Spring 2017Course Syllabus

Teacher: Miss Rachel Morgan


Riverheads High School

School Phone: (540) 337-1921

Class Room: Room U211

Class Schedule: 1st Block (8:12 – 9:41) Geometry Part 2

2nd Block (9:45 – 11:14) Algebra 1 Part 2

3rd Block (12:14 – 1:43) Planning

4th Block (1:47 – 3:16) Geometry Part 2

Extra help available after school when scheduled with the teacher.

Classroom Expectations

1.Be respectful to yourself, other students, and the teacher.

2.Follow directions the first time they are given.

3.Respect others’ property.

4.Arrive on time with your materials, ready to work.

**You are tardy if you are walking in the classroom as the bell rings.**

*** An office referral will be given each time a student accumulates 4 tardies.***

  1. Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices must be turned off in the classroom and put in your book bag – out of sight. (If you have one of these items during class and it goes off, or you use it in class, it will be given to an administrator.)
  2. You must stay in your seat until the bell rings to end class.
  3. You are expected to remain in class during all instruction;please take care of personal needs (bathroom, water, locker) before you arrive to class.
  4. Book bags must be kept out of the aisles.Please put them under your desk.

9.All food must be consumed outside of the classroom. Drinks with closing tops are allowed. NO CANNED DRINKS! If drinks are spilled, you are expected to clean up your mess.

10.Strive to be successful.

11.Ask for help when you are confused!

County and School discipline policies will be followed.

If student behavior is unacceptable, parents may be contacted and may be asked to attend a student/parent/teacher conference to discuss the student’s conduct.

The expectations and procedures in this syllabus will help the class run smoothly and efficiently. Once you and your student have read the complete syllabus, please sign below. Thank you for your support!

I have read the syllabus and understand the expectations.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Student Signature ______

Course Description/Objective: Thiscourse is designed for students who have successfully completed Algebra 1. Students will use deductive and inductive methods of proofs to justify theorems and tell whether conclusions are valid. Students will use two- and three-dimensional reasoning skills, coordinate and transformational geometry and geometric models to solve problems. Students will use a variety of applications and problem-solving techniques and must also use algebraic skills.

Course Topics/

Standards of Learning: This class will coverCh.7-13 in the Glencoe textbook and will follow SOL’s G.1-13.

Unit 2: Triangles

Chapter 7: Right Triangles and Trigonometry

Unit 3: Polygons and Circles

Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals

Chapter 9: Transformations

Chapter 10: Circles

Unit 4: Area and Volume

Chapter 11: Areas of Polygons and Circles

Chapter 12: Surface Area

Chapter 13: Volume


Textbook – Holt McDougal Geometry- Students will be using a textbook assigned to them from a class set. (Students are not issued a hard copy of the book, but they are able to access the textbook online.)These textbooks must be returned to their proper place at the end of the class period. A student should notify the teacher at the beginning of class if they discover that a book is missing or has been damaged.

For class:

  1. 3-ring Binder (2 inch or larger) and dividers - Each student is expected to keep an up-to-date binder, which includes notes, class work, homework assignments, and returned quizzes/tests. Students should keep all paperwork for the whole semester.
  2. Notebook paper
  3. Graph paper (optional)
  4. Pencils with erasers
  5. Compass
  6. Protractor
  7. Ruler
  8. Colored pencils
  9. Scientific Calculator – to use at home(make sure it has the fraction button)

**Please do not buy a graphing calculator, these are expensive and will be providedfor your student as needed.**

**Calculators –Each student will be assigned a school graphing calculator for the semester. These calculators are for classroom use only, and must be returned to their designated spot after each class. Every student will sign a financial liability agreement to cover the cost of the calculator in case of damage or loss. The cost of the calculator is $65.00. It is very important that a student notify the teacher at the beginning of the block if his/her calculator is missing or damaged.


Grades are determined by the following means (each nine weeks)

Participation(includes homework)10% of grade

Quizzes/Graded Classwork35% of grade

Tests55% of grade

Afinal grade will be assigned using the Augusta County grading scale.




Graded Classwork – Classwork may include worksheets, group work/activities, and notes.

Participation– Participation may include homework, bellwork, review games, and class activities/worksheets.

Homework– Each student is expected to try all assigned homework problems. Students should show their work and answer for each problem. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Students should not be finishing their homework in place of completing the assigned bellwork.

*Only homework that is late due to absences will be accepted.

**If a student is struggling with the assignments, they should see Miss Morgan for help!!!**

Homework assignments are on Miss Morgan's school website along with other helpful links.

Quizzes and Tests – Quizzes will be given as needed, and tests will be given at the end of a chapter or unit. If a topic is causing a student trouble, the student should see the teacher for help before the day of the quiz or test.

Missed Work: It is the student’s responsibility to get and complete missed work.

The student must show the teacher all completed make-up work to receive credit.

If the student returns to school on a test/quiz day, and he/she had prior knowledge of the test/quiz, and we have not gone over new material; the student will be required to take the test/quiz.

If a student is absent for a test or quiz, he/she may be required to come in before or after school; this will be determined on an individual basis.

Students will be expected to turn in missed work the next day, but will be given a maximum of three days to turn in the work. After this time, the student could be given a zero for the missing work.

If there are any questions about any missed work, quiz, or test, the student should ask the teacher!

The Augusta County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, or gender in its programs and activitiesand provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding non-discrimination policies:

Title IX Coordinator
Jill Martin
Director of Personnel
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5107 / Section 504 Coordinator
Douglas W. Shifflett, Jr., Ed.D.
Asst. Superintendent for Administration
PO Box 960
18 Government Center Lane
Verona, VA 24482
(540) 245-5108