ManchesterElementary School
Where learning never ends
Yellow Jacket News September 2015
Martin Tierney, Principal Katie Purper, Assistant Principal
Please join us for the upcoming Playground Fundraisers and
Let’s build this playground together.
- Back to School Skate Night at Sportsman’s Hall, date to be determined: Tickets $10 with skate rental and $7 without.
- MES Designer BINGO (Pandora, Alex & Ani, Coach and Vera Bradley) at Lineboro Volunteer Fire Department, October 3, Doors open at 5:30 pm, Bingo begins at 7 pm. Tickets $18 in advance and $20 at the door. Buying tickets, donating towards a prize, baked goods or fill a basket/bag, or interested in helping at the Bingo? Please contact Laura Tawes at or Mindy Lankford at
- Dutch Corner Pasta Night, Friday, October 23 from 6 – 8:30pm – Enjoy a Friday night pasta dinner served by Principal Tierney and MES Teachers. Carry out available!
- Look out for many exciting ticket raffles in your child’s Bee Folder: Birthday Skate Party for 10 people, ORIOLES Tickets and many more!
Please complete your volunteer training EARLY! You must be trained every year and the training must occur at least 7 school days prior to a field trip/event. There are no exceptions. The earlier you do the training the better chance you have of being picked for a field trip.
Volunteer Trainings will be held during Back to School Nights at 7:05 pm and 7:40 pm, each night. Additional trainings are also scheduled. The dates of these trainings will be sent home at a later time. For Volunteer Trainings, all individuals attending a Volunteer Training MUST HAVE a photo ID. Anyone not having a photo ID will not be able to be trained. This is a county policy.
Gifted and Talented Program News
The CCPS Gifted and Talented Program is designed to meet the needs of highly able learners and maximize student achievement. Gifted and Talented teachers, in collaboration with classroom instructors, will continue to provide a continuum of interventions designed to meet the needs of Gifted and Talented Education Program participants. This may include in-class instruction, pullout groups, and/or resource development with classroom teachers. A Referral and Review Team will determine student eligibility for interventions. Indicators for participation include observational checklists, standardized test scores, work samples, and classroom performance. Although students are not formally identified until the beginning of third grade, Gifted and Talented teachers will continue to provide a range of services for grades K-5. Look for more information concerning the upcoming Gifted and Talented Education Program Orientation Night.
(prior to the Gr 3-5 “Back-to-School” Night)
This meeting is designed primarily for parents and students new to our instrumental music program. Mrs. Rees will be sharing more about the instrumental music program at Manchester, the process for renting or obtaining an instrument, and suggestions to help encourage your child’s success in the band or orchestra. You’ll be able to see the instrument choices available to our students and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding our program and your child’s participation. Students are welcome to attend.
Shortly after we start off the year, your student will be participating in a program called Art to Remember in their art class. Art to Remember is an art fundraiser where the kids make art that can be made into a keepsake such as a key chain, bookmark, apron, T-shirts, etc…the list goes on! Soon your child will be bringing home a Parent Letter informing you of the program. More information will be sent home later including order forms, merchandise brochure, pricing and more. I have done this fundraiser for many years here at Manchester and it’s always been a huge success! Thank you for supporting the arts here at Manchester and I look forward to teaching your child!
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Haugh
Manchester Elementary Art Teachers
Manchester Summer Super Hero
Reading Challenge – Turn in Your Reading Logs!
Welcome back to the start of a new school year at the Yellow Jacket Hive! Students, who attended Manchester Elementary last year, were challenged to read over the summer and keep a summer reading log. All students who reached the set reading goal for their grade level (Entering 1st and 2nd graders need a total of 6 hours or more; entering 3rd, 4th and 5th graders need a total of 8 hours or more) must return their completed reading logs to this year’s teacher by Thursday, September 10, 2015. Students will be invited to the Summer Reader Super Hero Celebration if their form shows the correct total, is signed by a parent, and is sent to school no later than September 10th. We look forward to celebrating with all of our great summer readers! Details about this celebration will be sent home to eligible summer readers later in September. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Sauers at .
From the Cafeteria
The Cafeteria will be bringing back DONUT DAY for Thursdays. This will start on September 24th.
Mrs. Bailey is accepting new media center volunteers!
If you:
are patient, friendly and kind to children
love books and technology
enjoy organizing and shelving books
enjoy creating bulletin boards and displays
can volunteer one morning or afternoon a week
this might be the spot for you!
Please complete the form below and return to Mrs. Bailey.
Phone ______Email ______
Child’s name______Teacher______
Day of week I can volunteer each week:
Monday afternoon
Tuesday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Wednesday afternoon
Thursday afternoon
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Welcome to the Cafeteria!
2015-2016 School Year
Welcome Back! We’re glad that you are here!
Please be sure to join us every day for a delicious, healthy breakfast and lunch. We have been busy making your school cafeteria hi-tech and better than ever. Here are some things that we think you need to know to enhance your cafeteria experience.
- Did you know that your child has a cafeteria account? Every student who goes through our cafeteria line will use a unique, Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access their account. Parents have the option to add any denomination to the account for the purchase of meals and snack items. It is a convenient way to ensure that money is not lost or forgotten during that hectic morning rush!
- Ok, so what is the PIN? Each student has been issued a unique, 5 digit PIN number. Please help them remember this number! It makes the line move faster and ensures that everyone has plenty of time to enjoy their meal. If they do happen to forget the number, the cashier will be able to find it for them.
- How do I put money on the account? It’s easy!
-Visit to add any value to the account with a credit card. (There is a small service provider fee for the transaction.) You’ll need your child’s PIN number to complete the simple registration process. Please note: online payments require 24 hours to process before your child can access the money.
-You can still send a check to your school’s cafeteria. The cafeteria manager will add it to the account.
-The money added to the account can be used to purchase meals AND snack items.
-And of course … we will still accept cash! Cash transactions will also require your student to enter their PIN number.
- Can I monitor what my child is purchasing? Sure! Visit and set up a FREE account. Once your complete the simple registration process (you’ll need your child’s PIN to get started) you can set up low balance alerts and monitor what they are purchasing.
- You can forget about use it or lose it! Any money that is left on your child’s account will carry over from year to year.
Sending cash or check to school? Include this form with your initial payment.
Student’s name ______Homeroom Teacher ______
Amount enclosed $______
_____ Please place ALL of the money on my child’s general account for the purchase of meals, milk or snacks
_____ Please place the money on my child’s account, but I want to specify:
$______for Breakfast and Lunch
$______for Milk or Snacks
Manchester Elementary School PTA
September 2015 Newsletter
Dear Manchester Elementary Families,
The start of a new school year is always an exciting time! On behalf of the Manchester Elementary PTA Board, we would like to welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year! The PTA Board has been busy planning the calendar of events for the school year. We know that in order for all of the PTA events to be a success we need the support and involvment of the parents and MES staff. We encourage you to become a member of the PTA to help show your support. Membership forms coming home soon.
We kicked off the school year by serving our wonderful MES staff breakfast to fuel them up for the new school year. We also invited students to get a free treat from Kona Ice at the Open House. There sure were a lot of smiling faces.
In the upcoming month we will be holding our Fall Fun Run, and an Outdoor Movie Night! More details will be coming home in your child’s Bee folder soon. Come join us on September 17th for the Welcome Back Volunteer Social & PTA meeting. A nutritionist will be speaking to us on how to make healthy lunches and dinners. Hope to see everyone there!
We are so excited about the upcoming school year. We have many fun activities planned for our families this year, and we hope you will join us! If you have any questions please feel free to email us or you can check us out on the school’s website. Please also check our Facebook page by searching for Manchester Elementary PTA; it is a great way to keep up with what is happening at MES. Hope to see you all at one of our many events!
2015-2016 PTA Board
President: Michele GrimmPrincipal: Mr. Martin Tierney
1st VP Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Jo CustanceTeacher Liaison: Mrs. Andi Hummel
2nd VP Membership: Jenel CaseyPBIS Liaison: Lisa Bass
Secretary: Andrea LappFundraising: Laura Tawes
Treasurer: Carolyn Hetterick
Other PTA News:
Pizza Day -The first Wednesday of each month is Brother’s Pizza Day.There will be a flyer sent home with the students so watch for this in the Bee folders.The process is simple, just order from Brother’s Pizza, and when you pick up your pizza, give them the sheet that was sent home.It’s that simple to earn money for our school!Keep in mind, you can purchase lunch or dinner. Additionally, the students in the homeroom with the most orders will receive a coupon for a free slice of pizza from Brother’s.Thank you Nikki Ensor for chairing Pizza Day! / BROTHER’S PIZZA/ Spirit Wear–Many of you saw a sampling of our newly designed Spirit Wear at the PTA table at Open House. We have lots of new designs and options this year! Order forms will be coming home very soon to purchase Spirit Wear. What a fun way to show your school spirit. Thank you Mary Jo Custance and Michele Grimm for chairing Spirit Wear.
Volunteers-There are many opportunities to volunteer with the PTA and we need your help!! Volunteer forms were sent home with your student and are due back on Friday, September 11th. If you can give any amount of time, no matter how small, please complete this form and return it to school. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jo Custance at .
Birthday Books -Each student will choose a birthday book from our specially decorated book cart and alsoreceive a bookmark and sticker wishing them a very happy birthday. Books will be distributed atthe end of each month. Our students who have summer birthdaysin July and August will receive their books at the end of the month in June. We will try our absolute best to distribute books to students who were absent on birthday book day the following month. Thank you Becky Clark and Debbie Bonney for taking the time to make sure each child receives a book for their birthday!!
Thank you to everyone who helped with weeding around the school this summer! Our schoolyard looks great!!
The Arndt Family
The Blackwell Family
The Bonner Family
The Bramble Family
The Buttry Family
The Custance Family
The Cutsail/David Family
The Davis Family
The Detota Family
The Dorr Family
The Dugas Family
The Hare Family
The Jones Family
The Knatz Family
The Knox Family
The Lapp Family
The MacNeal Family
The Morrison Family
The Nee Family
The Schreyer Family
The Shover Family
The Vogelsang Family
REFRIGERATOR PAGE – September 2015
September 7Labor Day – NO SCHOOL for Students/Staff
September 8Back-to-School Night – 1st & 2nd grades – 6:30 pm – 8:10 pm – Start in the Gym
**Volunteer Trainings – Gym – 7:05 pm and 7:40 pm
September 10Back-to-School Night – 3rd, 4th & 5th grades – 6:30 pm – 8:10 pm – Start in the Gym
**Volunteer Trainings – Gym – 7:05 pm and 7:40 pm
September 11Patriot Day
September 13Grandparent’s Day
September 14 & 15NO SCHOOL
September 17PICTURE DAY – Individual Pictures that will go in the yearbook
**Volunteer Training – Cafeteria – 6:30pm – 7:00pm
PTA Welcome Back Volunteer Social and PTA Meeting – Cafeteria – 7:00 pm
September 23Yom Kippur
Autumn Begins
NO SCHOOL for Students/Staff
September 24Donut Day returns to the Cafeteria every Thursday – starting today
September 25Fall Fun Run
September 28 –
October 10Project Aces
** So you can go on field trips and volunteer, please do your training early.
- October 2Fall Fun Run – RAIN DATE
- October 3MES Designer BINGO
- October 6**Volunteer Training – Media Center – 7:00 pm
- October 7PTA Brother’s Pizza Day
- October 9PTA Outdoor Movie Night
- October 16NO SCHOOL for students
- October 23Dutch Corner Past Night – 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm