Course Syllabus

Occupational Therapy Assistant

OTA 236: Level IB Fieldwork-Adult Rehab

Credit Hours and Contact Hours: 1 class hour, 3 lab hours/2 Contact Hours

Meeting Days, Times, and Location: 30 hours in community settings -- schedule as arranged and agreed upon by academic fieldwork coordinator, student, and student educator on site. One hour per week seminar class on campus with instructor

Course prerequisite(s):OTA 123; OTA 132/133; EN 102

Course Co-requisite: OTA 243; OTA 242

Instructor/Title:Bethany Pratt, MS, OTR

Level 1 Fieldwork Coordinator

Telephone/Extension:401-739-5000 ext. 3737, 401-527-3234 (cell)

E-mail address:

Office location:N305B

Office hours:By appointment

Instructor/Title:Rebecca Simon, MS, OTR/L,

Academic Fieldwork Coordinator; Associate Professor

Telephone/Extension:401-739-5000 ext. 3486

E-mail address:

Office location: N305D

Office hours:By appointment


  • AOTA Membership (to access AOTA documents as needed)
  • NEIT name badge for identification purposes: Beginning July, 2015 all students must purchase identification badges from the college prior to starting fieldwork. The badges will identify you by name, degree level, and school.

Recommended Texts:

Documentation Manual for Writing SOAP Notes in Occupational Therapy, Sherry Borcherding, Slack, Inc. 2005.

Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Survival Guide: A Student Planner, B. Napier-Tibere & L. Haroun, F. A. Davis, 2004

Course Description:

Level IB Fieldwork is the second of two 30 hour, on site, experiences which offers students direct interaction with the adult/geriatric population. Through observation and participation in practice settings, the student will begin to integrate what they see in the community with their academic coursework, creating an opportunity for professional growth and development.

The primary focus of this fieldwork experience will be to observe adults within a variety of service settings. Students also share and process their experiences in corresponding classes. Weekly, one-hourseminar will integrate learning from level IA and B experiences and prepare the student for level II A and B (Full time fieldwork) in quarters 5 and 6.

Relationship to Curriculum Design:

This course is presented during the practice phase of the program and continues the therapy courses which direct the student in the development of practice skills and concepts.

  1. Respect all people and cultures and render occupational therapy services to clients in various environments. (Building)
  1. Function as an advocate and partner in the health care team including the development of professional relationships with recipients of service and professional and non-professional care givers. (Building)
  1. Communicate through a variety of methods all material, information, series and documentation required as directed by practice guidelines and the law. (Building)
  1. Act in an ethically responsible way with regard to legal obligations applicable in all practice settings while adhering to the core values of occupational therapy practice (Building)
  1. Follow and select all activities pertinent to meeting the objectives of the treatment plan and recognize the need for adaptations, adjustments, and restructuring of the plan within the recognized role delineation of the occupational therapy assistant. (Building)

Course Learning Outcomes/Assessment measures:

At the completion of the course, the student will:

  1. Demonstrate evidence of understanding Level II fieldwork processes, requirements and professional responsibility through review of AOTA policies of fieldwork supervision and use of in-class discussion and assignments (B.7.8, B.9.6)
  1. Reflect on Level I learning through use of blogs, journaling, and in-class discussion.(C.1.8, C.1.11)
  1. Successfully meet all requirements of the Level I fieldwork performance evaluation. Detailed as follows:
  1. Students will demonstrate PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR & ATTITUDE (B.9.1, B.9.5)

As evidenced by:

  • Being punctual and reliable
  • Dressing appropriately for site and maintaining appropriate hygiene
  • Being flexible and maturely adjusting to changes
  • Adhering to ethical and legal standards of practice at all times
  • Demonstrating respect for patient/clients rights and diversity factors

including, but not limited to, confidentiality and cultural awareness

  • Accepting constructive feedback and adjusting behavior in response
  • Displaying a positive attitude toward learning
  1. Student will demonstrate SAFETY AWARENESS: (B2.8, B9.5)

As evidenced by:

  • Utilizing safe techniques during all patient/client interactions
  • Consistently complying with site’s policies and procedures
  • Requesting assistance when necessary
  1. Student will demonstrate COMMUNICATION AND THERAPEUTIC SKILLS (B.2.3, B.2.7, B.2.11, B.5.20, B.5.21, B.5.7,)

As evidenced by:

  • Ability to use professional terminology both verbally and in writing
  • Interacting with clients in a professional and therapeutic manner
  • Communicating effectively, asking relevant questions
  • Maintaining confidentiality and adhering to HIPAA protocol in all

Conversations with and in reference to patients/clients

  • Demonstrating ability to engage client in occupations-based therapeutic activity
  1. Student will demonstrate ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS (B.9.5,B.9.6)

As evidenced by:

  • Being prepared with all proper forms and site requirements met
  • Organizing time effectively and working within a set schedule while

complying with all requests for duties performed

  • Using free time productively

Instructional Strategies/Methodology

  • Observation
  • Modeling
  • Hands-on practice
  • Documentation
  • Group process
  • Seminar Class Discussions
  • Homework Assignments


Evaluation and Grading Criteria:

-Supervisor Evaluation of Student:30 points

-Student Evaluation of Fieldwork:20 points

-Weekly Electronic Communication:10 points

-Schedule and Expectation of Fieldwork:10 points

-“Pick 3” Assignment #1:10 points

-“Pick 3” Assignment #2:10 points

-“Pick 3” Assignment #3:10 points

______100 points Total

Course Learning Activities:

1. Supervisor Evaluation of Student, 30 points (pass= 30/fail=0)

This form is to be completed by the NEIT fieldwork educator at the end of student’s 30 hours. This is pass (30pts) or fail (0 points). Students should keep a copy of this evaluation for their records. Original will be turned into Academic Fieldwork Coordinator by the NEIT fieldwork educator by the last week of classes.

2. Student Evaluation of Fieldwork, 20 points (for complete submission)

This form is to be completed by student at the end of fieldwork and turned in to the fieldwork educator by the last week of FW. It will be used to aid future students in determining placements.

  1. Student Schedule and Expectations Form, 10 points

The purpose of this activity is to encourage student and supervisor to organize learning experience and measure professional development while at placement. Daily expectations must be measurable and must reflect goals for your behavior, professionalism, skills and knowledge.A learning activity is required for each expectation. This form needs to be handed in by end of fieldwork and must be signed by both supervisor and student.Supervisor should review and sign or initial each assignment on schedule and expectations sheet before it is turned in for grading.

  1. “Pick 3” Assignments, 10 points each (30 points total)

Students will choose 3 of the following assignments (see syllabus for specific instructions and due dates):

  • Documentation/Progress Note

Every therapist will be required to document the status of their clients. Students completing this assignment will use the SOAP format that is appropriate for the quarter. The on-site fieldwork educator MUST sign the progress note before student submits the note for course credit.

  • Chart Review/ Diagnosis Report

Therapists are often required to review charts for a variety of reasons prior to the start of treatment and throughout service delivery. Students will summarize the important facts about the client’s past (including medical, social, emotional, educational, vocational, etc.) that will be useful for occupational therapy practitioners to know when developing a treatment plan. The summary should be no longer that a ½ to ¾ page report. This skill will assist student in learning how to collect data and report it concisely.

  • Development of a Treatment Plan

Treatment planning is an essential component of the role of an occupational therapy practitioner. Students will review the client’s goals (or speak with supervisor and client about goals) and write a 30 minute treatment plan for an OT session with the individual. Session must include at least three activities; the order of performance of these activities, justification of each; and time needed for each. One upgrade and one downgrade for each activity must also be provided. Students are encouraged to try to carry out the plan or to observe supervisor doing so.

  • Interview and Observe a Professional Other Than OT

Occupational therapists and assistants work with a variety of other professionals. By completing this assignment, students will gain a better understanding of the other professionals’ roles and responsibilities and how OT works with these team members in a coordinated and cohesive way. A brief summary of your interview should be submitted. Please include the questions you asked and an overview of the responses to your questions.

  • Observe/Complete an Assessment

The ability to assess client performance is an essential part of the role of an occupational therapist. COTAs participate in standardized evaluations as well as select parts of the assessment process, including interview, chart review, and other observations. For this assignment, students must observe or participate in an assessment. Student must submit the type of assessment observed/completed, the findings of the assessment (omitting any confidential information) and any reflections on the process.

  • Feeding Program

Some programs incorporate feeding into the OT program. Students who observe a client who has feeding issues of any kind should write a brief summary of the experience. Describe the position of the client, the equipment used, the techniques used, and the cues needed to help the client be successful. Describe anything you would recommend or do differently.

  1. Electronic Communication, 10 points (blog, journal assignments)

Journaling, 2 points each: Students will be required to complete 4 journal entries on Canvas reflecting their fieldwork experience (what happened on fieldwork, how you felt about it, and how you will change your approach for the future). Journals are to be written in a DAP (Data/Assessment/Plan) format.

*Note: Any extension for these assignments beyond due dates listed in outline requires prior written approval from the course instructors. If prior approval is not granted, 2 points will be removed for each day late over the assignment due date.

**Note: Students must complete30 fieldwork hours and submit a completed supervisor evaluation form to receive credit for the course. Any extension of hours over the ten weeks allotted requires written approval from the course instructor before week 9 and time must be made up prior to the start of the new quarter. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all 30 hours within the ten weeks.

Attendance Policy (Tardiness):

Prompt and consistent attendance is expected of all students on fieldwork. Any scheduled fieldwork date missed due to absence requires the student to notify the fieldwork site supervisor/contact person prior to the start of fieldwork AND to notify course instructor. Students are expected to identify date/time for rescheduling of any lost time ASAP.

All students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of fieldwork to successfully complete the course requirements. Seminar class attendance is mandatory and is an important component of the fieldwork experience. Anyone who misses more than 20% of seminar class will automatically be assigned a grade of F for the course.

COLLEGE Policies

Academic Honesty Policy:

Any project, paper, or examination is expected to be the student’s own work, in the student’s own words. Willful academic dishonesty (including but not limited to copying another student’s work or allowing one’s own work to be copied; using notes or books during an examination without the instructor’s advance permission; presenting information or images copied from a book, journal, or online source as one’s own) will not be tolerated.

Other Policies:

Each student is responsible for accessing the web site and becoming familiar with all academic policies.

Additional Policies

Students must achieve a minimum grade of C+ to pass this course and continue in the program according to the course sequence as provided in your OT student manual. Students who do not complete this course with a C+ (77%) or better, or withdraw from the course, MUST repeat the course when the course is offered again.

Students must have access to a computer with internet capabilities. For those students who do not own a computer, NEIT provides open computer labs for your use. You will find easy access to all computer needs in the NEIT library on the East Greenwich Campus. Canvas will be used throughout the course to augment and to facilitate learning, instruction and dialogue among students and professor. Each student has been provided a login and password for use in Canvas and other on-line student resources and information. If you are not sure of your login or password, or have difficulty accessing your email or Canvas, contact the resource desk provided on the student web page.

Academic Support

ALL students in the OT programs are assigned an academic faculty advisor from the department. Each student is required to meet one time during each quarter to discuss academic progress and to plan for future quarters. The meetings must take place between week 3 and 6 each quarter. This meeting is required before registration for a new quarter is permitted.

Academic support services are also available through the Academic Skills Center, Student Support Services, and the Library as well as in the department. See the tutoring schedule.The Student Support Advisor assigned to the Occupational Therapy department is Lee Peebles. Lee can be reached at

Students with disabilities who wish to request accommodations must self identify, communicate their needs to their Student Advisor (Lee Peebles), and provide current and comprehensive documentation concerning the nature and extent of their disability. The documentation must include a specific diagnosis and describe the functional limitations of the condition, particularly as it may affect participation/performance in courses, programs, services, and activities at NEIT. Because course requirements can vary greatly, students must communicate their needs to their Student Advisor and request accommodations on a quarterly basis.

Caveat: NEIT reserves the right to change the above schedules and requirements without advanced notice.

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