St Gregory the Great Catholic School


Volume 7 Issue 364th July 2014

Tel: 01865 749933Fax: 01865 717314



MISSION STATEMENT: “We walk in God’s ways where together we live, love, learn and celebrate”


This week, a prayer to celebrate the diversity of talent within our community.

God our Father,

I thank you that many people

have used their gifts well,

have helped me and inspired me,

and brought cheerfulness and joy into my life.

May I too live in such a way

that I bring blessings to others.


Fr Nicholas Hutchinson

School Award 1

Dr Jakoby would like to nominate Donatas Dailyda, Megan Norwood and Ayesha Islam (9b3) who showed fantastic effort during the Science practical where we investigated a model for the elasticity of earthworms. *No animals were harmed in the process of this practical.

6th Form Prom

Year 13 marked the end of their time at St Gregory's at the Oxford Hotel on Friday 27th. Students and Staff dined together and celebrated the yeargroup's achievements before dancing the night away. A huge thank you to all those who made the evening such a success.

Please could Year 12 and 13 students remember to return books to school urgently, we would appreciate parents’ support.

Year 12 Induction

​Year 11 Students who are returning to the Sixth Form next year attended Induction on 1st and 2nd July. This was an opportunity for students to confirm which courses they want to study next year. Anyone who did not attend but is still thinking about returning next year should contact Mrs Shields the Sixth Form Administrator.

School Award 2

A second award nomination from Dr Jakoby goes to Ezzat Abdelhamid, Kevin Mjwauzi, Mark Suraj and Jordan Thompson (9b2) who did brilliantly when practising method writing for an ISA-style investigation in Physics. Well done!

School Award 3

Mr Johnson would like to nominate the following students in 8a1 for their effort and time completing the Zooquest homework. Deborah Colonna, Megan Winkfield, Orkida Celosmani, Vania Lay, Klaudia Jarocka, Michelle Liu, Jack Pullen, Zane Porter, Mollie Peach, Ines Cropper De Andres, Ervis Palamani, JV Dani.

‘Danny & Julie’

Congratulations to all those who took part in the moving performance of the musical about a refugee, Danny and Julie, on Tuesday evening. The cast was made up of both native English speakers and those students who are still in the process of learning English. Very special mention should be given to the male lead, Josias Gomes, who has only been speaking English for 18 months! Huge thanks also to Catherine Matthews, who wrote the musical, Tania Higgins, Director, Gosia Brudlo, EAL Department, Alison Henderson, Head of Music, and Adrian Reid, Technician.

Rock Challenge - National Award Nomination

Further to our Rock Challenge success earlier in the year we are delighted to announce that we have been nominated for a National Award in the category "Performance Skill".

The National Awards are judged by a separate panel of judges than those who judged us at the live event and it is a massive achievement to even get a nomination. Winners will be announced on the 9th July.

Pompeii Trip

Places for the Geography / Classics trip to Pompeii are filling up fast so if you still want to come and have missed the deadline of Friday 4th July for the £80 deposit you have till the end of the day on Monday 7th July to hand it in. Please give deposits to the office.Thank you, Miss West and Miss Philips.

School Award 4

Danilo Lira has a school award following a nomination by Miss Fenton for his fantastic mind mapping skills, on a 'word association' task. Fantastic work

School Award 5

Mrs Barrett has nominated Megan Gleeson (12G) for an award for upholding the schools ideals of caring for our school community.

Spot Awards

Congratulations to our winners this week:

Farhan Ali, Kerris Burton, Angel Cabauatan, Siobhan Cahill. Leo Chant, Libby Clark,Claire Cole,Bethany Dunne, Richelle Espino, Toby Gibb, Nicollas Gomes, Wiktoria Grabowska, Prashant Gurung, Lara Hackney, Hamzah Hameed, Katie Heppell, Adela Hernandez, Ashley Herrera, Rida Kamran, Chloe Labutte, Richel Lacerda, Hamza Latif, Ellen Lordan, Sukesh Masih, Ellie Mazey, AnnaMilburn, Therasa Moss, Cliona Murphy, Erin Parker, Lewis Patrick, Calum Pinches,Rimini Powell, Joseph Reilly, Niamh Robinson, Joyti Sahota, Lexi Spink, and Matthew Woods, Spot awards next week will be for making an outstanding contribution to activities week.

School Award 6

Well done to the following year 7 students who achieved 100% at their end of year assessment in French:Shouaib Aziz, Tristan Bradley, Stella Da Silva Rocha, Emily Green, Aisha Kitwana, Dorian Leszczewski, Nova Nanthacumar, Jessica Palmer, Andrea Reyes, Gabriela Sanz and Eva Zhang Garcia-Valcarcel.
Continuez! C’est excellent!Mr Traoré

Community Events

Summer Fete

Blessed Dominic Barberi Church are holding their Summer Fete on Saturday 12th July in the Church Hall from 2-4.30pm.

Summer Club

VIDES UK is an organisation that runs projects and activities annually for children and young people. This summer, we are running an activity week for children and young people living in the Cowley area. This summer is the second year of working in Cowley.

The project will run from Monday 28th July – Saturday 2nd August. During the day, they offer activities for children aged 8-11 (Junior). The activities include arts and crafts, dance, sport, games and educational activities. In the evening, they run activities for young people aged 12-17 (Senior). The project will take place at Our Lady’s Primary School, Oxford Road, Cowley.

Letter and Registration Forms are available for collection from the Chaplaincy Office.

Come and Support the House Project!

And Finally…

We’ve had a busy week. All year groups have been involved in end of year exams, year 11 (now year 12) have returned for the sixth form induction, we have welcomed year 5 children from local primary schools and our new year 7 students for their transfer day. Next week is Work Experience for year 10: we hope they make the most of this opportunity to get a taste of the world of work beyond school. Years 7-9 is activities week. Please check your child is clothed/equipped appropriately for the activities they will be doing each day – it’s a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn, develop skills and challenge themselves beyond the classroom. News is spreading: we have 32 American visitors coming to see the work we are doing!

Yes, the booklet really does say ‘5K run – meet Dr Caseby in the Fitness Suite’! I’m still not sure how that happened!

Dr Caseby

Vice Principal