalling your flash player and re-installing the above link.
Distance Education Support:
Evaluation Procedures:
Chapter assignments (4—each worth 5 points)
(5—each worth 10 points)70 points (17% of grade)
Semester Tests (2—each worth 75 points)
(2—each worth 50 points)
Final (100 points)350 points (83% of grade)
Total points420 points
Grading Policy:
378-420 = A
336-377 = B
294-335 = C
252-293 = D
251 = F
Assignments will be graded within 7 days of the close date of the assignment. If you receive a deduction on an assignment, you will receive feedback from me explaining why you received a grade deduction.
You will receive your test grade immediately upon submitting your test via D2L. You will be able to view the questions answered incorrectly from each test the first two days immediately following the close of the test. You will only be able to view the questions you missed. You will not see the correct answer. You are encouraged to return to the notes, text, and videos to assist you in determining the correct answer.
Make-up Grading Opportunities (tests and assignments) Policy:Make-up grading opportunities will only be given to students who were excused prior to the time the grading opportunity was scheduled/given.An acceptable written excuse does need to be provided to the instructor prior to the grading opportunity. Acceptable written excuses include 1) university excused absence, 2) death of immediate family (requires copy of the obituary),3) military absence, or 4) serious illness (requires doctor's note). You will not be allowed tomake-up a test/assignment without appropriate documentation (prior to the test/assignment).If you miss a test/assignment (without an acceptable excuse),you will be given a zero.A make-up opportunity is a privilege, not a right, and will be granted only by the discretion of the instructor for the above excused absences.For students who do provide an acceptable excuse, rescheduling a time to make-up a test/assignment will be determined by the instructor and student. You will have 7 days from the close of the scheduled grading opportunity to make-up the missed test/assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is completed on time. Computer malfunctions are not an acceptable excuse for not submitting an assignment or completing a test. Online classes do put more of the responsibility for learning on the student’s shoulders. The student is responsible for finding a working computer to complete the course work on time.