Rome, 30/07/99

Dear Consultors,

Please find enclosed the text of the Regulations For Regional Consultants.

Please read them carefully and send them to all the Provincial Councillors, and - where they exist - to National Conferences, so that they might study them and put their directions into practice within the times laid down.

Yours in Don Bosco,

Fr Antonio Martinelli, Fr Patrick Laws,Roberto Lorenzini

General Counsellor for Central Delegate General Coordinator

the Salesian Family




Art.1 - The Regional Congress

The Regions of the Salesian Cooperators Association, constituted by Decree of the Rector Major of the Society of St Francis de Sales on 8 July 1992, with the modification to art.48, § 1, of the Regulations of Apostolic Life approved by the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes,[1] can celebrate the Regional Congress in accordance with the present Regulations.[2]

Art.2 - Convocation

The Regional Congress is convoked by the Rector Major, as Superior of the Association of Salesian Cooperators,[3] on the specific suggestion of the World Consulting Body.

Art.3 - Organization

§ 1. The choice of the theme, place and participants in the Congress[4] is left to the World Consulting Body in agreement with the Councillor General for the Salesian Family and social communication.[5]

§ 2. The member of the World Consulting Body representing the Region, by mandate of the Rector Major, assumes the task of the technical and practical organization of the Congress, working in harmony with the Provincial Councils of the Region and involving National and/or Regional Conferences where the latter are lawfully constituted in accordance with art.47, § 1 of the Regulations of Apostolic Life.[6]

Art.4 - Theme

§ 1. The theme for study by the Regional Congress will preferably be concerned with topics concerning the life, development and perspectives of the Association of Salesian Cooperators of the Region, with due attention to the youth reality and associated problems; it will also open a global vision of the mission of the Salesian Family and of possible initiatives and collaboration at world level.

§ 2. Without prejudice to the competence of the World Consulting Body referred to in art.3 § 1, the specific theme may be suitably chosen through the contributions of the provincial Councils of the Region concerned, submitted through the respective member of the World Consulting Body.

Art.5 - Place

The decision concerning the place of the Regional Congress, as well as following the proposals made by the provincial Councils of the Region, will be made on the basis of its suitability and central position with respect to the geographical areas of those who will have to take part.

Art. 6 - Participants

§ 1. The following take part in the Regional Congress by right:

1. The Councillor General for the Salesian Family and social communication;

2. The Councillor General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the Salesian Family;[7]

3. The Coordinator General;

4. The member of the World Consulting Body representing the Region;

5. The Provincial Coordinators of the Region;

6. The SDB and FMA Provincial Delegates, appointed for the purpose by the Provincial concerned, and whose number shall not exceed one half of the Coordinators voting.[8]

§ 2. Participants in the Regional Congress are also:

1. Candidates from the Region for election as the regional member of the World Consulting Body;

2. Other members of the World Consulting Body;

3. A member of the Salesian Cooperators Association of the province, designated by the respective provincial Council, but excluding the Coordinator and the Delegate;

4. A member of every National and/or Regional Conference, elected by the same.

§ 3. The Rector Major has the power, on the proposal of the World Consulting Body, to appoint other members to the Regional Congress, even with the right to vote, for a more profitable development of the Congress itself.

Art. 7 - Consultants

Consultants can be invited to take part in the Regional Congress for the resolving of procedural difficulties that might occur or to clarify problems arising as the Congress proceeds. It belongs to the presidency to appoint such experts if the assembly should ask for their help.

Art. 8 - The Presidency

§ 1. The presidency of the Regional Congress is made up of:

1. The President of the Congress;

2. The Coordinator General or his representative;

3. The member of the World Consulting Body who represents the Region;

4. The Councillor General for the Salesian Family and social communication;

5. The Councillor General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the Salesian Family;

§ 2. The President of the Regional Congress is the Rector Major; in his absence the order given in the preceding paragraph is followed.

Art. 9 - The Moderators

§ 1. The moderators of the assembly of the Regional Congress are designated by the presidency in an appropriate number for its correct and expeditious realization.

§ 2. It is the duty of the moderators to decide on timetables, direct the sittings, call speakers and others who wish to intervene, and organize discussions and voting procedures.

Art.10 - The main speakers

The study-theme will be presentated by one or more main speakers, according to circumstances, who will illustrate the main points and indicate items to be discussed in the assembly. The selection of these main speakers forms part of the general organization of the Congress referred to in art. 3 § 1.

Art. 11 - Committees

If they seem necessary or opportune, committees may be set up for the deeper study of the theme of the Congress and for other points of discussion, either on the proposal of the presidency or at the request of the assembly. Each committee will elect its spokesman (who will also be its chairman) and its secretary.

Art. 12 - Duties of the Congress

§ 1. The Regional Congress must include in its work:

1. the discussion of the assembly on the study theme, especially from a practical standpoint as regards the particular Region;

2. the report of the outgoing member of the World Consulting Body representing the Region on the situation of the Salesian Cooperators Association in the Region concerned, followed by a discussion;

3. the basic lines of development of the Association in the Region, with a study of possibilities and future perspectives for apostolate;

4. election of the new member to represent the Region on the World Consulting Body.

§ 2. In connection with items in the preceding § 1, n.1-3, if a decision is to made by voting, the right to vote belongs to all the participants in the Congress listed in art. 6 § 1 of the present Regulations.

Art.13 - The representative of the Region on the World Consulting Body

In the election of the Representative of the Region on the World Consulting Body, in addition to the qualities required of every Salesian Cooperator according to the spirit and valuable indications of the Regulations of Apostolic Life and the necessary animating abilities, the following points shoulds be kept in mind:

1. the necessary knowledge of the state of the Association in the Region;

2. consequently, the possibility of travelling and holding meetings within the Region, and for ease of movement and for taking part in important functions of the Association in different provinces;

3. the ability to be actively present at the meetings of the World Consulting Body;

4. a working knowledge of Italian and, if possible, of the main languages in use in the Region;

5. the ability to interpret faithfully the guidelines of the World Consulting Body, and to transmit them to the provincial Councils and the National and/or Regional Conferences.

Art. 14 - Electors

§ 1. In accordance with art. 48 § 2 of the Regulations of Apostolic Life, “the representative of each Region will be elected by the provincial Coordinators and a number of SDB and FMA Delegates appointed for the purpose by the provincials concerned and whose number shall not exceed one half of the Coordinators voting”.

§ 2. In the event of the provincial Coordinator not being able to take part in the Regional Congress, he may, with the consent of the members of the provincial Council, delegate in writing the deputy Coordinator or another member of his/her own provincial Council, excluding the SDB or FMA Delegate, to take part in the Congress in his name.

§ 3.It is the duty of the provincial Coordinator to inform the Central Executive Secretariat in good time of the names of those who will take part in the Regional Congress.

Art. 15 - List of electors

§ 1. The Central Executive Secretariat of the World Consulting Body:

1. draws up the official list of those having the right to vote: the provincial Coordinators; the members who lawfully take their place; those designated by the Rector Major, referred to in art.6 § 3;

2. communicates to the Councillor General for the Salesian Family and social communication and to the Councillor General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the Salesian Family the complete list of SDB and FMA provincial Delegates, according to their respective competence, indicating the exact total number of Delegates (SDB and FMA) that can be designated for the Region of the Salesian Cooperators Association.

§ 2. The Councillor General for the Salesian Family and social communication and the Councillor General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the Salesian Family, in agreement with the SDB and FMA Provincials in the Region of the Salesian Cooperators Association, will prepare the official list of the SDB and FMA Delegates designated for the Regional Congress with the right to vote, and will send it in good time to the Central Executive Secretariat.

§ 3. It is the duty of the Central Executive Secretariat to send to the Rector Major, to all the members of the World Consulting Body and to the Councillor General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the Salesian Family, the official list of the Coordinators or their substitutes, those designated by the Rector Major referred to in art.6 § 3, and the SDB and FMA Delegates who will take part in the Regional Congress with the right to vote.

Art.16 - The candidates for election

§ 1. Every local Council, in agreement with the Cooperators of the Center concerned, may present to the provincial Council a Cooperator (man or woman) as a candidate.

§ 2. From the list of Cooperators presented by local Councils, the provincial Council will select three as candidates for election from the Region to the World Consulting Body.

§ 3. In making the designation, the provincial Council will keep in mind:

1. every Cooperator, man or woman, may be designated as a candidate for election, independently of whether or not he/she is already holding some office in the Association;

2. candidates have the obligation to be present at the Regional Congress.

Art.17 - The electoral Commission

§ 1. The electoral Commission is made up of the outgoing member of the World Consulting Body for the Region, who presides, a provincial Delegate (SDB or FMA), and by three Cooperators who are members of the Regional Congress, elected by a relative majority by those having the right to vote.

§ 2. It is the duty of the electoral Commission:

1. to make a single list of all the candidats for election;

2. to present the candidates for election in the manner considered most suitable;

3. to check that the participants in the Congress with right to vote are present with the necessary majority;

4. to prepare and distribute the voting slips;

5. to verify the voting procedure;

6. to count the votes cast for each candidate;

7. to announce the result of the vote.

Art. 18 - The election

§ 1. The election is carried out in accordance with can.119 n.1 of the Code of Canon Law. It is valid if there are present an absolute majority of those havind the right to vote.

§ 2. After two ineffective scrutinies, the candidates will be limited to the two who have received most votes or, if there are more than two with equal numbers, to the two who are oldest by date of their Promise or, if they be still equal, who are oldest in age; after the third scrutiny, if equality still remains, the one who is oldest by date of Promise shall be considered elected or finally, if the dates of the Promise are identical, the oldest in age.

§ 3. It belongs to the President of the Regional Congress to inform the candidate concerned of the result of the election; the one elected must declare whether he accepts his election or not.

§ 4. If the candidate accepts, the President will proclaim him/her member of the World Consulting Body of the Salesian Cooperators Association for the Region for which the election took place.

§ 5. If the election is not accepted, further voting takes place.


The following two letters between the Coordinator General and the Councillor General for the Salesian Family, dated 28 May 1993, provide an official interpretation of art.6 of the above Regulations.

From Mr Paolo Santoni to Fr Antonio Martinelli: (Ref. 93/3)

Object: Interpretation of Art.6 of the Regulations for Regional Congresses.

After receiving the Regulations for the Regional Congresses, some members of the World Consulting Body have asked for a clarification concerning art.6 which deals with participants in the Congress.

It is asked:

a) Whether all Cooperators who are able to do so can be present at the Congress;

b) Whether, once they are present, they may take part in the discussions;

c) Whether they have the right to vote on Congress deliberations.

We submit the request to you in your capacity as Delegate of the Rector Major for the signing of the Regulations.

Thanking you in anticipation of a speedy reply, and with affectionate greetings,

I am

Paolo Santoni, Coordinator General

From Fr Antonio Martinelli to Mr Paolo Santoni

In response to the question put forward by the World Consulting Body of the Association of Salesian Cooperators in your letter of todays’s date (ref. 93/3), after consulting the Rector Major, Fr Egidio Viganò, concerning art.6 of the Regulations for Regional Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators, in harmony with the motivations adopted by the World Consulting Body itself for the celebration of the Regional Congresses in place of a single world congress of the Association, I can now communicate to you the official interpretation and application of the above-named art.6 of the Regulations:

1. The participants indicated in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 have the right of vote in the carrying out of the Regional Congress;

2. This right to vote is to be harmonized with art.14 of the Regulations for the Regional Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators, which reproduces the letter and spirit of art. 48 § 2 of the Regulations of Apostolic Life, concerning elections;

3. All other Salesian Cooperators taking part in the Regional Congress, in both the general assembly and the working groups, have the right to speak as have the participants indicated in art.6.

And so:

i. to question a) the reply is positive

ii. to question b) the reply is positive

iii. to question c) the reply is negative

With every best wish for a fruitful meeting,

Fraternally in Don Bosco,

Fr Antonio Martinelli

Councillor General for the Salesian Family

[1]ASSOCIATION OF SALESIAN COOPERATORS, Regulations of Apostolic Life, art.48, 1, Rome 1986, p.76 (= RAL, 48, 1).

The modification reads: The World Consulting Body, of which the Councillor General for the Salesian Family is an ex-officio member, is made up of elected members equal in number to that of the Regions of the Association of Salesian Cooperators, erected by the Rector Major, and of five members appointed by the Rector Major.

From among the Cooperators who are members of the World Consulting Body the Rector Major will appoint the Coordinator General.

[2]VIGANO’ Egidio, Rector Major, Decree Nella riunione plenaria, Prot. 92/1633.1, Rome 8 July 1992, p.1-2: “... the Regions of the Cooperators Association are as follows:

- North, Central, East European Region: Austria, Belgium, Czeck Republic, Slovakia, France, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Holland, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, Eastern Circumscription (Lituania, Bielorussia, Georgia, Russia, Ucraina).

- Italy and Middle East Region: Italy, Middle East, San Marino, Switzerland (Italian Canton).

- Iberian Region: Andorra, Portugal, Spain.

- English-speaking Region: Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Malta, Canada, United States of America.

- Atlantic Region: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile.

- Brazilian Region.

- North Pacific-Caribbean Region: Mexico, Antilles, Central America.

- South Pacific-Caribbean Region: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela.

- Asian Region: Burma, Cambodia, China, Philippines, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam.

- Indian Region.

- English-speaking African Region: South Africa, Zambia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan.

- French, Spanish, Portuguese-speaking African Region: Congo R.D., Rwanda, Angola, Mozambique, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, Madagascar, Benin, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Senegal, Togo”.

[3] RAL, 23, 1.

VIGANO’ Egidio, Rector Major, Decree Nella riunione plenaria, Prot. 92/1633.1, Rome 8 July 1992, p.2.

[4]RAL, 48, 5.

[5]Constitutions of the Society of St Francis de Sales, art.137, Rome 1984.

[6]VIGANO’ Egidio, Rector Major, Decree Nella riunione plenaria, Prot. 92/1633.1, Rome 8 July 1992, p.2.

[7]FMA Constitutions, Art. 129 bis, Rome, 1996, p.98 in Acts of the General Chapter XX of the FMA.

It would seem that the “Convention” SDB-FMA concerning the Cooperators still awaits updating.

[8]RAL, 48, 2.