2017Supporting people with cancer
Grant initiative
Application Form
[Name of Applicant]
[Project Title]
Closing Date: 14.00AEDST (Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time)
16 November 2016
One electronic PDF version and one electronic Word version of this application with attachments are to be submitted to email address:
and include
‘CA-ITA-1617-01– Grant application’ as the subject of the email.
Faxed or hardcopy applications will not be accepted.
Information and requirements for applicants
- Before completing this Application Form, it is required that you read theSupporting people with cancerGrantGuidelines 2017.
- The information in this application form is provided as guidance only.
- Applications can be made by organisations. There is no requirement to establish a new legal entity to apply for or receive Grant funding. However, for the purpose of receiving and acquitting funding, where a consortium is involved, a lead organisation must be nominated as the applicant and must be a legal entity.
- Applicants can only apply for one grant.
- Applications for funding are open to organisations with a demonstrated track record of supporting people affected by cancer.
- Organisations that can demonstrate existing or new partnerships (with for example, cancer services, support organisations, universities) are encouraged to apply to strengthen the availability and visibility of consumer information and cancer support networks.One agency must be identified as the lead organisation.
- You do not need to apply for the whole amount of funding if only a portion of that amount is needed (e.g. If you only need $80,000 you do not need to apply for the whole $120,000). Should you apply for less funds you are still required to meet the criteria. Note that there will be no opportunity to increase the amount of the grant once the application has been lodged. You should consider the specified objectives that must be met if the application were to be successful.Funding will not exceed $120,000 per three-year grant and organisations will be required to contribute funding towards the objectives.
- All applicants will use this application form. The extent of information to be supplied by applicants is indicated in this application form.
- Applicants should note that applications are made subject to the Conditions of Application and include:
a)ITA application form
b)Referee reports
c)Budget annexure 1
d)Risk assessment annexure 2.
- Applications which will be considered for funding must:
a)Demonstrate how the proposed project will meet the Grant initiative’s objectives
b)Meet Cancer Australia’s priority target areas by addressing one of the two categories in the box below
c)Meet the appraisal criteria.
Grant of up to $120,000 over 3 years (2017-2020)
Grant initiative’s Aim and Objectives
The Supporting people with cancer (SPWC)Grant initiative aims to reduce the burden of cancer through the provision of grants to community organisations, and encourage effective partnerships between organisations in order to:
1.Improve the coordination, accessibility and development of quality cancer support networks
2.Better support people affected by cancer
3.Focus on local community needs
4.Develop innovative approaches to support options
5.Build community capability and demonstrate an impact at the health system, community and consumer level
6.Initiate visible partnerships and linkages to services, which will foster appropriate referral to information and support
2017 Priority Target Areas
Cancer Australia’s priority target areas for thegrants include Australian populations identified as having poorer cancer outcomes. These include:
1. People whose outcomes are poorer
2. Regional and rural communities
3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
4. Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
5. People who are socioeconomically disadvantaged
2017 Priority Target Areas Framework
The priority target areas have been further strengthened with a framework aligned to Cancer Australia’s Strategic Plan 2014-2019.
Applicants are required to prepare a project proposal against one of the two categories below and must clearly demonstrate how their proposed project will address one or more of the priority target areas.
Category One: Improving outcomes for people whose outcomes are poorer
Improve outcomes for people whose outcomes are poor and demonstrate impact at a health systems level and/orcommunity systems level for:
•People whose outcomes are poorer
•Regional and rural communities.
Category Two: Improving support, information and involvement at a local level
Improve support, consumer involvement and evidence based information at a local level for:
•Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
•Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
•People who are socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Grant applications will be evaluated by an expert Application Assessment Panel through a competitive process.
The panel will use the following appraisal criteria to assess applications:
Item / Grant appraisal criteria / Weighting1 / 1.1Ability to meet the Grant initiative’s objectives.
1.2Organisations working together, in local and/or national partnerships.
(Partnerships may include larger organisations partnering with smaller or non-cancer organisations, for example Aboriginal health services).
1.3Ability to demonstrate benefit and achieve impact. / 10%
2 / The project impact and outcome for the priority target areas in one category:
Category Onewill improve outcomes for people whose outcomes are poor and demonstrate impact at a health systems level and/orcommunity systems level and include people whose outcomes are poorer; or regional and rural communities; Or:
Category Twowill improve support, consumer involvement and evidence based information at a local level and includesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; culturally and linguistically diverse communities; or people who are socioeconomically disadvantaged. / 30%
3 / 3.1Involvement of consumers in the design, development, implementation and promotion of the project.
3.2Involvement of multidisciplinary champions with a proven track record that can develop evidence-based information/support.
3.3Demonstration of sustainable strategies throughout and beyond the project period. / 10%
4 / Innovative/new and uniqueapproaches including:
- Consumer involvement in decision making
- Evidence-based information and support options, and
- Flexible/adaptable supportive care models, which avoid duplication of effort and provide linkages and care coordination.
5 / Ability to co-fund projects that meet the grant objectives.
(Should consortiums apply and contribute funding, a lead organisation must be identified).
(The proposed budget and justification in terms of the requirements of the proposal will be assessed on a value for money basis). / unweighted
- Insurance: Applicants should note that the Australian Government will require grant recipients to acquire/maintain a certain level of Workers’ Compensation, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance. Successful applicants will be required to present the relevant certification before contractual arrangements are entered into. Please see: Item J and Clause 21of the Cancer Australia draft funding agreement for more information.
- Compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding agreement: Please carefully review the terms and conditions in the draft funding agreement (provided in the Invitation to Apply) and confirm in Question 12 of the Application Form whether or not you/your organisation can comply with those requirements and if not, why not. You are advised to seek legal advice to confirm your ability to comply with the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.
- Confidentiality provisions: Please attach a statement to indicate whether any elements of your proposal, which may become part of any subsequent funding agreement, would be regarded as confidential, e.g. commercial in confidence. Please also provide justification for this confidentiality requirement.
- Declaration of any conflict of interest: Please indicate in Question 13 of the Application Form whether you/your organisation has a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest that would exist if you/your organisation received funding under this initiative. If a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists, please attach a statement declaring the conflict.
- Applications must be TYPED using 10+ font size and include page numbers. Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
- This application must be lodged by email.
- This application must comply with maximum word limits where they are indicated. Where there are no word limits identified, box sizes in this application form are indicative only and may be edited, i.e. the information provided by an applicant may take up more/less space. Where no maximum word limits are required you can add as much information as you think is necessary to help in the assessment of your application.
- Applicants must complete the application form. Cancer Australia reserves the right to decline to assess applications which do not meet this requirement.
- Any enquiries about this Grant initiative or the application form must be directed in writing to the Contact Officer at the following email address:
Supporting people with cancer Grant initiative
I verify that I have checked this application and that, to the best of my knowledge, all relevant details are correct at the time of lodgement.
…………………………………………………………. / /2016
(Signature of the principal officer submitting this application)
(and, if applicable)
I verify that I have obtained the agreement of the partners and/or co-applicants to this application and have the authority to submit this proposal on their behalf.
…………………………………………………………. / /2016
(Signature of the principal officer submitting this application)
- Name of applicant:
- Registered name (if applicable):
- Trading name (if applicable):
- ABN:
- Organisation Type (e.g. not-for-profit entity, company limited by guarantee):
- Applicant street address:
- Applicant mailing address (if the same as street address, please indicate ‘As above’):
8. Contact person for this application:
Tel: ( ) Fax: ( )
Email address:
9. Project Sponsor (person with overall business responsibility) (if the same as the contact person for
this application, please indicate ‘As above’):
Tel: ( ) Fax: ( )
Email address:
10. Project Manager (person with overall project responsibility) (if the same as the contact person for this application, please indicate ‘As above’):
Tel: ( ) Fax: ( )
Email address:
11. Partner organisations involved in this application (if applicable):
[Note: Organisations may be, for example, affiliates or partners. The Grant initiative encourages effective partnershipsto strengthen community networks both locally and nationally, to be robust, reliable and sustainable, and to provide quality support to help peoplewith poorer outcomes.[1]]
Organisation Name / Organisation Address / Organisation ABN / OrganisationProject role12. Compliance:
Please review carefully the terms and conditions in the sample funding agreement applicable to the funding stream being sought and confirm whether or not your organisation is compliant with those requirements.
Yes No
13. Conflict of Interest:
Do you/your organisation have a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest that would exist if you/your organisation received funding under this initiative?
Yes No
If a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest exists, please attach a statement declaring the conflict.
14. Summary of Proposal
Taking into account the information provided in the Supporting people with cancer Grant Guidelines 2017—including 5.2 (Appraisal criteria) and 2.2 (What can the funding be used for?)— provide a summary of your proposal e.g.:
- The priority target area and areas of need
- The Category under which your proposal sits
- The existing or new partnership opportunities to extend the range and reach
- The estimated cost and likely timeframe for completion of the project
- the additional consumers who will be supported by the new project
- The new project/resource/linkage to be delivered/ developed and how they will meet local community health need
- New or enhanced information resource and support network to be provided.
(Limit summary to 2 pages)
Please include
1) Priority area
2) Category (choose one)
Category 1
Category 2
3)Project title:
4) Project objectives:
5) Deliverables/resources/output:
6) Summary of outcomes/benefit to the community to be achieved:
7) Demonstrated impact assessment (as per 7.1 Grant Guidelines):
15. Demonstrated Track Record - Provide the evidence of your previous experience and outcomes in this area:
(Limit summary to 1 page)
16. Describe your project - What are you planning to do and how are you going to do it? (max 400 words)
17. Describe how consumers have been engaged in the development of the project proposal and how they will be engaged in the further design, implementation and promotion of the project. (max400 words).
18. Describe how your project builds or strengthens linkages/partnerships within your community and how you will maintain these linkages.(Note: Established or new linkages that facilitate appropriate referral to support networks are critical to the long-term success of the project). (max400 words).
19. Project need - Describe the evidence to support your project (max 300 words).
20. Project sustainability - How will the project and its outcomes be self-sustaining beyond the funding period? (max 300 words)
21.Project methodology - Outline the project governance and project management approach (max 200 words).
22. Project Governance – Please list in the table below information regarding the members of the project steering group (e.g. advisory) and project team (including financial management). Please include relevant experience and technical skills of the members of the team/s.
Project Team
Name / Organisation / Experience and technical skills / Project RoleProject Steering Group (e.g. advisory)
Name / Organisation / Experience and technical skills / Project Role23.Financial management -What controls will there be on spending project money?
Please also complete annexure 1; the Budget template should be used.
24. Provide details of any other organisation/s that has agreed in-principle to contribute either financially or in-kind to the project and any obligations attached to the contribution.
Please also complete the section in Annexure 1.
25. Provide information about other related projects that complement this project.
Organisation / Related project26. Identify key risks including activities that will be undertaken to reduce or remove the identified risks. Please refer to annexure 2 (number 29); the Risk Assessment template should be used.
27/28.Project management - Please indicate what you plan to achieve including project impact, deliverables and quality of outputs and monitoring project outcomes.
Please refer to item 27 table (over page) to complete this question.
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27. Project Objectives, Deliverables, Impact & Outcomes, Timeframe
In the table below please provide us with your project’s objectives, deliverables, impact and outcomes and the proposed timeframe.
What are your objectives for this project? / What do you plan to achieve? (deliverables) / What are your targets and key performance indicators? / How will you know (outcomes and impact) if you have achieved your objectives? / Duration / Completion Date1
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28. Annexure 1 Budget informationBudget Information – Provide a breakdown of the various project items. Please refer to the guidelines when filling out this section.
Please tick the appropriate box below:
I am a GST-registered applicant – figures provided are GST-exclusive. or I am not a GST-registered applicant – figures provided are GST-inclusive.
(a) / (b) / (c) / (d) / (e) / (f) / (g)Cost Item / Brief description of Cost Item / Estimated Cost $ / Funds sought from Cancer Australia $ / Organisational Contributions
$ / Type
(cash/in-kind) / Name of Partner / Applicant
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
$ / $ / $
TOTAL ($) / $ / $ / $
CA-ITA-1617-01 Supporting people with cancer_2017 Grant Application form 1 | Page
29. Annexure 2 Risk Management PlanRISKS
Using the risk rating guide below, provide a comprehensive list of the potential project risks and the strategies for reducing them.
Rate the likelihood of the identified risk occurring with the controls in place.
Ratings are: Almost certain, Likely, Possible, Unlikely or Rare.
Rate the consequence to the project outcomes of the identified risk occurring with the controls in place.
Ratings are: Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, Major or Severe.
Likelihood / Consequences
Insignificant / Minor / Moderate / Major / Severe
Almost Certain / Medium / High / High / Extreme / Extreme
Likely / Medium / Medium / High / High / Extreme
Possible / Low / Medium / Medium / High / Extreme
Unlikely / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / High
Rare / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / Medium
Description or risk / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk rating / Strategies for mitigating risk
Example: Consumer representatives do not support project objectives / Unlikely – Consumers were involved in the development of the application / Moderate – Consumer involvement is needed for this project in order to reach desired audience / Medium / Keep consumer representatives involved at all stages of the project.
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30. Annexure 3 RefereesREFEREE REPORT
Relationship to lead organisation:
Length of time of relationship to lead organisation:
Contact Phone:
Contact Mobile:
Contact Email:
Contact Fax:
Are you available to be contacted for further information?YES / NO
Question 1: Do you consider this organisation capable of delivering its project?
Question 2: Who will benefit from this project?
Question 3: Are you aware of any other networks or organisations which can provide linkages to this project?
Question 4:Are you aware of any other information resources/support networks that may duplicate this project?
Question 5: Are there any additional comments you may wish to make?
31. Annexure 3 RefereesREFEREE REPORT
Relationship to lead organisation:
Length of time of relationship to lead organisation:
Contact Phone:
Contact Mobile:
Contact Email:
Contact Fax:
Are you available to be contacted for further information?YES / NO
Question 1:Do you consider this organisation capable of delivering its project?