Sections 161.092, 161.097, and 161.099, RSMo / Consent
Item / Action
Item / Report
Missouri will recruit, prepare and support effective teachers and leaders as measured by the number of qualified professionals entering the profession, demonstrated mastery of skills and competencies, and improved student performance.
The University of Central Missouri (UCM) participated in a concurrent National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)/Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) review and evaluation of its professional education unit and programs for certification in accordance with the NCATE/DESE Partnership Agreement and State Board Rule 5 CSR 80-805.015. Under the agreement, NCATE standards are applied for accreditation of the professional education unit, and Missouri Standards for Teacher Education Programs (MoSTEP) are applied for State Board approval of the individual programs for certification within the unit.
The review was conducted by a team of examiners comprised of six (6) NCATE Board of Examiner (BOE) members, one (1) from K-12 schools representing the Missouri National Education Association (MNEA), eight (8) MoSTEP examiners from other Missouri colleges and universities, and one (1) consultant from the Department.
The NCATE examiners determined that the professional education unit at UCM is in compliance with all six (6) NCATE 2007 standards. The Department examiners determined that sixty (60) of the sixty-one (61) institution’s professional education programs are in compliance with the MoSTEP standards. One (1) program for certification does not currently meet all of the standards for approval.
UCM submitted a rejoinder with documentation of plans and resources addressing the areas for improvement cited in the team report.
A summary of the findings for the professional education unit and the individual programs for certification is included in the following pages.
David Adams, Assistant Director of Educator Preparation, will participate in the presentation and discussion of this agenda item.
The Commissioner recommends that the State Board of Education grant approval to University of Central Missouri to offer sixty (60) professional education programs for seven (7) years, effective February 19, 2010 to February 18, 2017, as presented herein. The Commissioner recommends that University of Central Missouri be approved to offer one (1) professional education program for two (2) years with the effective date for this conditional approval from February 19, 2010 to February 18, 2012.
University of Central Missouri
The Institution
The University of Central Missouri (UCM) is a moderately selective, comprehensive, public university. UCM was founded in 1871 as a two-year institution, State Normal School #2. Continued growth led the institution to be recognized as Central Missouri State Teachers College in 1919, Central Missouri State College in 1946, Central Missouri State University in 1972 and the University of Central Missouri in 2006.
In the 138 years since its inception, several degree programs were added and the University’s academic portfolio expanded. Today, UCM offers more than 150 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The importance of teacher education has remained a consistent focus of the University through its evolution. Education is the largest discipline in the institution.
The University is composed of the following colleges: College of Science and Technology, Harmon College of Business Administration, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, College of Education, College of Health and Human Services, and The Honors College. The institution is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Mission: The University of Central Missouri experience transforms students into lifelong learners, dedicated to service, with the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed and lead in the region, state, nation, and world. UCM offers a comprehensive array of bachelor’s programs and selected master's and doctoral programs building upon historical strengths and statewide mission. (Approved by UCM Board of Governors, October, 2008)
Vision: The University of Central Missouri aspires to be a nationally recognized, comprehensive university that delivers a world-class university education by providing a small-college learning environment coupled with large-university opportunities. (Approved by UCM Board of Governors, June, 2006)
UCM’s home campus, covering more than 1,500 acres is located fifty miles southeast of Kansas City in Warrensburg, a west central Missouri community of 17,000. The University also offers courses at the Summit Center in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, located 35 miles from Warrensburg on the eastern outskirts of the Kansas City metropolitan area. Of the 11,000 plus students who attend UCM, 89 percent come from Missouri. The remaining 11 percent represent 40 other states in the U.S. and 52 nations.
Institutional Demographics For Academic Year: 2009 // Undergraduate Students / Graduate Students /
MEN / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time
Non-resident aliens (international) / 99 / 35 / 65 / 36
African American/non-Hispanic / 217 / 39 / 13 / 34
American Indian or Alaskan Native / 16 / 5 / 0 / 1
Asian or Pacific Islander / 32 / 7 / 5 / 12
Hispanic / 57 / 12 / 5 / 11
White, non-Hispanic / 2595 / 555 / 107 / 383
Race/ethnicity unknown / 316 / 146 / 11 / 75
Total Men / 3332 / 799 / 206 / 552
WOMEN / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time
Non-resident aliens (international) / 92 / 32 / 39 / 19
African American/non-Hispanic / 251 / 42 / 11 / 43
American Indian or Alaskan Native / 32 / 9 / 1 / 4
Asian or Pacific Islander / 31 / 13 / 2 / 7
Hispanic / 56 / 9 / 4 / 18
White, non-Hispanic / 3031 / 652 / 210 / 765
Race/ethnicity unknown / 361 / 238 / 18 / 184
Total Women / 3854 / 995 / 285 / 1040
Total Enrollment / 7186 / 1794 / 491 / 1592
Source: MoSTEP Annual Report – October 2008
The Unit
The teacher education unit at UCM offers sixty-one (61) certification programs. The unit at UCM is led by the dean of the College of Education (COE), as defined in the Professional Education Faculty By-laws and Teacher Education Committee Guidelines. The professional education faculty (PEF) is comprised of all faculty who teach professional education courses, supervise student teachers, or administer departments with teacher education programs. The authority of the PEF is exercised through the Teacher Education Council (TEC) which is made up of ten voting members elected by faculty representing each of the colleges that has a teacher education program. The COE dean, associate dean, and department chairs serve as non-voting members of the TEC.
During the past five years, UCM has also seen a number of administrative and organizational changes. The University has a new president (2005) and provost (2007). Based on recommendations from a faculty task force in the Fall of 2006, the Board of Governors approved creation of a fifth college. Effective January 1, 2007, the College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) became the College of Education (COE), and the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), and a number of programs moved across college lines. Two CEHS departments--Educational Leadership & Human Development and Curriculum & Instruction are now in COE. They were joined by Career & Technology Education, previously in the College of Science and Technology. After first serving as Interim Dean, Dr. Michael Wright became the inaugural dean of COE and head of the professional education unit in June 2007. A number of faculty task forces immediately began working on strategies for effective organization and governance of the new COE. They examined measures of excellence, organizational structure, feasibility of joint appointments, and the 21st century learning environment. Because the unit includes teacher education programs housed in three other colleges, representatives from across the PEF were involved in the task forces. Based partly on recommendations from the organizational task force, in August of 2008, the department of Curriculum & Instruction was divided into two new departments--Educational Foundations & Literacy (EDFL) and Elementary & Early Childhood (ECEL). This realignment allows clearer programmatic focus for elementary education and early childhood, as well as for the middle school and literacy programs in EDFL. Further it centralizes responsibility for the core education courses in EDFL along with the responsibility for coordinating the secondary pedagogy classes taken by education majors outside the college.
Program Name / Degree Awarded1 / Semester Hours required / Stand Alone / Add-On / Candidates Enrolled2 / Anticipated Number of Completers3 /Elementary / BSE / 130 / X / 524 / 456
Early Childhood / BSE / 129 / X / 277 / 240
Middle School- Language Arts / BSE / 127 / X / 754 / 52
Middle School- Science / -- / 130 / X / (8) / (6)
Middle School- Mathematics / -- / 131 / X / (34) / (23)
Middle School- Social Science / -- / 130 / X / (11) / (8)
Middle School- Business Education / -- / 129 / X / (1) / (1)
Middle School- Industrial Technology / -- / 127 / X / (1) / (1)
Middle School- Speech/Theatre / -- / 127 / X / (2) / (2)
Special Ed: Cross Categorical / BSE / 124 / X / 108 / 88
Special Ed: Early Childhood Special Education / BSE / 124 / X / -- / --
Special Ed: Severely Developmentally Disabled / BSE / 124 / X / -- / --
Agriculture / BSE / 126 / X / 11 / 10
Art / BSE / 127 / X / 87 / 64
Business Education / BSE / 124 / X / 39 / 29
English / BSE / 127 / X / 79 / 34
Family and Consumer Science / BSE / 124 / X / 31 / 25
Foreign Language: French / BSE / 130 / X / 6 / 4
Foreign Language: German / Minor / 21 / X / 0 / 0
Foreign Language: Spanish / BSE / 130 / X / 15 / 4
Health / Minor / 29-32 / X / 33 / 32
Industrial Technology / BSE / 128 / X / 18 / 12
Journalism / Minor / 32 / X / 3 / 1
Library Media Specialist / MS/EdS / 36 / X / 77 / 75
Mathematics / BSE / 120 / X / 40 / 18
Music: Instrumental / BME / 130 / X / 66 / 40
Music: Vocal / BME / 131 / X / 28 / 14
Physical Education / BS / 124 / X / 1865 / 84
Social Science / BSE / 124 / X / 112 / 77
Theater / BSE / 124 / X / 24 / 16
Science: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Unified Science / BSE / 124 / X / 42 / 40
Driver's Education / Add-on certificate only / 15 / X / NA / --
Gifted / Add-on certificate only / 15 / X / NA / --
Special Reading / Add-on certificate only / 34 / X / NA / --
Program Name / Degree Awarded1 / Semester Hours required / Stand Alone / Add-On / Candidates Enrolled2 / Anticipated Number of Completers3
English for Speakers of Other Languages / MA / 21 / X / 22 / 20
Counselor (K-8, K-12, 7-12) / MS / 48 / 94 / 58
School Psychological Examiner / MS + Certificate / 29 / X / NA / --
Principal (K-8, 7-12, 5-9) / MSE / 34 / X / 89 / 89
Special Education Director / EdS + Certificate / 30 / X / 10 / 12
Career Education Director / MS / Varies / X / 8
Superintendent / EdS / 34 / X / 37 / 36
Post Baccalaureate for Initial Middle School & Secondary / MAT / 30 / X / 361 / 352
Alternative Certification / NA / 21 / X / --
1 Number of hours in program reflected in 2008-2009 catalog
2 Number of students enrolled in program on fall 2009 census date
3 4-year projection, based on average program completion rate fall 2002-Summer 2009
4 Middle School majors complete certification requirements for Language Arts plus another area; second area of certification usually not selected freshman year
5 Includes all physical education majors, not just those seeking educator certification
In 2007, more than 10,000 UCM graduates were teaching in Missouri schools, representing the University in more than 80% of the state's school districts and all but six counties. UCM’s teacher-training program had a 96.9% placement rate for the professional education graduates in 2007.
Enrollment in education courses has remained fairly consistent; however, over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in the number of candidates at the master’s level. The major reason for this is the growing number of post-baccalaureate candidates seeking initial certification while pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT). There was a marked decline in the number of students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in education during 2007-2008, primarily in the three programs housed in the former Department of Curriculum & Instruction (i.e., early childhood, elementary, and middle school).
Professional Education Demographics For Academic Year: 2009Undergraduate Students / Graduate Students
MEN / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time
Non-resident aliens (international) / 0 / 0 / 1 / 4
African American/non-Hispanic / 34 / 2 / 7 / 16
American Indian or Alaskan Native / 2 / 2 / 0 / 0
Asian or Pacific Islander / 2 / 1 / 3 / 2
Hispanic / 8 / 0 / 1 / 5
White, non-Hispanic / 262 / 49 / 29 / 196
Race/ethnicity unknown / 34 / 6 / 4 / 34
Total Men / 342 / 60 / 45 / 257
WOMEN / Full-time / Part-time / Full-time / Part-time
Non-resident aliens (international) / 0 / 0 / 4 / 5
African American/non-Hispanic / 16 / 3 / 6 / 20
American Indian or Alaskan Native / 5 / 2 / 0 / 2
Asian or Pacific Islander / 5 / 1 / 1 / 2
Hispanic / 7 / 3 / 2 / 9
White, non-Hispanic / 685 / 126 / 118 / 500
Race/ethnicity unknown / 87 / 19 / 12 / 123
Total Women / 805 / 154 / 143 / 661
Total Enrollment / 1147 / 214 / 188 / 918
Source: MoSTEP Annual Report – October 2008