2-14-2008 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No.



101 S. Main Street

Clinton, TN 37716

February 14, 2008 – 6:30 PM

Members Present Absent

John Burrell, Chairman √

Dail Cantrell √

Greg Crawford √

Ron Hagans √

Glenda Langenberg √

Wanda McCrosky, Vice-Chairman √

Peggy Hayes √

Jo Williams √

V. L. Stonecipher, Director √

Student Board Members:

Kelsey Hackler √

Alyshia Phillips √

Others in Attendance

Beth Roeder, John Derek Faulconer, Chuck Puglisi, Roxanne Puglisi, Larry Foster, William Haynes, Rebekah Taylor, Sid Spiva, Jeff Harshbarger, Jenny Harshbarger, Renee Moore, Paula Sellers, Johanna Whitley, Terri Ferry, Debbie Long, Jim Woodward.


Dr. Burrell, chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM as a regular monthly meeting of the Anderson County Board of Education. Greg Crawford led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Dr. Burrell welcomed Gail Martin and Jerry White, both former Board of Education members attending tonight’s meeting.

A.  Faye Heatherly, Tennessee School Board Association (TSBA) representative, presented TSBA’s Board of Distinction Award to the Board of Education. Ms. Heatherly explained that the award is based on satisfying 15 requirements and the award presented to Anderson County is well deserved. Dr. Burrell was pleased to accept the award on the board’s behalf and stated this was our fifth time to receive it (it is awarded every two years) making ten consecutive years the Board has received the honor.

B.  State Representative Jim Hackworth presented grants in the amount of $1,000 to Dutch Valley, Fairview, Norris, Grand Oaks and Claxton Elementary Schools; and $2,500 grants to Anderson County and Clinton High Schools. Rep. Hackworth stated during his presentation that BEP 2.0 will be fully funded and the additional money that was rejected in last years bill will be funded. He mentioned that this will be a good year for education in Nashville and he is proud to be doing more for education in our area.

C.  Emily Haverkamp was recognized for her selection as WIVK’s Teacher of the Month. Beth Roeder, Andersonville Elementary School Principal, presented a certificate to Emily and mentioned the person responsible for nominating her is an inclusion student whose mother felt very strongly that she went above and beyond her scope of work to meet all of his needs.


A. Request for an appeal of DHA decision – Tyler R. Student and parents did not appear. Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Greg Crawford to deny the appeal. Motion carried.

B.  Doug Allred represented the Clinton High School Boosters Club and discussed their request to consider the remaining $14,000 due for basketball goals a capital expense. Dr. Burrell suggested Mr. Allred take the request to the Building and Grounds Committee. Greg Crawford, committee chairman, will advise Mr. Allred and Rick Scarbrough of the meeting time and date.

C.  Chris Seeber represented the future Norwood Middle School football program and asked for approval to form a football team. Mr. Seeber explained that he feels the school has lost students due to a lack of sports available. He acknowledged that it will take money to form a team, but he noted they have individuals willing to help with financial needs. Dr. Burrell stated the board would support the program, but a teacher or school employee must be involved in the program. He asked Mr. Seeber to prepare information to take to the Operations Committee for approval. Dail Cantrell explained that as members of TMSAA, they should go through the middle school principal to schedule games per TMSAA procedure.

D.  Jo Williams asked to make a brief statement to the Board and audience as follows:

“I am truly honored to be able to serve on the Board of Education with these seven other dedicated members. I’m making this statement because a local political blog contains uncomplimentary comments about my reportedly opposition in the school board race for District 1. I want to publicly state that I had nothing to do with these remarks. I do not want the citizens of Anderson County to think that County Commission appointed someone who is capable of this. I would never intentionally embarrass this board, my family or my community.”


Motion by Greg Crawford and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve the agenda. Motion carried.


A.  Minutes of Regular Meeting – January 10, 2008

B. Personnel Actions (attached)


1. Tommy Mariner, Anderson County High School, to travel to Verland Park, KS to attend Area 9 Drill Championship Feb. 15 – 17, 2008. 25 students and 3 chaperones.

2. April Perry, Clinton High School, to travel to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville to attend Model United Nations Conference Feb. 22 – 23, 2008. 16 students and 3 chaperones.

3. Yelena Kirillina, Anderson County High School, to attend Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville Feb. 28 – Mar. 1, 2008. 4 students and 1 chaperone.

4. Vikki Burns, Clinton High School, to travel to Franklin, TN to attend state DECA Marketing Council Mar. 5 – 8, 2008. 15 students and 1 chaperone.

5. Tommy Mariner, Anderson County High School, to travel to San Diego, CA to attend orientation at naval base via Navy aircraft Mar. 17 – 20, 2008. 30 students and 3 chaperones.

6. Christy Castleberry and Martha Hubbs, Clinton High School, to attend FCCLA State STAR Convention in Nashville, TN Mar. 24 – 26, 2008. 10 students and 2 chaperones.

7. Heather Branum, Anderson County High School, to allow students to participate in softball tournament in Charlotte, NC Apr. 4 – 6, 2008. 20 students and 5 chaperones.

8. Heather Branum, Anderson County High School, to allow students to participate in softball tournament in London, KY May 2 – 3, 2008. 20 students and 5 chaperones.

9. Paul Brown, Anderson County High School, to allow students to perform at the Winter Guard Championship finals in Cullowhee, NC Apr. 5, 2008. 14 students and 2 chaperones.

10. Melanie Boruff, Learn Center, to allow students to participate in incentive trip to the Haunted Mansion in Gatlinburg, TN Feb. 29 – Mar. 1, 2008. 15 students and 8 chaperones.

11.Melanie Boruff, Learn Center, to allow students to participate in incentive trip to Lazy Daze campground in Townsend, TN Mar. 28 – 30, 2008. 15 – 20 students and 10 chaperones.

12. Melanie Boruff, Learn Center, to allow students to participate in incentive trip to Nashville, TN Apr. 24 – 27, 2008. 16 students and 10 chaperones.

13.Travis Hutcheson, Anderson County High School, to allow students to participate in SCOPE Conference in Nashville, TN Mar. 6 – 7, 2008.


1. Terri Ferry, Central Office to attend DHA training in Nashville, TN Feb 24 – 26, 2008.

2. Joel Dahle, Melanie Boruff, Andrea Livingston, Cathy Toney, Clemmer Adams, Learn Center, to attend Yes 2 Kids Conference in Franklin, TN Mar. 2 – 4, 2008.

3. Journey Swafford, Grand Oaks Elementary School, to attend professional development for Reading Recovery teachers at Clemson, SC Mar. 5 – 7, 2008.

4. Harry Hitchcock, Clinton High School, to attend Leadership Anderson County event in Nashville, TN Apr. 4 – 9, 2008.

5. Edward Sullivan, Lake City Middle School, to attend International Reading Association Convention in Atlanta, GA May 5 – 8, 2008.

6. Paula Kerr, Anderson County High School, to travel to Mexico City, MX to serve as translator to physicians who are providing free medical services to people in the Mexico City area May 6 – 12, 2008.

7. Debbie Long, Lesa Larson, Preschool, to attend THSA training in Nashville, TN Mar. 3 - 4, 2008.

8. Harriet Hensley, Preschool, to participate in Social Service Competency training in Gallatin, TN Mar. 3 - 7, 2008.

9. Larry Foster, Larry Pierce, Central Office, to attend TASPA meeting at Montgomery Bell State Park, Burns, TN Mar. 5 - 7, 2008.

10.Angela Carico, Clinton High School, to chaperone spring choir trip to Orlando, FL Mar. 13 - 18, 2008.

11.Jess Anne Cole, Norris Elementary, to attend Weber training in Atlanta, GA Feb. 21 - 22. 2008.

EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only)

A. Field Trips

1. Paul Brown, Anderson County High School, to attend All State East Band Clinic in Gatlinburg, TN Feb. 7 – 9, 2008. 2 – 20 students (depending on auditions), 2 chaperones.

2. Philip Warfield, Anderson County High School, to attend Tennessee State Swimming finals in Nashville, TN Feb. 7 - 9, 2008. 10 students and 4 chaperones.

3. Melanie Boruff, Learn Center, to attend Ice Bears game/lock in in Knoxville, TN Jan 18, 2008. 15 students and 8 chaperones.

4. Richard McAnulty, Clinton High School, to attend All East Sr. Band Clinic in Gatlinburg, TN Feb. 7 – 9. 11 students and 2 chaperones.

5. Richard McAnulty, Clinton High School, to attend UT at Martin Honor Band Jan. 24 – 26, 2008. 3 students and 1 chaperone.

B. Professional Leave

1. Ginger Spradlin, Clinton High School, to attend School Counseling Institute AIM for Success in Nashville, TN Feb. 11 – 12, 2008.

2. Gail Hunt, Central Office, to attend TCAP-Alt PA Anchor Setting Meeting in Nashville, TN Feb. 14 – 15, 2008.

3. Austin Williams, Norwood Middle School/ Clinton High School to attend All east Sr. Band Clinic in Gatlinburg, TN Feb. 6 – 7, 2008.

Motion by Greg Crawford and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.


A.  Board Self-Evaluation – Dr. Burrell instructed Board members to return their self-evaluation forms to Pam Crawford no later than Thursday, February 21. Johanna Whitley will prepare the responses and Larry Foster will facilitate the meeting at 6:00 PM on Thursday, March 13.

B.  SCOPE - Larry Foster briefed Board members on SCOPE and let them know that six students have been selected to attend this year. Both high schools and ACCTC will send two students each. Our two student Board members are former SCOPE participants and they can help with any questions Board members may have regarding the session. SCOPE participants will make a presentation to the board when they return. Dr. Burrell suggested that Board members attend and listen to the debates if possible, it’s well worthwhile.


A. Lisa Mills of the Asthma and Allergy Center in Knoxville would like to partner with Anderson County Schools to provide asthma education for school nurses and teachers beginning July/ August 2008. It’s been the vision of Dr. Bob Overholt and the Center for the last six months to become more involved in the community. She mentioned that statistics show Knoxville at the top of the list of places you don’t want to live if you suffer with asthma. They plan to address the dangers of asthma and how to live with it. Jo Williams asked if there would be a cost to the school system and was assured there would be no cost.

B. The contract with the City of Clinton to lease the city athletic facilities has been reviewed and approved by the Board of Education, Jay Yeager, County Attorney, and Sal Varsalona, Board Attorney, and submitted to the purchasing committee who approved the contract to go to County Commission. It must go before County Commission because it’s a multi-year contract. If the contract is approved when it goes before County Commission on Monday and with the renovations scheduled to be made, we’ll be able to do more than offer ball games - we can host band contests and other events. Jo Williams asked if the additional cost of the matching portion would be an impact on the tax rate anytime in the future. Mr. Stonecipher stated he didn’t feel it would. Dr. Burrell said Clinton High School deserves the same kind of stadium that ACHS has and it’s the best and fairest deal for Clinton and the Board. Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Greg Crawford to agree to the terms of the contract with Clinton City as presented with the utilization privileges lease payments staying the same for ten years with payments controlled by the Atlanta area CPI; and agree to pay five annual installments up to $30,000 for capital improvements to the football stadium.

Roll Call Vote

Dail Cantrell Yea

Greg Crawford Yea

Ron Hagans absent

Peggy Hayes Yea

Glenda Langenberg Yea

Wanda McCrosky absent

Jo Williams Yea

John Burrell Yea

Motion carried.

C. Sue Voskamp, Special Education Director, requested approval of a 260-day secretarial positionto manage 504 paperwork which would allow the nurse who currently handles this job to provide nursing services. Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve the secretarial position in Special Education. Motion carried.

Roll Call Vote

Dail Cantrell Yea

Greg Crawford Yea

Ron Hagans absent

Peggy Hayes Yea

Glenda Langenberg Yea

Wanda McCrosky absent

Jo Williams Yea

John Burrell Yea

Motion carried.

D. Mr. Stonecipher is currently monitoring the numbers at the alternative school. He stated he may be looking at an additional position for the remainder of the year only but it depends on the numbers. He’ll keep Board members posted.