US History
Fort Burrows
Chapter 9Vocabulary and Review with Yellow Answers
inauguration - Ceremony in which the President officially takes the oath of office
{Washington set a precedent (3rd )by adding the words –
“…so help me God.” To the Presidential Oath. Said by all others.}
precedent - an act or decision that sets the example for others to follow
Cabinet - Group of officials who head government departments and advise the President
Judiciary Act - law that created the structure of the Supreme Court and set up a
system of district courts and circuit courts
national debt - total amount of money that a government owes to other
bond - certificate that promises to repay money loaned, plus interest, on a certain date
integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
speculator - an investor in a risky venture in the hope of making a large profit
Bank of the United States - bank set up in 1791 to hold government deposits, to issue paper money to pay government bills, and to make loans to farmers and businesses
tariff - tax on foreign goods brought into a country
Whiskey Rebellion - protest over a tax on all liquor made and sold in the U.S.
conduct – the way a person behaves
convert – to change something into a different form
crucial – extremely important
enforce – to make sure people do something that is required by law
falter – to fail or weaken
interest – an additional fee that must be repaid when borrowed money is repaid
monarchy – a country that is ruled by a single person, such as a king or queen
French Revolution - rebellion of 1789 in France that ended the French monarchy for a time
foreign policy - actions that a nation takes in relation to other nations
Neutral - not taking sides in a conflict
Neutrality Proclamation - statement in 1793 by GW that the US would not
support or aid either France or Britain in their European conflict
Jay’s Treaty - agreement in 1795 between Britain and the US; Britain to pay
damages for seized American ships and to give up land still being held in the West and America would repay debts owed to British merchants
Exactitude – the quality of being accurate and correct {Jay to GW}
Farewell Address - final speech of President as they leave office
concentrate – to increase the amount of power or substance in a certain location
commerce – activities that have to do with buying and selling goods and services
faction – a party or group that has different ideas than those of the rest of the group
restrain – to prevent someone from doing something
amenity - a desirable or pleasant feature or quality
doctrine – aparticularprincipleorpolicytaughtasofareligionorgovernment
resentment – feelingofdispleasureatsomeact,remark,person, etc.,regardedas
causinginjuryor insult
Democratic Republican - supporter of Thomas Jefferson, who favored a decentralized
Federalist - supporter of the Constitution, who favored a strong federal or national
unconstitutional - not allowed under the Constitution
oppression – theexerciseofauthorityorpowerinaburdensome,cruel,orunjust manner
framer – to put together, plan, or form such as a constitution, or system of order
levy – animposingorcollecting,asofatax,byauthorityorforce
confound – to throw into confusion or disorder
regulate – tocontrolordirectbyarule,principle,method
consolidate - tobringtogether(separateparts)intoasingleorunifiedwhole;unite;combine
visceral - relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
XYZ Affair - French attempt in 1797 to bribe the US by demanding payment before talks could begin on the issue of French seizure of neutral American ships
frigate - fast-sailing ship with many guns
Alien and Sedition Acts - Federalist-supported laws that permitted the President to expel foreigners, made it harder for immigrants to become citizens, and allowed for citizens to be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials
sedition - stirring up rebellion against a government
nullify - to cancel
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions - declaration that claimed each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional and to nullify laws deemed unconstitutional within a state’s borders
state’s rights - the right of the state to limit the power of the federal government
escalate – to become worse or more severe
expel – to push or force someone out
ratify – to make a treaty or agreement official by voting for it
tribute – money that one nation pays another as protection or to acknowledge submission
bias – hostile or maybe supportive preconceivedopinionsaboutasocialgroup
reform – amendmentofwhatiswrong,corrupt orunsatisfactory to make improvement
Describe personal and political views of each leader list below…
Alexander Hamilton:
u - Federalist
u - born in the West Indies
u - worked his way up from poverty
u - dressed in fine clothes
u - spoke forcefully
u - energetic, brilliant and restless
u - enjoyed political debate
u - wanted a strong central government
u - pro-England
u - favored a national bank
u - thought the government should be controlled by the elite of society
u - opposed to protecting individual liberties by law
u - wanted to model the American Gov’t after the English Gov’t
Thomas Jefferson:
- Democratic Republican
- spoke informally
- dressed informally
- tall, lanky, wealthy Virginia planter
- Strict interpretation of the US Constitution
- agricultural economy
- wanted strong state government
- pro-French
- supported violence in France
- opposed a national bank
- thought the government should be controlled by ordinary Americans
- wanted liberties to be protected by law
- believed the American Gov’t should not be modeled after the English Gov’t
1. List the seven precedents set by President George Washington ?
- To be called President of the United States
2. Added to oath “…So Help Me GOD.”
- Not to run for a 3rd term
- To use his Cabinet for advice; Filled the spots with “well known” leaders
- Named 1st Chief Justice of Supreme Court
- Called on militia/national guard to end Whiskey Rebellion and showed mercy to it’s leaders
- Neutrality Proclamation – “steer clear of Permanent Alliances”
2. What did Alexander Hamilton, who favored a strong government believe would most benefit the economy ? the establishment of a national bank
“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations; to have with them as little political connection as possible…It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…”3. Who would have said the quote above ? George Washington
What does this quote mean ? permanent alliances with foreign nations should be avoided
“A national debt if it is not excessive will be to us a national blessing:it will be a powerful cement of our union.” -
4.Who would have said the quote above ? Alexander Hamilton, 1781
What does this quote mean ? he is describing that debt is a show of strengthening force
5. Which political party supported…
political views of Hamilton? Federalist political views of Jefferson ? Democratic-Republicans
6. Whatcaused the Federalists to support passage of the Alien Acts ?
they saw foreigners as a threat to US
7. Washington enlisted a trusted ally to negotiatethe terms of a Foreign Treaty.
It was nicknamed Jay’s Treaty. What was the key point negotiated ?
the US avoided war with Britain
8. What was the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion by the Pennsylvania farmers during Washington’s
presidency ? a tax placed on whiskey
9. List the Political views of each party…
- Weak central government
- Agricultural economy
- Strict interpretation of the Constitution
- Strong central government
- Industrial economy
- Loose interpretation of U.S. Constitution
10. List three parts of Hamilton’s plan ?
- implement high tariff
- repaying some state debts
C. create the Bank of the United States
11. Whatunexpected result occurred in the election of 1796 ?
the President and Vice President were not from the same party
12. Define the Sedition Act ?
Congress passed law that could fine or jail any citizen that criticized the government
13. What issue was raised because of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions ?
states’ rights
14. List the year of the following events
______First political parties were formed 1797
______Congress approves Jay’s Treaty 1795
______Alien and Sedition Acts pass 1798
______Washington becomes President 1789
15. Which political party was in favor of the Alien and Sedition Acts ?
16. What effect did the increased popularity of newspapers have on the nation’s politics ?
Newspapers began to have influence on public opinion
17. Why did the Federalist Party split ?
disagreement between President Adams and Hamilton about whether the US should go to war
18. Why did American leaders form political parties ?
to organize support for their views
“They have brought into the lower house a sedition bill, which….undertakes to make printing certain matters criminal….Indeed this bill and alien bill both are so against the Constitution as to show they mean to pay no respect to it.”Who would have said the quote above ? Thomas Jefferson, 1798
Whois he referring to as “they” ? members of the FederalistParty
20.Describe the XYZ Affair ?
A. American Diplomats tried to stop France’s seizure of American ships
B. French agents demanded money for the French foreign minister
C. American citizen were angered and called for war with France
21. Why was the US divided in their support of the French Revolution ?
Disagreement over the wide spread violence
{Radicals in France had executed thousands of people in the name of reform}
22. Why was it difficult for the US to remain neutral during Washington’s presidency ?
Britain and France seized cargoes from US ships
23. Which group decided the presidential election of 1800 ? the House of Representatives
Why was this necessary ?
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr both received 73 Electoral College Votes
24. What was Alexander Hamilton’smain plan in reducing the national debt ?
buying up old Revolutionary War bonds and issuing new ones
25. What two things did President Adams do in reaction to the crisis with France ?
1. strengthened the navy
2. signed an agreement with Napoleon whichkept the nation out of a war
26. What was a major result of the Whiskey Rebellion ?
new government acted firmly and would not tolerate violent protests
27. List Alexander Hamilton’s most pressing problemas Secretary of theTreasury ?
Reducing national debt
“Of the complicated European systems of national polity we have heretofore been independent. From their wars, their tumults, and anxieties we have been, happily, almost entirely exempt. Whilst these are confined to the nations which gave them existence…they cannot affect us except as they appeal to our sympathies in the cause of human freedom and universal advancement.” ??????Who would have said this ? George Washington
What does this quote refer to ?
the benefits of why the US should remain neutral from Foreign affairs
29. Why were people fearful ofthe formation of political parties in the US ?
Political divisions would threaten national unity
30. Which American leader supported the use of violence in the French Revolution ?
Thomas Jefferson
31. Why did President Washington insistthat the United States remain neutral in foreign wars ?
he did not want to disrupt US trade relations with other countries
32. Whatlong-lasting action did President Adams do during the crisis with France ?
He resisted American war fever and avoided war
33. Why was it important for the American government (in regard to American businesses) to
maintain a neutrality policy ?
American merchants profited from trade with Britain and France
34. Which party proposed the Alien and Sedition Bills to Congress ?
Members of the Federalist party
35. Whataction did Thomas Jefferson take in response to the Alien and Sedition Bills ?
the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
36. Which group opposed the high protective tariff proposed by Hamilton ?
37. Which issue caused a splintering ofthe Federalist party and eventually, the weakening of the Federalist Party ?
continuing diplomatic peace talks with France
38.Why did the American people fear political parties forming in the United States ?
political divisions would threaten national unity and make us weak in the eyes of the world
39.What caused the nation’s capital to be moved and built in a new city in the South ?
the results of a compromise between Hamilton and Southern States’ Leaders regarding repayment of each states’ debt from the American Revolution
“They have brought into the lower house a sedition bill, which…undertakes to make printing certain matters criminal…Indeed this bill and alien bill both are so against the Constitution as to show they mean to pay no respect to it.” Thomas Jefferson, 1798Who would have said this ? Thomas Jefferson, 1798
What does this quote refer to ? Alien and Sedition Act
How does this personresolve the sedition and alien billsquestioned in the quote ?
he helped pass the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
41.List the reasons that many Federalists supported a war with France…
A. increase federal power
B. the action would weaken the Democratic Republicans
C. showed support for Britain
42.What did Alexander Hamilton campaign and negotiate for that he thought was necessary to ensure the stability of the nation’s economy ?
the establishment of a national bank
1 of Chapter 9 Review with Yellow Answers NOV 2017