Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th November 2013

in the WI Hall, Middle Street, Misterton starting at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr D Welch (Chairman) Cllr R Jeffreys Cllr Mrs C Walker

Cllr G White Cllr R Heyd-Smith Cllr Mrs C Newbery

Cllr P Braley Cllr Mrs D Bradly Cllr G Restorick

In attendance; Clerk Ms C Langford Mr J Dyke (SCC/SSDC) part of meeting

One parishioner.

Public Question Time: A parishioner said there was no noticeable difference in the flow of traffic with the double yellow lines now in place on the A356 but parking is more of an issue and is creating problems.

Apologies: Mrs A Singleton (SSDC).

13/14-77: Declarations of Interest to receive any written requests for DPI dispensations: none.

13/14-78: Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October, that had been circulated, with the addition of Cllr Mrs Walkers name in Minute 73 as abstaining were agreed to be a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.

13/14-79: Matters arising: none.

13/14-80: District Councillor’s Report: nothing to report.

13/14-81: County Councillor’s Report: cuts are to be made across SCC services. Mr Dyke has submitted a bid to the Small Improvement Scheme (SIS) for a bus shelter by Cedrics.

Mr Dyke has given a Health & Well Being grant to the WI for a fridge.

13/14-82: Highways. i) School project; it was recommended that a bid is submitted to the 2014 SIS with support from SSDC and SCC and this was agreed. The Council is in discussion with the school regarding funding. It was proposed that an item be put in the magazine explaining the project and ‘going public’ and this was agreed. It was agreed to inform the landowner that the project is ‘going public’. Mr Dyke was asked about the delays in getting a site meeting and it was noted that the small SIS team is under pressure.

ii) Inaccuracies were highlighted to Mr Dyke in the SCC commissioned Misterton Traffic Management Options Report (that Council recently received a copy of) and this has resulted in incorrect conclusions and poor recommendations. Council requested that Mr Dyke inform Highways that the road widths in the report are incorrect.

iii) Council noted that there has been a noticeable slowing of traffic at the crossroads with the new 30mph signage but problems remain on the Mosterton road. It was proposed that the 30mph sign be moved 200m up the Mosterton road to reduce the speed of approach to the crossroads. This was agreed and Clerk to send the request to SCC.

iv) It was proposed and agreed that Betterment Homes be asked to turn the bus shelter nearest to the station around so that shelter is provided in the prevailing winds.

Betterment Homes has asked the Council to formally adopt the two bus shelters but it was noted that Council has been advised by SSDC that Misterton Parish Council should be assured that all is regularised in terms of licensing and Local Authority approval before accepting responsibility. It was agreed not to formally adopt the two bus shelters until this is addressed.

Clerk to write to Betterment.regarding these two issues.

13/14-83: Planning: Council noted SSDC granted 13/03673/FUL Old Forge, Middle Street erection of shed (retrospective) and the Planning Committee approved 13/03883/FUL 2 School Hill for extension & footpath access.

13/14-84: Recreation Field & Play Area: the weekly inspection reports were noted. Cllr White was thanked for mowing the MUGA mound, trimming the hedges by the village hall and installing the ‘close the gate’ sign. Cllr White to install a new self-closing hinge on the gate, trim the hedge and address the moss on the safety surfaces in the play area. Cllr Jeffreys to contact SCC regarding the damaged footpath sign at the top of Unity Lane. It was noted that the MUGA bin and two benches have been installed. Clerk to liaise with the Village Hall regarding using their bins for the rubbish as SSDC does not have the capacity to empty any more bins. Mr Allen to re-secure the coping stones on the hall steps. It was noted that the Misterton Dog group is helping to monitor greedy use of the dog bags provided by Council.

13/14-85: Finance: i) The Finance Group presented the draft 2014/15 budget (that had been circulated) with Precept options. This will be considered further when Council has the required figures from SSDC.

ii) The following payments were presented: D C Langford (expenses/salary) £676.37

Misterton WI (hall hire) £28.00, Mr G White (re MUGA netting) £9.78

Somerset Landscapes Ltd (Rec mowing) £568.56

Mr J Allen (installing MUGA benches & bin) £982.83. Council noted that this invoice was larger than quoted for due to more concrete required for the plinths than allowed for in the quote and the payment will be claimed from the last of the S106 monies.

and regular payments Vodafone DD £31.17, Cox & Co SO £10.80 and village hall £45 noted.

Council noted monies received £703.80 VAT refund, £16 donations for Walking Leaflets and £1 annual Village Hall rent. It was resolved that the finance report and payments be approved.

iii) It was proposed and agreed to give a donation of £50 to the Village Magazine.

iv) It was proposed and agreed to give a donation of £50 to South Somerset CAB.

v) Council noted that no further Village Information leaflets are required but it was agreed to get quotes for more Walking Booklets (with waterproof pages). The Rights of Way group will check the booklet for current accuracy and highlight any ‘accessible’ routes. Cllr Heyd-Smith to provide some new photographs. Clerk reported that Mr Dyke had agreed to grant up to £500 from the Health & Well Being Fund towards a reprint of the booklets but match funding would be required from the Council.

13/14-86: Chairman’s Report: this was accepted and items agreed for the magazine copy.

13/14-87 Clerk’s report: this was approved. Council noted that a resident has kindly agreed to provide a replacement and slightly larger public notice board in Silver Street for the cost of the materials – Council agreed to pay up to £500.

It was agreed that a similar but freestanding board was required for the Betterment site for which the Council agreed to pay up to £500 and this would be paid for by the £500 donation kindly agreed by Betterment for a board. Cllr Mrs Walker to make enquiries.

Council noted that electronic Standing Orders have been issued from SALC but as there is no change in process it was agreed to retain the current Standing Orders.

13/14-88: Correspondence: the following had been received and were available to view at the meeting: Avon & Somerset PCC, CPRE and War Memorials Trust newsletters plus SCC Parish Information Pack Highways Services in Somerset.

Councillors volunteered to collect the 10 @20kg bags of road salt allocated by SCC. Clerk to check with SCC if they will be doing an initial topping up.

13/14-89: Reports from Outside Bodies: i) Council received a report from the Village Hall Committee representative. The hall is having internal redecoration and need a new bookings clerk. Council noted the work of the Community Council for Somerset Village Agents.

ii) The Chairman suggested a village charity to raise funds for village projects and it was agreed to look into the feasibility of this.

Date of next meeting: agreed as Tuesday 10th December, starting at 6.30pm.

It was confirmed that meetings for 2014 will be the 3rd Tuesday of each month, with no meeting in August and 9th December regarding hall bookings.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Christine Langford - Parish Clerk - Nov 2013 2 of 2