English Open Book Test: FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON

Friday June 11th, 2010.

NAME: ______



Circle the correct reponse.

1) Charlie knew that his education and sophistication were only a veneer hiding the old Charlie.

a. coating b. mystery c. joke d. bonus

2)  Algernon’s wild behaviour hinted that there might be some deterioration in his intellgence.

a. logic b. feeling c. freedom d. decline

3)  The new Charlie felt he had usurped the position of his former self.

a. stolen b. defended c. lost d. returned

4)  Charlie’s dread of sex became self-perpetuating when he began to fear his fear.

a. self-serving b. self-respecting c. self-continuing d. self-controlling

5)  Fay quickly rejected the cliché and insisted on a wild, original name for the maze “sculpture”

a. phrasebook b. stuffy criticism c. stale idea d. newspaper ad.

Match the word with similar meaning with the underlined word.


a. Disinterested b.Trainee c. Health treatment

d. Information that gains public interest e. Intelligence

6)  The operation was supposed to change Charlie’s mentality, raising his I.Q. from 68. ______

7)  Charlie was special because he was not dull or apathetic but eager to learn and interested. ______

8)  Charlie wanted to learn to be a baker, so he asked if he could become an apprentice. ______

9)  Charlie attended therapy sessions meant to help him resolve any emotional problems he had. ______

10) Charlie was warned to keep quiet about the operation because the college didn’t want any publicity. ______

PART TWO: Multiple Choice. /10

1)  One reason Algernon wins the maze races is that

a.  Charlie secretly gave him a head start

b.  Algernon has had the intelligence-increasing operation

c.  Nemur makes Charlie nervous by observing the tests.

2)  The TV Nemur beings Charlie is supposed to

a.  Keep him from dwelling on his problems

b.  Educate him and make him remember

c.  Alter his brain waves.

3)  Charlie goes to therapy sessions because

a.  He worries that he is crazy

b.  He thinks therapy will make him smarter

c.  He begins to dream and remember

4)  Charlie’s determination is revealed by his

a.  Desire to read and write

b.  Persistence at the maze

c.  Advancement at his bakery job

5)  Charlie’s “friends” at the bakery show they are really no friends at all by

a.  Making Mr. Donner mad at him

b.  Taunting him that the operation didn’t work

c.  Getting Charlie drunk as a joke.

PART THREE: Short Answer

1)  Complete the following link between UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCES (things that could happen to anyone) to something that happens IN THE BOOK. /4

a) Universal Experience: Though change can be healthy for you, you may prefer the security of the same old routine.

What happened in the book that sounds similar to this?

b) Book experience: Charlie does not know what to do when he learns that Gimpy has been stealing from Donner.

What could happen in real life that sounds similar to this?

2)  For each of the following conflicts, decide whether the conflict is INTERNAL (with yourself or with your feelings) or EXTERNAL (with someone else). /6

(a) Rose angrily scolds Charlie for wetting his pants: ______

(b) Matt quarrels with Rose because he does not want to pay the cost of Dr. Guarino’s treatments: ______

(c) Nemur cuts Charlie off when Charlie discusses a study Nemur has not yet read: ______

(d) Norma blames Charlie for the fact that their parents won’t let her have a dog.


(e) Charlie’s feeling of freedom after quarrelling with Alice is tinged with sadness:


(f) Nemur’s wife pressures her husband into presenting the experiment results at the convention:


3)  Reading between the lines (Inferences): What can you guess about someone? /6

(a)  Nemur looks angry when Charlie asks for explanations and says that if Charlie wants to get smart, Charlie must obey him.

Reading between the lines, what can you guess about Nemur’s personality?

(b)  Charlie gets scared when he goes to the school for retarded adults, but

something keeps him from leaving.

Reading between the lines, what can you guess about Charlie’s


(c)  Charlie says he and his good friends at work enjoy many laughs together,

such as pulling a “Charlie Gordon.”
Reading between the lines, what can you guess about Charlie’s “friends”?

4)  At the beginning of the book, Charlie hates Algernon. Why? How does Charlie show by the end of the book that his feelings for Algernon have changed? /4

5)  In what ways to the guys at the bakery treat Charlie with disrespect? (In the beginning of the book) /4



6)  What do you think angers Charlie the most about Gimpy’s theft? /4

a.  The fact that he’s caught a good friend in an immoral act.

b.  The fact that Gimpy has betrayed their caring boss.

c.  The fact that Charlie has been used by Gimpy?

What advice would you give to Charlie is he same to you with this problem (the fact that he has caught Gimpy stealing and doesn’t know what to do?) Explain your answers.

7)  (a) Why does Charlie insist on visiting the Warren State Home? /2

(b) Describe the attitudes of the people he finds working there. /2

8)  As Charlie changes back to his old self, his attitude about learning changes.

(a) What happens in the book that shows this change? /2

(b) Is the change negative or positive? /2

9)  Is Charlie Better or worse off from having the surgery? What is your opinion of his whole experience? /2

10) Some of the main THEMES from the book include:

·  Both great harm and good can come from technology.

·  Intelligence cannot fix all problems.

·  The past never goes away.

·  Every person deserves to be treated like a human being.

·  Love is a saving force.

·  People with a weakness are always picked on.

·  People should not be judged until their reasons or circumstances are known.


Write a letter to the author that discusses the theme you chose. You should…

(a)  Say whether you agree or disagree with this theme.

(b)  Find evidence from the book to support you.

(c)  Find evidence from your own life to support you.

Your letter should look like this:

Dear Mr. Keyes,

One of the main themes of the book FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON is ______. I agree (or disagree) with this statement.

In the book…(and fill in the paragraph with examples from the book. Say why this supports your first sentence.)

In my own experience…(and fill in the paragraph with examples from your own experience that supports your first sentence.)


11) In what ways is the story from the movie “Awakenings” similar to the story of Flowers for Algernon? /1

12) Why is the book called Flowers for Algernon? /1