Town of Windsor Locks
Youth Services Bureau Advisory Board
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Members Present: Tracy Rasmussen, Missy Pascarelli, Robyn O’Brien, Paul Kindall, Wende Cooper, David Wrabel, Gabrielle Sobilo, Abby Piotrowicz, Director Sarah Maffiolini
Members Absent: Charlotte Wiggett, Jayson Wiggett, Robyn O’Brien, Collin O’Brien, Kelly Hernandez, Sergeant Sebastian Garofalo.
Meeting Called to Order:Missy Pascarelli called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.
The November 2014 minutes were reviewed.
Motion to pass November Minutes:
David WrabelSeconded by Missy Pascarelli
Motion passed unanimously
Old Business:
- Action Plan – Ms. Hernandez was absent from the meeting to make report.
- Family Bingo Night – Sarah Maffiolini reported that 103 people attended the November event. They collected toys for social services “Project Elf” toy drive and food pantry.
- Adventure Bound – Sarah Maffiolini reported that new members will be meeting with Sarah during school to make sure everyone will be attending the 12/22/14 meeting. Sarah will report next month on attendance.
- Library & YSB Programs – Gabrielle Sobilo reported the library and YSB will be presenting the“North Pole Hotline” and hosting an “Elf” Teen Movie Night at the library this week.
New Business:
- Connecting Cops and Kids Program – Sarah Maffiolini has the “Play by the Rules” curriculum that middle school youth will be using. A meeting with the Police Captain is necessary to move forward. The program is expected to being February 2015 for 8 weekly sessions.
- CASAC & YSB – Wende Cooper reported that she will be presenting two training for the Youth Leadership Council (QPR suicide prevention in January, tobacco prevention in February).
- Internship – Sarah Maffiolini reported that she has three interviews for interns for the Spring 2015 semester.
- Kick Butts Day Grant Application – Sarah Maffiolini reported the Youth Leadership Council will apply for a mini grant to help pay for costs associated with Kick Butts Day poster contest at the high school in March.
- YSB Director is working with Finance Department to bring all accounts current.
Other Concerns:
- The YSB Advisory Board Recording Secretary position needs to be filled.
- Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 3:30. The next meeting is Tuesday, January 20, 2015.
Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:16 p.m. was Missy Pascarelli and seconded by Tracy Rasmussen. Motion passed.
Submitted by Sarah Maffiolini,
Youth Services Director