Coastal San Luis RCD Board Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2017

UC Co-Op Extension

2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo, CA

12:30 PM

I. Call to Order – President Neil Havlik called the meeting to order at 12:35 PM.

A. Directors Present: Neil Havlik, Linda Chipping, and Cheryl Lenhardt. Director Jean-Pierre Wolff participated by speaker phone.

B. Directors Absent: Rob Rutherford, Dave Alford

C. Staff and Associates Present: Associate Director Ron Munds, Staff Members Jackie Crabb, Hallie Richard, and Della Barrett, and NRCS Representative Margy LIndquist

D. Guests: Jessica Crutchfield

II. Public Comment Period – None

III. Approval of Minutes of July 28, 2017 – On a motion by Linda, seconded by Cheryl, the Minutes of July 28, 2017 were approved. Ayes were Neil, Linda, Cheryl, and Jean-Pierre. Nos: None. Abstentions: None

IV. Financial Report

A.  Ratification of Disbursements of August 15 and Approval of August 25, 2017 Disbursements – Cindy had e-mailed the Check Disbursement List earlier, and Jackie briefly reviewed it with the Board. Jackie explained an addition of two checks to the list. On a motion by Jean-Pierre, seconded by Linda, the August 15 Disbursement List was ratified and the August 25, 2017 List was approved. Ayes: Neil, Linda, Jean-Pierre and Cheryl. Nos: None. Abstentions: None.

B.  7/31/17 Financial Reports and Finance Manager Report – Neil explained that he had not included a discussion of the Subcommittee Report on Financial Statement Format or the Review of the Draft 2017-2018 Budget on the August agenda because the CSL RCD only had the meeting room until 3:00 pm, and there would not be sufficient time for a full discussion. Jackie explained her review and some discrepancies that continue from the June/July change from one accounting system to another, and then back again. Cindy will attend the September board meeting. Cheryl asked for some clarification at next meeting. Neil asked for an aging summary of major projects. Next month the Board will formally adopt the revised budget.

V. Discussion and/or Board Action Items

A. Discussion of Future Grant Opportunities and Board Member Updates– Jackie and Hallie reported on workshops and meetings that staff will be attending. Margy mentioned the carbon planning workshops that are being held, and projects that land owners are applying for. The Board discussed projects the CSL RCD has already worked on. Jean-Pierre mentioned all the information from previous carbon sequestration studies is available from various sources. He will send links to staff and Board members.

B. Future Board Meeting Dates – September 22 at the Co-Op Extension and October 27 at the SLO City/County Library. Both meetings will be at 12:30. Jean-Pierre will not be available September 22 and Cheryl will not be available October 27.

VI. Report Items

A. Conservation Programs Manager Report and Project Manager Report – Hallie discussed the report Jen had e-mailed earlier. She highlighted several items and discussed with Directors. There was substantial discussion about one project. Hallie asked for clarification from the NRCS regarding MILS. Jackie reported on CSL RCD staff changes in the “Dunes Crew”, which occurred after Peter Rowland’s resignation.

B. Natural Resources Conservation Services – Margy reported that much of the NRCS focus now is on watershed protection after the Alamo and Whittier fires.

VII. Meeting Updates

A. CARCD and NACD – Jackie reported she is working on the agenda for the CARCD’s conference in mid-November.

B. ALAB, Edna Valley/Pismo Creek Watershed Group, and RWQCB – Jean-Pierre reported: No ALAB meeting. Regarding the Edna Valley/Pismo Creek, he updated on progress and the potential costs/charges of recycled water, as well as the fact that the aquifer exemption application decision is close. Regarding the RWQCB, there will be a “listening session” for Ag Order IV.

C. WRAC – Linda reported the next meeting will be in September, after the usual summer hiatus.

D. Zone 9, LAFCO, and CSDA – No report

IX. Other Business – Neil brought up the possible change in the location of the new Morro Bay sewer plant, and the board discussed. Also discussed was the illegal dumping of household items on Turri Road.

X . Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Della Barrett, Board Secretary