Town of Windsor Locks

Youth Services Bureau Advisory Board

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Members Present: Tracy Rasmussen, Missy Pascarelli, Robyn O’Brien, Paul Kindall, Wende Cooper, David Wrabel, Gabrielle Sobilo, Abby Piotrowicz, Director Sarah Maffiolini

Members Absent: Charlotte Wiggett, Jayson Wiggett, Robyn O’Brien, Collin O’Brien, Kelly Hernandez, Sergeant Sebastian Garofalo.

Meeting Called to Order:Missy Pascarelli called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.

The November 2014 minutes were reviewed.

Motion to pass November Minutes:

David WrabelSeconded by Missy Pascarelli

Motion passed unanimously

Old Business:

  1. Action Plan – Ms. Hernandez was absent from the meeting to make report.
  2. Family Bingo Night – Sarah Maffiolini reported that 103 people attended the November event. They collected toys for social services “Project Elf” toy drive and food pantry.
  3. Adventure Bound – Sarah Maffiolini reported that new members will be meeting with Sarah during school to make sure everyone will be attending the 12/22/14 meeting. Sarah will report next month on attendance.
  4. Library & YSB Programs – Gabrielle Sobilo reported the library and YSB will be presenting the“North Pole Hotline” and hosting an “Elf” Teen Movie Night at the library this week.

New Business:

  1. Connecting Cops and Kids Program – Sarah Maffiolini has the “Play by the Rules” curriculum that middle school youth will be using. A meeting with the Police Captain is necessary to move forward. The program is expected to being February 2015 for 8 weekly sessions.
  2. CASAC & YSB – Wende Cooper reported that she will be presenting two training for the Youth Leadership Council (QPR suicide prevention in January, tobacco prevention in February).
  3. Internship – Sarah Maffiolini reported that she has three interviews for interns for the Spring 2015 semester.
  4. Kick Butts Day Grant Application – Sarah Maffiolini reported the Youth Leadership Council will apply for a mini grant to help pay for costs associated with Kick Butts Day poster contest at the high school in March.


  1. YSB Director is working with Finance Department to bring all accounts current.

Other Concerns:

  1. The YSB Advisory Board Recording Secretary position needs to be filled.
  2. Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of every month at 3:30. The next meeting is Tuesday, January 20, 2015.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:16 p.m. was Missy Pascarelli and seconded by Tracy Rasmussen. Motion passed.

Submitted by Sarah Maffiolini,

Youth Services Director