The Northeastern Regional Training and Medical Consultation Consortium presents:
TB Field Investigation
October 10-11, 2006
8:00am–4:00 pm
225 Warren Street
Newark, NJ
This is an interactive course that covers the basic skills required for conducting field investigations in the prevention and control of tuberculosis. The format includes lectures, group discussions and exercises, and role playing.
Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:
- List the guiding principles of field investigation
- Identify methods for interacting with individuals in the field
- Apply proper techniques for complete documentation of information
- Explain the potential use and misuse of telephone and written communication
- Organize work activities to efficiently prepare for field investigation
- Utilize safety practices when working in the field
- Recognize the importance of effective communication skills
- Describe the attributes of a culturally competent health care worker
- Enrollment is limited to 20 healthcare workers
- Participants must conduct TB field investigations as part of their job responsibilities
- Participants must read the CDC Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis
- Participants must complete and return a pre-course assessment
NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute
Rajita Bhavaraju, MPHValerie Gunn
June HareMark Wolman
CharlesP.FeltonNationalTuberculosisCenter at HarlemHospital
Bill Bower
New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services
Al Cortes
Due to limited class size, all applicants should complete an application form which will ensure that course is appropriate for attendees.
Please complete the application, including payment information, and return to NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute.
Submission of application is not a guarantee of registration; receipt of confirmation letter and pre-course assessment guarantees registration. Payment must accompany application form to ensure processing.
UMDNJ-Center for Continuing and Outreach Education certifies that this continuing education activity meets the criteria for up to 1.125Continuing Education Units (CEUs), as defined by the National Task Force on the Continuing Education Unit, provided the activity is completed as designed. One CEU is awarded for 10 contact hours of instruction.
For additional information about the course, please contact Anita Khilall at (973) 972-9102 or
TB Field Investigation
Application Form
October 10-11, 2006
Newark, NJ
Background InformationName: / Degree(s) used after name:
Job Title: / Department:
Organization: / Preferred Mailing Address: Home Work
Mailing Address / Other Contact Information
Address 1: / Work Phone: Ext.
Address 2: / Work Fax:
City: State: / Alternate Phone:
Zip Code: / Email Address:
Job History and Responsibilities
Length of time in current position: / Years of experience in TB program:
Please check the item that most closely describes your organization / workplace.
State or territorial TB control program
Local (city or county) TB control program
Federal agency
University / educational institution / school
Managed care organization
HIV / AIDS service organization
Correctional Facility
Non-profit / non-governmental organization
Other ______
You must conduct field investigations in order to attend this course.
Field investigationis the process of locating individuals (suspects, cases, contacts, high-risk reactors, class A/B aliens) in areas outside of the clinical setting or health department to inform them of their need for medical evaluation and/or treatment or return them to medical supervision.
Do you currently conduct TB field investigations? Yes No
Please check the reasons for which you conduct field investigations as part of your routine job responsibilities.
(Check all that apply.)
Follow-up for test result(s) and medical evaluation
Non-adherence to medical recommendations
Interviewing for contact investigation
Informing and referring individuals for medical evaluation
Please describe any other experience you have had in conducting other health-related investigations.
Needs and Expectations for Course
What specific knowledge and skills do you hope to learn at this course?Please specify any special accommodations you may need to attend this course.
How did you learn about this course?
Payment Method (Please check one method)
Course Fee: $50.00Please make payable to: NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute
Check or Money Order
Purchase Order / Check #:
Money Order #:
Purchase Order #:
Payment (check, money order, or PO) must accompany application form.
Return this application with payment to:
Arlene Robinson
NJMS Global Tuberculosis Institute
P.O. Box 1709
225 Warren Street, 1st Fl., West Wing
Newark, NJ07101-1709
Phone: (973) 972-9101