Jackson County Beekeepers Association


December 2nd, 2010

At approximately 6:30 pm, Mr. Dan Hutcheson, chairman of the Jackson County farmers federation, stated his desire to form a group of beekeepers in the Jackson County Alabama area. Eleven persons present are listed as follows:

Keith Fletcher, Lester Manning, Ray Latham, Gene Venable, Joe Worthen, Tim Dalton, Rodney Koger, Roscoe Manning, Joe Manning, Jerry Barton, and Daniel Hutcheson.

New Business:

  • Mr. Conyard Higdon’s name was mentioned as a possible source of sugar, as he was selling 50-gallon drums full for $60. His phone number was announced as 256-632-2357. It was believed this cost assumed you bringing your own empty drum for filling.
  • Mr. A.J. Brown’s name was mentioned as a possible supplier of bees in nucleus hives. Mr. Brown sells his nucs very reasonably at $75 each. His phone number was announced as 256-996-9094.
  • Mr. Jerry Cowart’s name was also mentioned as a possible source of honeybees. A price for his bees was not noted, but his phone number was announced as 256-638-6176.
  • Election of Officers
  • Mr. Daniel Hutcheson asked Mr. Ray Latham to serve as JCABA President, and the membership present unanimously elected him president.
  • Mr. Hutcheson also asked Mr. Harsh E. Venerable to serve as JCABA Vice-President, with those present unanimously voting him in to office as vice president.
  • Keith Fletcher volunteered to be nominated for the position of Secretary-Treasurer. The membership unanimously elected him to that office. Keith offered to pen a draft of the JCABA constitution for members to amend and vote upon at the next meeting. He also offered to investigate trying to get a bank account established for the club.
  • President Ray Latham suggested we might want to consider getting some equipment to help with doing presentations. One member asked if wireless internet access was available in the meeting facility. Dan Hutcheson offered to investigate answers to these questions further.
  • President Latham and Vice President Venable suggested to the membership the cost for dues to be set at $10 per member unit, and for the meeting times and dates to occur every 1st Thursday at 6:30PM falling on every even month.
  • The next meeting date, place and time was announced to be at 6:30pm, Thurs, Feb 3rd, 2011 at the Farmer’s Federation building on 23625 John T. Reid Parkway (US Hwy 72)
  • Mr. Hutcheson suggested close cooperation be considered between our newly formed club and the Jackson County farmers federation (ALFA).
  • There could be an opportunity for grant monies offered by the federation, to be used toward endeavors supporting the honey commodity. JCABA would serve the commodity and may be eligible for funds. Mr. Jerry Barton indicated these funds are awarded on an annual basis, Aug 31 thru Aug 30 of the following year.
  • Keith Fletcher suggested those monies should be accounted for separately to avoid any confusion as to who had what jurisdiction over those funds.
  • Ray Latham asked the question upon how to achieve tax exempt status, so that members trying to buy certain goods would not have to pay tax on items relating to beekeeping. Keith Fletcher offered to investigate the answer to this question.
  • The next meeting would feature Mr. Bobby Fanning of the Madison County Beekeepers Association.

Treasurer’s Report (12/02/2010)

There was no treasury established at this time. However a template for reporting future amounts and transactions is listed below:

Previous balance-$0

Received cash and checks subtotaled:-$0 (+)

Outlay Cash subtotaled:-$0(-)


Total balance-$0


Details of received cash and checks:

Membership Dues$ 0


Sub Total-$0


Outlay cash is as follows:

Stamps for mailing-$0


Sub Total-$0


  • The meeting adjourned around 8:15 PM

The next meeting will be held on February 3, 2011 at 6:30PM in the Jackson County Farmers Federation Building, 23625 John T. Reid Parkway (US Hwy 72.

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