Digital Technologies and Mobile Learning
Mobile March (2015) – Calendar of Events
Institution / Event Title / Date/s & times / Location / Contact person (e-mail, etc) / Notes (e.g. capacity)The University Of Hull / Authoring books
‘Students as authors: mobile books’ Using BookCreator, book building
Mobile Tech Meet events
(5 Min showcase egs
Practical ideas in use) / Mon
16 March
16 March
5.30 – 7.30 / University of Hull: Wilberforce Building / Kevin Burden
/ Part of the Faculty of Education engagement week coinciding with a visit of Norwegian students (16-19) working with ITE students in science and English
Bishop Burton College / ‘Using Grademark to submit and electronically mark work’
‘Using Yammer with PGCE Students as a communication tool’
Wordwall / Friday
27 March
14:00 – 16:00
9th March (10am-11.30am) and 9th March (1pm – 2.30pm)
27th March
(11am –12pm) / Bishop Burton College: Seminar Room 3
Bishop Burton College: DJ2
Bishop Burton College: DJ2 / Paul Waltham
Adele Sewell
Benn Cass
/ This session will highlight some of the infrastructure required to ensure an electronic submission policy is effective. There will also be opportunities to use the software.
As part of their PGCE programme, we have been communicating with students through Yammer. This has given students better access to the programme team, and is also something our trainees are now using with their own teaching group.
Wordwall allows a teacher to enter just a few words and with a couple of clicks, make a resource that would have been impossible with traditional presentation software. Wordwall supports a range of teaching stategies and doesn't railroad you into one way of doing things.
Institution / Event Title / Date/s & times / Location / Contact person (e-mail, etc) / Notes (e.g. capacity)
Doncaster College University Centre /
Using augmented reality and gamification in a graphic design activity (website & video)
Redefining a graphic design task in typography using Aurasma. (Website & Video –Online available during March)
Feedback from BETT show 2015 (Podcast)
A podcast discussion between attendeesto the recent BETT including reflections on Minecraft in education and use of OneNote as an institutional VLE. (Podcast – Online link to be provided - during March)
How Not to use Facebook and Twitter)
Hints and tips on safety and identity management in social media environments, with some incredible real-life stories drawn from the experience of the college’s social media team. (Video Capture – Online link to be provided - available during March)
/ Available throughout March
Available throughout March
Available throughout March / Doncaster College
University Centre, High Melton / Simon Stevenson
East Riding College / Kahoot
‘Hard to reach learners’
A classroom response system which creates an engaging learning space, through a game-based digital pedagogy / Weds
25 March
14.00- 15.00 / East Riding College
Gallows lane
HU17 7DT / Ismael Dabo
Institution / Event Title / Date/s & times / Location / Contact person (e-mail, etc) / Notes (e.g. capacity)
Grimsby Institute of FE and HE / ‘Going Solo’ - Making use of one Mobile device in the Classroom. - Tips, tricks and essential techniques to maximise the use of a single device with learners. A practical hands on session with ideas for using one device in the classroom. Participants are encouraged to bring their own devices.
Two sessions delivered in a round robin format.
Session 1 –‘MaximsingPintrest to inspire and motivate learners’
Session 2 –
‘Using Socrative to develop learners higher order thinking skills’
Online Twitter discussion‘Asking mobile related learning questions on #gigmobtech’ / Frid
6th March - 13:00 - 15:00
16th March - 10:00 – 12noon
18th March
12 noon – 1.00pm / Grimsby Institute / Ross Anderson
/ Capacity will be 15 in total for all events except Twitter chat.
Hull College / ‘Small Change’ session on Flipped Classroom’
‘Screencasting and Webinars’ – we could offer external access via Web Collaborate to these. Contact Person – Emily Armstrong.
Demonstration of VISR VR Tech at Platform Studios– Contact person – Julia Davidson
‘Teaching research methods toHE students using E learning
contact Person – Alex Alterskye / Tues
10 March
25th March 1.15-1.45pm
24th March
1.00 to 3.00pm.
25th March
12noon- 1.30 / Hull CollegeQueens Gardens Hull
Platform Studios
Hull College / Julia Davidson & Emily Armstrong and Alex Alterskye
/ We also have some Videos of the Weeks that could be included (attached):
Using Google Drive
How to create a QR code
Institution / Event Title / Date/s & times / Location / Contact person (e-mail, etc) / Notes (e.g. capacity)
Leeds College of Music / ‘Using mobile devices and augmented reality to support teaching in the recording studio environment’ :
This will be streamed online via Panopto with the opportunity for participants to ask questions.
In 2013/14 Leeds College of Music piloted an interactive studio manual designed using the Articulate Storyline eLearning software. This evolved into an augmented reality project in collaboration with Mimas, to facilitate a more immersive learner experience. This presentation will be streamed from one of the studios at Leeds College of Music demonstrating the use of the mobile resources and augmented reality. It will also feature student feedback and contributions from the technical developer. This will also be part of the Leeds College of Music International Festival for Innovations in Music Production And Composition (iFIMPaC) / 13th March
1.30pm – 2.30pm / Leeds College of Music
/ Ruth Clarke
North Lindsey College / ‘Using mobile applications to support higher level thinking and critical skills in sport and bioscience’
Peart., J.,Shaw,M., P., Rowley, C., G. (2014) Validity of freely available mobile applications for recording resting heart rate. Annals of Biological Research, in press
‘The creation of augmented realities through use of computer aided design and 3D prototyping’
‘The use of tablet devices to support undergraduate studies in a college-based HE environment’: Staff and student perspectives. This session will also consider how programme teams have embedded the development of digital literacy as part of programme development / Tues
24 March
10.00 – 12noon
19 March
10.00 – 12noon
24 March
10.00 – 12noon / University Centre, North Lindsey College
University Centre, North Lindsey College
University Centre, North Lindsey College / Dan Peart
Andrew Garbutt
Steven Johnstone
Rotherham College of Arts and Technology / Padlet being used as a target setting, portfolio builder & communication tool. How our Creative Service’s teams have embedded Padlet throughout their teaching, learning & assessment.
Nearpod– How tutors use these tools to make learning more interactive and collaborative in Photography.
Edmodo -English and Maths
A "social learning platform" website for teachers, students, and parents. It is marketed as the Facebook for schools. / Weds
11 March 11.30am – 12.30pm
11th March, 1pm – 2pm
11th March 2.30pm – 3.30pm / Rotherham CollegeTown Centre Campus
Eastwood Building,
Media Make-up
Room: ‘The Space’
‘The Space’
‘The Space’ / Led by Katie Asgari
Led by Gabriel van Ingen,
Led by Kelly Beighton & Amanda Edwards
/ Dan Grimes
Selby College / Nearpod, Prezi and Screen Recordings
There will be some flipped learning required prior to the session, so ideally people need to book one week in advance. / Tues
March 174.35 – 5.30pm / Selby College (room to be confirmed) / Booking via