North Town Primary School

A guide to the curriculum for Parents/Carers of children in Year 4

Second half of Autumn Term 2017

A World of Sound / We are continuing in Year 4 with the topic of ‘A World of Sound.’ This is a science themed term, so we will linking this closely to the science behind sound.
English / We will be writing non-chronological reports on a chosen type of music, linking with different cultures and countries from around the world. We will move on to find out about the importance of National Anthems to people and finish with some poetry before Christmas.
Our guided reading sessions will focus on a mix of phonics, fiction, non-fiction and poetry; we will be exploring the work of a range of authors.
In 4CF and 4JW we will continue to visit the school library. Both classes will visit the library on a Monday.
Spelling sessions will continue to be taught regularly; the children will receive their spelling focus every Monday. The spelling rules will be taught and explored throughout the week and the children might be tested on a set of words the following Monday.
Mathematics / In mathematics we will begin the half term exploring formal methods of addition and subtraction, solving problems using these skills. We will then move on to time and finish with geometry.
The Times Table Challenge will take place on a Friday – please support your child in practicing their times tables at home to keep progressing through the challenges.
Science / This half term we will be focusing on sound to link with our topic focus. We will be exploring how sound is made, how we hear it, pitch and volume.
The Arts / This term will have a colour focus. The children will explore how to mix primary and secondary colours, and how to achieve tints and shades by adding white and black. They will work with different thicknesses of paint. We will discuss artists who use different approaches to colour.
/ The children will begin by exploring coding and doing research to link in with our topic of ‘A World of Sound’ in science. We will be revisiting how to stay safe when using the internet and other technological outlets.
Spanish / We will be looking at linking our topic into learning Spanish to talk about their hobbies (including music), numbers and time as well as animals.
We have access for the whole School to use Languagenut online. Other websites to look at are BBC Primary Languages and and there are many free apps now.
Physical Education / This half term the focus in Physical Education sessions will be physical skills and social skills. The children will have the opportunity to apply their skills through co-operative and competitive games. The children will be working on developing social skills such as peer coaching and feedback, negotiating and collaborating.
Physically, the two main areas for our fundamental movement skills development will be dynamic balance to agility (FUNS card 6) and static balance: seated balance (FUNS card 2).
PSHE & C / We will continue this half term by looking at ‘Being me in my World’ specifically helping others to feel welcome, trying to make our school community a better place, thinking about everyone’s right to learn, caring about other people’s feelings and learning to work well with others.
RE / This unit continues to explore Christian beliefs about God and Jesus (including his teaching, friends, family and community) and how they relate to aspects of individual, family and community life.
Children’s Rights
/ This half term the children will be learning about the following rights through our topic sessions:
Article 13 Freedom of Expression – Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive information.
Article 17 Access to information from the mass media – The media should provide information that children can understand.
Article 29 Goals of Education – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Homework / Homework will be sent home shortly outlining the tasks that the children could complete to fit in with our topic this half term. We would like all homework in school by Monday 18th December. We look forward to seeing your creations!
Other information / INSET – Monday 30th October
Parent Share – Thursday 14th December 2:50pm
MUFTI – Monday 6th November
Parents Evening 4JW – Tuesday 31st October and Thursday 9th November
Parents Evening 4CF – Wednesday 22nd November and Thursday 9th November
Open Morning – Wednesday 8th November
Archie Scarecrow Day – Tuesday 14th November
Magdalen Residential Trip
-  Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th November for 4CF
-  Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th November for 4JW
MUFTI – Monday 4th December
Christmas Party in class – Monday 18th December
Christmas Lunch – Tuesday 19th December
House Treat – Wednesday 20th December
KS2 Service (last day of term), Toy Day – Thursday 21st December at St James’ Church
INSET – Monday 8th January
/ You can keep up to date with all our learning by following us on Twitter @NorthTown4CF and @NorthTown4JW

We look forward to building a productive partnership with you and thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions please pop in to see us.

Many thanks

Mrs Weston & Miss Foote (Class teachers) and Mrs Friend, Mrs Duke & Mrs Court (Year 4 Learning Support Assistants)